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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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I feel like this may not be the big coaster we all want, I think since they realized that their Tempesto idea wasn't the best, that they wanted to go all out even on something that might not be as big as we're hoping.(Mack Spinner) But who knows, maybe they'll surprise us!

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Maybe their 2017 project is an RMC coaster?! I know it's a strech, but it's a possibility. It's something the park doesn't have, and RMC seems to be the hot new thing right now.

Edited by DoinItForTheFame
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Hmm--I wonder if there's any significance to showing the "2012" plans on the table. Valuable clue or red herring?


What could those even be possible clues too? Im stumped.


We need Lt. Columbo to solve this mystery.


"Was somebody murdered? No? Sorry--can't help you here."

Edited by cfc
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I always forget they have Tempesto. Was the 'caution, extreme drop ahead' sign a relevant clue to anything? Could point to something big.


Didnt even notice that sign. Do they have a height restriction at BGW? Giga maybe?

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I always forget they have Tempesto. Was the 'caution, extreme drop ahead' sign a relevant clue to anything? Could point to something big.


Didnt even notice that sign. Do they have a height restriction at BGW? Giga maybe?


There will never be a Giga at BGW.

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I always forget they have Tempesto. Was the 'caution, extreme drop ahead' sign a relevant clue to anything? Could point to something big.


I was thinking the same thing. The sign was a little to obviously placed for it not to be a clue. Plus they have mentioned a big drop a couple of times now. . .

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I always forget they have Tempesto. Was the 'caution, extreme drop ahead' sign a relevant clue to anything? Could point to something big.


Didnt even notice that sign. Do they have a height restriction at BGW? Giga maybe?


Extreme does not necessarily = big. Could be a beyond vertical drop.

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Hopefully I'm wrong, but a dark ride or spinner/family coaster with a lot of theming thrown at it is what I'm expecting. Glad they're taking care of the announcement now, rather than dragging it out over the summer.


Would love to be wrong, though.

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I always forget they have Tempesto. Was the 'caution, extreme drop ahead' sign a relevant clue to anything? Could point to something big.


I was thinking the same thing. The sign was a little to obviously placed for it not to be a clue. Plus they have mentioned a big drop a couple of times now. . .



B&M Dive Coaster?

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I always forget they have Tempesto. Was the 'caution, extreme drop ahead' sign a relevant clue to anything? Could point to something big.


I was thinking the same thing. The sign was a little to obviously placed for it not to be a clue. Plus they have mentioned a big drop a couple of times now. . .



B&M Dive Coaster?



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I always forget they have Tempesto. Was the 'caution, extreme drop ahead' sign a relevant clue to anything? Could point to something big.


I was thinking the same thing. The sign was a little to obviously placed for it not to be a clue. Plus they have mentioned a big drop a couple of times now. . .



B&M Dive Coaster?


Hopefully they'll put it right next to Griffon.


edit: Damn, beat me to it. ^

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I always forget they have Tempesto. Was the 'caution, extreme drop ahead' sign a relevant clue to anything? Could point to something big.


I was thinking the same thing. The sign was a little to obviously placed for it not to be a clue. Plus they have mentioned a big drop a couple of times now. . .



B&M Dive Coaster?




I forgot all about Griffon But if they're putting something in with an extreme drop, maybe a eurofighter? Intamin Zacspin? B&m Winged? Maybe something by Mack? (Other than a spinner!)

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Hopefully I'm wrong, but a dark ride or spinner/family coaster with a lot of theming thrown at it is what I'm expecting. Glad they're taking care of the announcement now, rather than dragging it out over the summer.


Would love to be wrong, though.


I'd love to see a new dark ride at BGW. Let's have a shooter themed to wendigos!


...if they ever got over their beef with Intamin.


They definitely have a beef with Moser.

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I think the caution sign is a clue...and also the 2012 plans... I would love to see this park get a large coaster. Verbolten opened in 2012, which I know isn't considered to be a large coaster, but still. I'm hopeful! Hopefully its something really really big in size since they're making a big deal about the announcement, and like other people said, so early!

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