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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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^^The RMC rumor has been around since Thunder Run began it's refurb which was done by RMC. At the time I believe they were spotted looking over TT's structure and thus a rumor was born.


And yes it would be all steel, which if there was any type of "six flags exclusivity" that could be a potential loophole. Technically it wouldn't be a hybrid coaster at that point.

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Now there's a funny thought. No chance of any "hybrid" records because steel supports + steel track = not a hybrid. But there's no governing body determining what is or is not a hybrid coaster, like there is for chocolate or scotch, so I would bet just the fact that the supports are "wooden-style" would be enough for them to call it a hybrid. My impression was if SF had an exclusivity deal it would be on the style of track and the process, meaning no loop hole, but I thought it was kind of looking like that was never really true to begin with anyway.

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Is there any hard evidence RMC is doing anything with TT? It's still just wishful thinking at this point, right?


Im very excited that the structure is steel. It'll mean less odd-ball supporting and *hopefully* a much cleaner look.


I'm pretty sure you just pulled this out of your tookus. Am I wrong? With a new layout and stronger forces, of course they'd need to add onto the structure. The ride was built with the current layout in mind.


I believe you misinterpreted me. Steel is a stronger than wood (duh). When (and they will) add onto the structure, it should not have to be as extensive as wooden supports.

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^I'm just wondering if that's actually true. I figured steel support beams in this case, being assembled in a manor similar to wood, would behave similarly to the way wood behaves, just with the added benefit of being more durable. I doubt, regardless of the material involved, that you can do what RMC does without ending up with something that looks at least a little bit like a clusterf*ck. I guess we'd just have to wait and see.

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I agree with you 100% I think we are on the same page here. Most people have no idea what it has taken to bring this ride back. Some pics of the folks hard at work on what they are doing to it on social media would be awesome. "Here we are installing state of the art magnetic brakes on T3. Be ready to ride soon!" It would keep things in a positive light, build some hype, cut out the wild speculation and keep them from having to constantly answer "when is T3 going to be open." I absolutely believe it is something minor. Most people just don't get that with something as complex as a roller coaster that something minor can take a bit of time to make right. Then you have the folks on that other thread on that other forum making it out to be that the park doesn't have the money to open the ride...people always assume the worst.


I don't think the general public cares nearly as much as you do. A lot of facebook inquiries? You're still only getting a small fraction of the visiting population. How about we just leave it up to their PR team?


I was unaware that this area of the park had lowered the height restriction over the years. It just seems like 80 feet is a pretty big (ironically) crutch for the ride. How about instead of doing two lifts, like Twisted Colossus, they demolish the second lift for a launch with low-to-the ground elements and short ejector airtime hills?


You do realize all of this costs money, right?


Is there any hard evidence RMC is doing anything with TT? It's still just wishful thinking at this point, right?

The Dip-N-Dots guy confirmed it.......

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^ I thought smaller regional parks had an endless supply of money?


Sarcasm aside, the park has been dropping loads of money these past two seasons and I suspect the TT refurbishment will be costly as well. 2017 and maybe 2018 will likely have no new large attractions with the additions being limited to offseason improvements.

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Construction is underway at TT. A small crane is now located in the recently cleared south side of TT. Also, numerous sections of track stack have been cut out and laid aside. either KK is rebuilding the wooden track stack from the structure up, or this is an RMC I-Box renovation. I'm leaning toward the latter of the two. I would expect a teaser sometime soon.


Get excited, folks.



Crane on site. South Side of Twisted Twins


Construction Trailer at Twisted Twins


Track Stack Photo 1


Track Stack Photo 2

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Didn't Alan Schilke say RMC had three projects slated for 2016?

-Wildfire (planned for 2016 at the time)

-Dollywood (heavily rumored)

-SFDK or La Ronde (rumored)

...and now (porentially) Kentucky Kingdom


Unless that number changed, which would seem unlikely, as these projects are much more than one year from initial concepts to media day, something is off.

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Didn't Alan Schilke say RMC had three projects slated for 2016?

-Wildfire (planned for 2016 at the time)

-Dollywood (heavily rumored)

-SFDK or La Ronde (rumored)

...and now (porentially) Kentucky Kingdom


Unless that number changed, which would seem unlikely, as these projects are much more than one year from initial concepts to media day, something is off.


Since when has SFDK and LaRode been rumoured? I mainly heard SFSTL.

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Didn't Alan Schilke say RMC had three projects slated for 2016?

-Wildfire (planned for 2016 at the time)

-Dollywood (heavily rumored)

-SFDK or La Ronde (rumored)

...and now (porentially) Kentucky Kingdom


Unless that number changed, which would seem unlikely, as these projects are much more than one year from initial concepts to media day, something is off.


Wildfire has been pushed back to 2017

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^check the last two pages of each respective thread. Almost every post has been on this topic.

The SFStL RMC rumors are baseless and essentially put to rest as the park president stated I-Box for Boss is not happening.


Yeah your right, those rumours kinda just sprang up though, but it sounds like LaRonde is more likely... I'm fine with what they do next year to whatever parks as long as KK is one of those parks

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So what are you guys thinking now? There is some pretty good evidence for Dollywood, wildfire was planned for 2016, and SFDK and La Ronde have evidence suggesting RMC. KK seems to be the least likely to get RMC. I think we do know that TT s layout will be changed drastically one way or another, why else would construction start this early?

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^As I said, when Alan Schilke said three are planned (might've been IAApA 2014), Wildfire was planned for 2016. Seeing as reopening Twisted Twins in 2016 was announced even before then, one of the projects I listed as possible cannot be.


Projects reschedule, there's still 3 projects for 2016, and none of them are Wildfire (or La Ronde)

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La Ronde's not happening. The only "evidence" is a brand new user claiming to have seen things but never actually took a picture of them.


In the SF chain, either SFDK or SFA will get Roar Iron-horsed, but not both. Outside the chain, Dollywood will get their launched wooden coaster and KK will get Twisted Twins Iron-horsed.


These are just rumors at this point, but those are the biggest ones going around that make the most sense.

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