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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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Chang has always been too much coaster for that park, it would really be useful at Great America, they have the crowds to justify it a little better.


Am I alone to wonder if it would work better at SFoT or Great Adventure instead? I too wonder what could become of Iron Wolf.


Removing Chang does a lot of neat things for Kentucky Kingdom:

• It frees a huge area to expand the waterpark and even create a Second Gate

• The new Space allows for more Picnic Pavilions to be built

• It makes the future of T2 as the only standing coaster in the area less secure, which is fine because it's Crap.

• Removing it frees a lot of maintenance funds (those B&M's are incredibly expensive to maintain)

• The park becomes more of a manageable size for it's lower attendance

• It eliminates one less family-friendly ride, so they can compete better with Holiday World.


Personally, I like the idea of Chang being removed. I don't know if it will happen, but Screamscape is usually about 90% right, or at least on the right track.

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Well, if Chang IS removed (which I highly doubt it will be), I can't see myself ever again renewing my season pass. It is the park's signature coaster, and is a major draw for thrill-seekers in the area.


And John, were you serious about B&M's being expensive to maintain? (Just wondering... )

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Chang has always been too much coaster for that park, it would really be useful at Great America, they have the crowds to justify it a little better.


Am I alone to wonder if it would work better at SFoT or Great Adventure instead? I too wonder what could become of Iron Wolf.


Removing Chang does a lot of neat things for Kentucky Kingdom:

• It frees a huge area to expand the waterpark and even create a Second Gate

• The new Space allows for more Picnic Pavilions to be built

• It makes the future of T2 as the only standing coaster in the area less secure, which is fine because it's Crap.

• Removing it frees a lot of maintenance funds (those B&M's are incredibly expensive to maintain)

• The park becomes more of a manageable size for it's lower attendance

• It eliminates one less family-friendly ride, so they can compete better with Holiday World.


Personally, I like the idea of Chang being removed. I don't know if it will happen, but Screamscape is usually about 90% right, or at least on the right track.


-As I said before, they have tons of empty space in Northwest Territory to expand the water park.

-Do they need more picnic pavillions? You just said SFKK is a small park with low attendance, so why would they build more picnic pavillions?

-So you want them to remove Chang because that makes it more likely for ANOTHER coaster to be removed?

-If you say so...

-1 coaster isn't going to make the park much more managable. If anything, it's going to make the attendance even lower.

-REMOVING A PARK'S SIGNATURE COASTER DOES NOT MAKE IT FAMILY FRIENDLY!!! Remember, there is more to a family than the little kids. Families are looking for things they can do together, and that includes having the teens entertained for the day. If there is nothing for the teens to do, it makes the park less family friendly. Contrary to Shapiro's opinions, building 4 kids areas DOES NOT make a park family friendly.


I'm sorry, but that was an incredibly dumb post.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ The only way moving Chang to SF Great America makes scene is if this happens


1. Chang becomes another Bizzaro and gets floorless trains


2. Chang's trains go on Iron Wolf, which desperately needs the right trains.


Outside of that, there is no reason for it to come to Great America as another stand-up.


This does suck for SF Kentucky Kingdom. You have to wonder how much time is left for the amusement part of the park?

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Personally, I think just the fact that you can get a 2010 SFKK Play Pass for $29.99 (granted, that's just for a Play Pass which doesn't include Free Friend Tickets, Value Book or in-park discounts) speakes volumes. I mean, that's 40% cheeper than the next lowest price SF is offering a Season Pass/Play Pass for at any other park... most of the rest of the chain is offering $49.99 Play Passes... (usually about $10-$15 more for a Season Pass, which is the same thing, just includes Free Friend Tickets, Value Book and in-park discounts).

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I'm not sure you can just stick floorless trains on a stand up coaster. The heartline of riders, weight of the trains, etc. would all be drastically different... It seems possible, but I have my doubts.


Seems quite interesting. Is this going to be a trend at all the parks (ride rotation coming back?) or does this speak volumes about the direction Kentucky Kingdom alone is heading? Are they being Geauga Lake'd or Astroworld'd?

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Dominator is similar in size, if not bigger and they moved it. Although, Chang would be one of the bigger coasters ever moved if it's true.


Honestly, the water park was just about the main draw to SFKK so this could be a smart move for them. Six Flags had highly considered relocating the entire park back in 2000, so I think they've always disliked the location, but maybe making it a water park would work. Plus, people at another SF get a large "new" B&M at a low cost to SF. Chang would probably cost $15-$16 million today, but much lower to move it. Who knows if they couldn't even try converting it to a floorless coaster?


Also, Chang is designed to run three trains, but they only bought two for it. It could also have an additional car on each train if needed, so it could be a pretty high capacity ride if they wanted. The only problem is it seems to take a while to load the stand-ups. I don't think Mantis has three trains anymore.

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Well Bizarro at SfGadv has three trains and you will never see a train on the Mid course and on the lift. There usuallly is some stacking but that's because of the floor. Stand-Ups take long to load because every seat seat has to be fitted to that person. So 3 trains on Chang would be a nightmare. If Change is to move we can all agree what the name and theme will be at GrAmBizarre? Lol. I can't wait to see what happens to T2.

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Dominator is similar in size, if not bigger and they moved it. Although, Chang would be one of the bigger coasters ever moved if it's true.


Honestly, the water park was just about the main draw to SFKK so this could be a smart move for them. Six Flags had highly considered relocating the entire park back in 2000, so I think they've always disliked the location, but maybe making it a water park would work. Plus, people at another SF get a large "new" B&M at a low cost to SF. Chang would probably cost $15-$16 million today, but much lower to move it. Who knows if they couldn't even try converting it to a floorless coaster?


Also, Chang is designed to run three trains, but they only bought two for it. It could also have an additional car on each train if needed, so it could be a pretty high capacity ride if they wanted. The only problem is it seems to take a while to load the stand-ups. I don't think Mantis has three trains anymore.


Like I pointed out in the SFGRAM thread it makes no sense whatsoever to move a coaster that is similar in vehicle type to a park that already has such a ride because there's simply no marketing value to the ride since guests will see it & say "ohh it's just another standup coaster didn't we already have one of those for years?".If so it's just SFI's way of following in CF's footsteps & ruining a park that they never had any intentions of keeping & another issue comes to mind:SFI is currently in bankruptcy proceedings & they cannot redistribute any of their assets(ie move rides from one park to another) until the bankruptcy matter is resolved in court.


CF could do this in the case of GL,or even SFI in the case of AW as there were no bankruptcy proceedings in place when either of those parks were closed.

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still its a DARN GOOD coaster. if they remove Chang, then there would be a large drop in midway tickets bought for the state fair, keep in mind that KK was built as a midway for the fair, SF just expanded the park. If the park turns all water park, which they would have run by the fair board, then the park would be closed during the fair, eliminating over 60% of the rides for the State Fair. Which means a large drop of ride tickets beining sold which means less money incoming. i honestly don't see the fair board approving the removal of the biggest draw to the midway of the fair.

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