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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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  Midgetman82 said:
Park opens April 30th, so they still have two months and two weeks from now. None of the other RMC's are done being built yet either (Joker getting a much later start), so they still have time.

man I didn't realize how soon it will be open lol.

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If you look at the photos. they pretty much have almost all the bents in place ready to go minus a few spots. They've also installed the anti-rollback on lift as well as the lift motor. It's not like "nothing" has been going on. From the looks of it, they're still waiting on the rest of the track to show up.


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This coaster is going to be vicious. I remember that Alan Schilke said once that he likes working with the more compact layouts better, and it really shows. The out-and-back designs of RMC are still more amazing than most coasters, but the compact ones are almost like a step up (and not a step up under flip ).


It's like the smaller coasters can fit more intensity and "in your face" elements in their layouts. There's no meandering segments or meandering curves. This coaster may be a dark horse for best new coaster of the year. It will be hard to beat out Lightning Rod though.

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