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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Interesting year so far. Of the major coasters announced most of them are less common then we have seen in the past. No Vekoma, Intamin, and RMC yet. But 3 S&S, a premier and one B&M dive. Am i missing any ?


Universal is building an Intamin, no?


And the two Gerstlauers (Takabisha clone and a spinning coaster) at Nickelodeon Universe Theme Park.

Edited by JordyC
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^Keep in mind that making the track is just one part of 'making the thing,' as RMC does not make the supports, trains, mechanics, operating system, nor do they design or construct any other aspect of the ride (to my knowledge at least).


Yes I know you're mostly just giving me grief (which I don't have a problem with) but it's still worth noting that RMC's role isn't quite as big in these rides as some people make it out to be.

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Really interesting! S&S's newer big coasters have a unique personality of elements and crazy support structures, but it seems like few enthusiasts have had the chance to ride them. I hope this turns out to be a lot of fun.

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This park pushes me away by having long lines among some other problems, to the point where I was looking at the pass options for 2019 and considering looking elsewhere (spoiler CP) for my coaster fix....


Then they pull this out of their ass


Well played SFGAm... Well played...


**Signs up for membership **


Also, if you are coming to Chicago and only looking for pizza, you are missing out on a very underrated culinary city


P.S. Giardano's sucks donkey

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This park pushes me away by having long lines among some other problems, to the point where I was looking at the pass options for 2019 and considering looking elsewhere (spoiler CP) for my coaster fix....


Then they pull this out of their A$$


Well played SFGAm... Well played...


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Also, if you are coming to Chicago and only looking for pizza, you are missing out on a very underrated culinary city


P.S. Giardano's sucks donkey

if you're looking to avoid long lines Cedar Point is definitely not the place to go.

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I don't know about you, but I'm sold.


This looks like S&S's take on a Full Throttle -type ride without the midcourse launch, but a stronger initial launch. I wasn't thrilled with SFGAm's coaster collection this summer, but I think this will be a good one. Maybe best in the park.

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This park pushes me away by having long lines among some other problems, to the point where I was looking at the pass options for 2019 and considering looking elsewhere (spoiler CP) for my coaster fix....


Then they pull this out of their A$$


Well played SFGAm... Well played...


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Also, if you are coming to Chicago and only looking for pizza, you are missing out on a very underrated culinary city


P.S. Giardano's sucks donkey

if you're looking to avoid long lines Cedar Point is definitely not the place to go.


When you live an hour away from a park and can basically go whenever you want, you go on days where it's not crowded... Unfortunately those days are few and far between at SFGAm over the past few seasons....

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This park pushes me away by having long lines among some other problems, to the point where I was looking at the pass options for 2019 and considering looking elsewhere (spoiler CP) for my coaster fix....


Then they pull this out of their A$$


Well played SFGAm... Well played...


**Signs up for membership **


Also, if you are coming to Chicago and only looking for pizza, you are missing out on a very underrated culinary city


P.S. Giardano's sucks donkey

if you're looking to avoid long lines Cedar Point is definitely not the place to go.


When you live an hour away from a park and can basically go whenever you want, you go on days where it's not crowded... Unfortunately those days are few and far between at SFGAm over the past few seasons....

I must have gotten *ridiculously lucky* my one visit this season. I went on a day that was forecasted thunderstorms for like a whole week before the actual date, and when I got there, there was only a little bit of rain, nearly everything I wanted was open, and the park was dead! Mind you this was late July! I'm probably coming back next year (especially now with Maxx Force ) but unless I'm literally the god of luck I doubt I'll ever see anything like that again at this park. That one visit though was awesome

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I wasn't thrilled with SFGAm's coaster collection this summer, but I think this will be a good one.

I feel like Great America has a pretty solid line-up of "Totally non-offensive, but rides you wouldn't go out of your way for." Such as:


Raging Bull





Vertical Velocity

Superman: Ultimate Flight



American Eagle



Like these are all really GOOD to GREAT coasters. They don't hurt you or make you angry at the world in any way at all... But at the same time... I'm not sure there is a single one on that list that I would make a trip for. And it's sort of too bad because, when I'm at the park, I enjoy every single one of those rides. But none of them are "Stand Out" attractions.


Hopefully this new coaster will shake that up a little bit.

Edited by robbalvey
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That's pretty close to how I felt, though I might not even put American Eagle on that list. It was a park with plenty of nice B-level coasters, which at some parks would be okay, but with SFGAm's size and history it needed something more.

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That's pretty close to how I felt, though I might not even put American Eagle on that list. It was a park with plenty of nice B-level coasters, which at some parks would be okay, but with SFGAm's size and history it needed something more.

It's been a few years since we last visited the park and American Eagle is probably at the very bottom of that list for me, but is was running "okay" and still pretty non-offensive. I've ridden it when it can be offensive, though, so that's why it would be at the bottom.... hanging on by a lizard or something...


Honestly, them getting rid of Iron Wolf only IMPROVED their overall collection of "Somewhat pretty good" rides!

Edited by robbalvey
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I mean, it has Wrigley Field and an awesome aquarium so I'm all about it. Your pizza sucks though.




Chicago Deep Dish > life itself. Honestly the main reason I'm thinking about visiting this park again next year, get myself some Lou Malnati's and maybe ride Maxx Force or whatever. Edit - I know the locals are all about the thin crust, but that's what I go to New York for.. so I get deep dish in Chicago. It hasn't failed me yet. Even Giordano's and Uno's are really good. Pequads is next on the list to try though, keep hearing great things.

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Maxx looks amazing, clearly the work of those behind the Curtain. Maybe they haven't decided if they want to call it a Vekoma or S&S (a Steelers themed coaster had to be S&S). The high speed roll is the lowly corkscrew finally getting its due, rather than being stuck towards the end when there isn't enough energy to do much else interesting.

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The high speed roll is the lowly corkscrew finally getting its due, rather than being stuck towards the end when there isn't enough energy to do much else interesting.


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