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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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I hope there are no serious problems with the lift or the arch....worst case: the whole structure (lift and arch) doesn`t fit and they have to fabricate new pieces which would mean the ride opens late August


What the hell are you talking about? You obviously don't know how construction works, there's much more going on than you think. Stop assuming irrational, stupid things and just trust the workers to build the coaster.


No need to be so rude. Just shared some thoughts.

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I see the picture and the live webcam and what I'm saying is that it looks exactly the same to me as it did yesterday. That's why I was asking what I was missing. I'm not saying you're wrong but looking at the pictures I'm still wondering what I'm supposed to be looking for that was there yesterday but isn't today.


Also, did you really just copy and paste the same over-the-top post on 2 websites?

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Still no more lift pieces for today. I think they are focusing on the zero - G.


Wind was very gusty this morning (and possibly still is up in Gurnee) so perhaps the are not able to install the top of the lift today.

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I see the picture and the live webcam and what I'm saying is that it looks exactly the same to me as it did yesterday. That's why I was asking what I was missing. I'm not saying you're wrong but looking at the pictures I'm still wondering what I'm supposed to be looking for that was there yesterday but isn't today.


Also, did you really just copy and paste the same over-the-top post on 2 websites?










They removed the beams that stick out from the arch that will connect the track for the top of the zero-G stall.

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That drop is going to be utterly insane in the membrane. I wonder how it'll compare to El Toro's, considering this is straight off the lift whereas ET picks up some speed in the turnaround.


Hardly though, since they slowed it down a few years ago. No more speed than a lift can give you! (Unless you count Iron Rattler or Goliath/Titan...those things slow to a crawl!)

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Tomorrow before the sun comes up I'm expecting a banner to be hung from the side of Goliath, facing the webcam, that reads "we dont have a clue how to install this lift hill."

Edited by Goooose
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^^Well, the good thing about lift hills that slow you down to a crawl is that, unless they add trims, there is nothing more they can do to neuter the ride unlike really fast lifts which are really cool as long as the speed is kept throughout the years.. (cough... skyrush... cough).

A bit like MCBR the trains go through quite slowly (like raptor). They might interrupt that pacing a bit but you can't take away a lot of speed from the ride (cough... dragon khan......cough).

Man, this cough is really nasty!

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Tomorrow before the sun comes up I'm expecting a banner to be hung from the side of Goliath, facing the webcam, that reads "we dont have a clue how to install this lift hill."


In their defense, RMC has had good success in the past assembling large steel coasters (and that's pretty much what this part of Goliath is). And a GIB is slighting more complicated than this lift hill.


Fred [RMC] working along side Silverwood's maintenance staff ... had assembled the coaster so perfectly that when the manufacturers team came over from Europe to set up the system it ran correctly almost the first time.
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Tomorrow before the sun comes up I'm expecting a banner to be hung from the side of Goliath, facing the webcam, that reads "we dont have a clue how to install this lift hill."


Let's look at this way. RMC only has two pieces to install. If they were swing these pieces up in high wind and miss the target spot and hit and damage that piece and another part of the structure, then the ride could be delayed from opening on time. They would have to wait for RMC to manufacture the structure pieces and ship them from Idaho.

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So I just got a season pass newsletter with the subject "Special Update About Our New Ride" - and then there wasn't a word about Goliath in the entire newsletter. Hmm.....


I know I replied to this post on SFGAm World, but I too had an issue with the park's newsletter today. They sent me one saying something like "Exclusive Ride Time for Pass Holders" and sent me this. Unless I'm missing something, I don't see a single mention of a season pass holder ERT in there.

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So I just got a season pass newsletter with the subject "Special Update About Our New Ride" - and then there wasn't a word about Goliath in the entire newsletter. Hmm.....


I know I replied to this post on SFGAm World, but I too had an issue with the park's newsletter today. They sent me one saying something like "Exclusive Ride Time for Pass Holders" and sent me this. Unless I'm missing something, I don't see a single mention of a season pass holder ERT in there.


Yeah, I got the same one (with the different subject). Hmm, I was originally thinking that maybe they had something about Goliath in there and pulled it last minute, but this makes me think that maybe something strange was just going on with their subject lines?

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