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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Wow. I wasn't aware there were so many construction supervisors and engineers on this site to let us all know the coaster won't be finished on time....


I normally agree with this sentiment when people post things about safety or structural integrity of a ride but I don't think there's anything wrong with coming to the reasonable conclusion that a record breaking permanent coaster can't go from the state it's in now (the lift hill isn't done, most of the first drop isn't there and the signature barrel roll element isn't there) to being open with riders in 2 weeks.


We've all seen coasters progress greatly in just a day. I think this thing could be completely tracked by the weekend. Testing mid week next week. A week or so of testing... This is assuming they have everything done. It's safe to assume that trains will be put on any day now,if they haven't been already But I think we would have seen that. Unless I missed it. The chain could be coiled at the bottom and ready to be fed up. The sensors, brakes, etc could all be done and all that's left is the grunt work of topping off and finishing track work. I think the park would have already announced that this coaster won't be ready by medi day if they thought that was the case. They'd want to give members of the press ample time to not only cancel their travel arrangements but also to reschedule for a new date. The fact that they haven't, makes me believe this coaster is still on schedule to open as originally scheduled.


"Believe in Fred and Hank"


They also have the next couple Sundays to work too. The whole off season they didn't work on Sundays (and rightfully so since everyone should get at least a day off from work) but they worked last Sunday. I'm assuming that means they'll work the next couple Sunday as well to finish this thing up so they can head home.

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I actually questioned their motives behind putting them in beforehand. Coming from an industry that is pretty much rigging detailed. It would make more sense to attach the supports to the track on the ground, then lift it into place and attach it to the superstructure afterward rather than having to lift the track between the inverted supports and mount it upside down. It is the simpler solution to what could have been a very difficult lift.

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I imagine that they removed them so that they could lift 1/2 of the top of the lift on that side without having to wiggle around it. I bet once they top off the lift they'll put those supports back on exactly how they were before. If they mount all those supports to the track on the ground, it'll be an awkward lift and it would put stress on the track I imagine.

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Still no more lift pieces for today. I think they are focusing on the zero - G. Hopefully they will hold off on the lift until Saturday so they can lift the "crown" in front of the masses (I know the park is open daily now, just Saturday will be busier). If so, I am looking forward to seeing the lift being topped off.

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I think theyre working on the lift now. This whole day. Usually there is only one tall crane near the lift and the other is by the overbank. They have two pieces to lift and they hae to be careful and balanced and get it right the first time. Hopefully though the overbank is being worked on too.

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I hope there are no serious problems with the lift or the arch....worst case: the whole structure (lift and arch) doesn`t fit and they have to fabricate new pieces which would mean the ride opens late August

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I hope there are no serious problems with the lift or the arch....worst case: the whole structure (lift and arch) doesn`t fit and they have to fabricate new pieces which would mean the ride opens late August


What the hell are you talking about? You obviously don't know how construction works, there's much more going on than you think. Stop assuming irrational, stupid things and just trust the workers to build the coaster.

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