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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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GREAT PICS! Much love to the dude who took them/posted them! Wonder how the park feels about them?


Funny to see Buccaneer Battle dry....and funny to the singing stage just shoved off to the side like that! Also odd to see just how close that (awfully placed) go-kart track is to that whole area. With no crossover in the middle of the park, it "feels" so far away from that section (even though it clearly isn't)! Also interesting to see Iron Wolf's old station still standing, with no ride! Boy, has there ever been a structure that's paid for itself more than that structure!?!?! Have to imagine they have some plan to use it, right? Assume they would have torn it down by now if they didn't think it was usable for the next attraction!


Funny to see how both Great America parks still use the giant blue tarps on the carousel, btw!

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I love these Aerial pics! X-FLIGHT looks great! The color really pops in the area. Also adds some height in that section of the park thats been missing since the old DejaVu cobra roll used to stick out near the midway. Also looking at the old Iron World Station... I couldn't help but think that wow, sky rocket would fit right in there with little to no trouble (but unlikely due to capacity)

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I'm just trying to imagine how they are getting the train to go through the ride. I really hope they did not remove the train from the park, as it's a nice break from walking around. But I know the brake run is in the way of where the train use to be.


I'm guessing that the train will be kept as the only removed track is in the vicinity of the construction. The brake run is really high, so there should be enough clearance for the train. If not, they could reroute it, although, at the moment I don't know where.


The ride looks like a lot of fun, but it looks odd with its layout and location. It just looks odd with the layout looking like a lopsided "Y". That being said, layout wise, it looks like the most complete wing coaster, and it is amazing that they managed to fit it in the space available.

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Does SFGAm offer a discount if you go in the park later in the day? I know some parks have a reduced price is you visit for only the end of the day, but I don't know if the Six Flags chain does this. The reason I ask is because we are going to be in the area for only one afternoon while on vacation.



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Does SFGAm offer a discount if you go in the park later in the day? I know some parks have a reduced price is you visit for only the end of the day, but I don't know if the Six Flags chain does this. The reason I ask is because we are going to be in the area for only one afternoon while on vacation.





Six Flags doesn't offer discounted admission after a certain time. If you want to pay less, the best thing you could do is use the discount on the back of a Coke can or join Club TPR.

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Six Flags doesn't offer discounted admission after a certain time. If you want to pay less, the best thing you could do is use the discount on the back of a Coke can or join Club TPR.

Thank you very much, I'll probably either buy the ticket for the reduced price online or, as you said, use a coke can.

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