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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Just a hunch, so take this with the littlest grain of salt; But could the station be used for their next coaster in 2-3 years? That station was used for Z-Force before Wolf.


That's what I was thinking. A lot can happen before opening day, It could be gone by then, but I dough it.

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Looks pretty awesome so far. I'm curious as to what they are going to do with the railroad. Were they going to reroute it or keep it on the same path right under the ride? My best bet would be that they rebuild the track around the last turn to avoid any sort of problems.


Then again, there seems to be a good amount of space between the transfer track and the ground, while the clearance between X-Flight and Demon seems pretty small.

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You can totally see Iron Wolf's station in the first photo. Why won't they take it down


I think it would make a great station for an Intamin plug and play. The size and space of Iron Wolf's old stomping grounds lend to speculation about Eurofighters and whatnot, but why waste such a nice building when there is plenty of other places that that I think would be a better fit for one of those, like here:


or here

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Looks like V2 has some new blue seats! Too bad the same can't be said about the restraints.



For a long time now, I've been worried more about the filth I'm exposing my skin to than actual headbanging whenever my head makes contact with a restraint. Nothing worse than taking a seat on V2 (or just about any ride with OTSR) after a long humid day and sensing/smelling the dampness on the restraint. Bet if you scraped a sample from those V2 restraints into a petri dish, you would find previously undiscovered life forms. Maybe even a cure for cancer. Abbot has it's labs about ten minutes down the interstate, so no excuses.

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^^^^ As far as relocating the ride, putting in the electrical infrastructure needed for impulse coasters make installing this ride a little more complicated than it would seem. It's smaller footprint does make it rather easy to find room for though.

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It's a program where different Six Flags's take out rides or roller coasters and they go to another Six Flags park. There are two examples of it this year. Iron Wolf from Great America to America as Apocalypse. Deja Vu from Magic Mountain to New England as Goliath. Pandemonium from Discovery Kingdom to Mexico. It is basically the relocation of rides and roller coasters from one Six Flags park to another instead of buying a whole new ride or roller coaster. Most of the time when roller coasters are relocated they get new cars, a new paint job, and a new name. Most of the time when rides are relocated they get a new paint job and a new name.

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Hey stop picking on my baby V2 lol!!!! V2 better not be going anywhere! It just needs some TLC... remember Batman and Raging Bull were looking like crap awhile ago and they repainted them and they look great. V2, to me (now that Iron wolf is gone), is the next ride that needs some TLC. I love V2, hell I love impulse coasters in general. As far as PR ... I think it was a poor choice to advertise new seats yet when they have nasty looking restraints like that. Someone was not thinking!!! They could've easily taken the picture of a "yet to be installed" seat cover and adverstised that. Unfortunately they said V2 is ready to go so I doubt that there will be anymore TLC for this year. As for a thought for the future... Could the new blue seats suggest where they are thinking about going with the color scheme if and when they choose to repaint the ride.


As far as a ride rotation program... I am reluctant to believe that V2 is in it.... The park just gave up Iron Wolf.... But if it were... I gladly adpot this ride at SFA in Two Face's spot!

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