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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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That whole area of the park kinda makes me sad, the yankee harbor theme is so lost. Wether they keep V2 or a new ride or whatever it would be fun to see the whole area be looked at. Perhaps instead of Yankee harbor it can become Gotham Harbor?

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Take a look at the area, V2 and what other aging attraction could be removed for a mega coaster....?


Hinting, and giving clues, about stuff that then makes it look like you have some insider info is so AWESOME! Hopefully you can tease us with some more vague stuff, then when something is announced you'll circle back and give us a "see?!?!"

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Take a look at the area, V2 and what other aging attraction could be removed for a mega coaster....?


Hinting, and giving clues, about stuff that then makes it look like you have some insider info is so AWESOME! Hopefully you can tease us with some more vague stuff, then when something is announced you'll circle back and give us a "see?!?!"


You're so smart!!!! Have you ever heard of a non-disclosure agreement?

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I have a really hard time seeing V2 going anywhere. Its still a popular coaster and its not like it takes up a lot of space. Maintenance costs can't be that bad and we just lost a coaster so I don't think we will be losing on any time soon.

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I have a really hard time seeing V2 going anywhere. Its still a popular coaster and its not like it takes up a lot of space. Maintenance costs can't be that bad and we just lost a coaster so I don't think we will be losing on any time soon.


Just to put things into perspective a bit, an Impulse train is around $1 million to my understanding. V2 has recieved two new trains, and heavy overhauls in the past. In fact, this season, to assure the coaster doesn't have any major problems, they dedicated a few weeks out of the season to be "no-run days." V2 is an extremely resource intensive ride. The only park in the chain that could handle it other than SFGAm, is probably SFMM.

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Except SFDK runs their impulse just fine, as does Valleyfair! and a ton of other parks.


SFDK has performed train replacememnts, as well as heavy overhauls. SFGAm is also a MUCH bigger park, and runs V2 down much faster than smaller parks. Also, let's not forget that V2 is the fastest of that style of Impulses.

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^ What about Wicked Twister? I thought that was at least designed to be faster


He'd like to tell you, but....non-disclosure


GREAT pictures from that newsplusnotes site! If I were smart enough I'd repost them here, as there are a couple of great ones. That long inline twist looks incredible. Neat to see so many from ground level. Wonder why they, apparently just some blog, had such access to a tour like that? In any case, good stuff and good times! Sad to think about the loss of the antique cars, but this hurts a lot less than thinking about Sky Whirl's spot being occupied by that silly splash battle ride!

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Maintenance costs can't be that bad and we just lost a coaster so I don't think we will be losing on any time soon.


I sort of agree with you, for most people it is their favorite ride in the park, definitely still popular. Secondly, does anyone know the actual cost it takes to run V2 compared to other rides in the park? Not just observations or saying "Oh, they replaced this" or "It uses electricity."

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I remember when the Twisted Impulse was just about my favorite coaster type, and V2 at SFDK was even my favorite coaster. So in a way it's hard for me to accept the idea that they might be losing popularity. On the other hand, nowadays I'd just consider them "good." I still love the launches, but the spikes usually aren't overly thrilling to me.

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^ I can tell you that in 2010 V2 took over $1 million in maintenance and operations. Mostly, becuase the coaster received a new train (structure) and had a few LIM's replaced.


Do you have any idea how much V2 costs in electricity per launch? I would guess at least several dollars each would not be unrealistic.

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^ Nope, don't know that. In fact, not sure if Six Flags themselves even have an accurate number on that. I'd say a dollar a launch is reasonable.


If you don't have that info how in the heck can you even make a guess? Seriously? A dollar sounds reasonable? Why? Based on what? Has any actual information ever been posted as to the actual electrical cost "per launch" of any LSM/LIM/Air coaster? I could see TTD or Kingda Ka having some sort of $ amount attached to it, as a lot was made out of their power plant(s) etc.


Seems like Great America is fairly loosey-goosey with the construction tour requests this year, no? That's great, I don't seem to recall a lot of bloggers/HS TV crews out there in the past -- though I do, if you can believe it, seem to recall a WPWR local show doing some sort American Eagle tour way back in the day!

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