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Track Spottings!

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The only way this thread could get any better is if we find out that this coaster is actually a launched inverted flying floorless dive machine that is going to be built by NASA...




P.S. It also wouldn't hurt if there were internet strippers at the press conference.

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You know, I know plenty of strippers and porn stars... even party with them and sometimes walk in on them doing naughty things when they're "off duty".


I say... "Bigth deal". Past "been there, done that".


Oh and newsflash: They think we're not cool.


Luckily I have no sense and give an awesome backrub that they love. It's almost orgasmic, I've been told. (Which I've responded "And that's only my hands" )


I'm done. I need coffee and off to tackle my boyfriend after he just farted in my face and ran into the other room since I'm online instead of paying attention to him.



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I'm not trying to argue with you, we just don't quite get what you are trying to say. The way I understand it is you think that B&M's purpose for using those labels is to trick us. I'm just saying the I'm pretty that isn't the purpose for those. If you could elaborate, I think we would understand the point you are trying to make.


From the point that I am questioning you, it just seems like B&M is only using those labels to confuse "us". From your previous statement, that was quoted, I agree with you.


It's the parks that are requesting the plant to conceal the project information in an effort to keep their new rides secret until they are officially announced,I & a few others have pointed this out several times already.


What with the net & cell cams growing ever more popular it's getting harder for parks to conceal their projects,gone are the days when you would go to a park on year & see an empty field & the next season that field would have a shiny new coaster sitting in it.


I know that the parks want to conceal the information about the rides. That is obvious. I am not saying that they aren't. I'm just saying that the labels on the track aren't souly for that purpose. I am saying the factory has it's set of codes for the track and customer and the like.


* I guess this makes me uncool because I'm not talking about strippers.

** Why cares about talking to strippers on the internet?

*** I don't need to talk to strippers...... I have a girl. Does that make me pathetic?

**** Wes is God.

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"Now if you boys will excuse me, my crew and I have to go talk to some strippers," he said, exhaling the last puff of smoke from his lungs, "On the internet."




Did Sony give you a date on when they're taking your novel to the big screen? I think Brad Pitt wants a crack at the lead role.


Lavar Burton wants to play me since he found out that an old lady said I look like a handsome Kunta Kente.


Terry "Don't answer if Fred Savage calls" Weaver

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I agree that Wes is god and Dave's musical selections rule.


As for the stripper stuff, everybody needs to read this book. Hilarious and disturbing at the same time--I like that in a book.


Yes, TPR's membership has it all covered.

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I'll let the strippers know, they may sign up for TPR and start commenting on this thread, who knows what they have to say


OH WOW! Real strippers? Talking to US??! Wow, that's so amazing. I've never talked to a girl before. What's it like?

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If you wanted to talk to a stipper, wouldn't you just go to a strip club, and talk to them IN PERSON?


Well sure, if you're a coaster NERD who talks about mysterious yellow track all day. But if you're really cool, you talk to them online and record it.


/"For $200, I'll do anything you want."

//"Okay, paint my house."

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Did Sony give you a date on when they're taking your novel to the big screen? I think Brad Pitt wants a crack at the lead role.


Lavar Burton wants to play me since he found out that an old lady said I look like a handsome Kunta Kente.


Terry "Don't answer if Fred Savage calls" Weaver


Sorry Terry, either the movie budget is tight or they didn't hear the old lady correctly.


Instead of Lavar, they cast Lamar from Revenge of the Nerds

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