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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Oh my goodness... 385ft sounds like a lot for a Star Flyer-type ride. Would it really be that safe for a ride to go up that high? Pardon me, but I think that the foundation might topple over at a height around that, unless it had some special reinforcements added on to the bottom. Now, something around 200ft would be more feasible, and while 385ft would be thrilling, I couldn't guarantee if it'd be safe.


It's completely unsafe, they're just building it to see how long it'll take for it to topple over. It's a game that engineers like to play in their spare time.



Do you get bonus points if it crushes Cyclone on the way down?

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All I'm hoping for from here is that they can squeeze in a small Eurofighter, a ZacSpin, or a SFDK Superman clone in the inevitable former Flashback site.


All wonderful ideas for the Flashback spot!


I am just happy to see something being put in up near Cyclone, as this area of the park is usually the most dead because Cyclone is not the most popular ride, Catapult is usually broken, and not many people want to ride the upcharge. A starflyer will hopefully stimulate this area of the park.

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Oh my goodness... 385ft sounds like a lot for a Star Flyer-type ride. Would it really be that safe for a ride to go up that high? Pardon me, but I think that the foundation might topple over at a height around that, unless it had some special reinforcements added on to the bottom. Now, something around 200ft would be more feasible, and while 385ft would be thrilling, I couldn't guarantee if it'd be safe.

LOL!!! Based on what??? Your high school engineering degree?


Just to let everyone know, Star Flyers are safer and more reliable than Windseekers.


Where are you getting these "FACTS" from?

Oh, Larry, you don't know? You need to follow this Twitter feed: @FREE_FACTS


It gives you 100% accurate information - every day - 100% accurate!

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Just to let everyone know, Star Flyers are safer and more reliable than Windseekers.


Where are you getting these "FACTS" from?


Oh, just this little thing called the Internet. Maybe you should use it more often. Don't believe me? Look at the problems Cedar Fair has been having with them this year. The one at Cedar Point kept riders stuck for 2 hours.

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^That happened..once at Cedar Point? It doesn't mean they aren't safe, all rides go through random mechanical failures at some time. Every ride has minor flaws, especially one that is a new design. As more were added, the easier it got to know the problems they had and were able to fix. Most of the Windseekers across the country have resolved their early on incidents from what I've heard.


But, swinging 385feet with chains holding you would make me stay away. With huge metal arms holding me, I still get freaked out.

Edited by CpBluestreakCp
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Oh, just this little thing called the Internet. Maybe you should use it more often. Don't believe me? Look at the problems Cedar Fair has been having with them this year. The one at Cedar Point kept riders stuck for 2 hours.


Blowing it out of proportion much? You sound like you should write for Fox News, or Yahoo.


Wasn't it St. Louis' SkyScreamer that had the counterweight drop and launch the gondola tot he top of the tower during and inspection, or the other way around (gondola dropped and counterweight shot up)... I dunno. Point is, stuff happens sometimes. These rides are created to be safe even if something wrong does happen. And downtime rarely directly translates to lack of safety.

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Downtime generally would translate to lack of safety. Most times, if a ride is experiencing downtime, it wouldn't be safe to ride. Anyway, I wasn't trying to start a huge argument when I made the comment about Star Flyer's reliability, I was just explaining how safe it was to everyone who was saying that a 385ft Star Flyer with chairs held up is very scary.


I wonder when they will clear the ride. I believe the zoning board was checking out the site this morning.

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Downtime generally would translate to lack of safety.




Downtime could be anything. Just because a ride is closed doesn't mean it is unsafe. Park operators could be overly cautious I guess (Mach Tower closing because some extra sensors weren't working), but general maintenance or any number of things can cause a ride to remain inoperable for a short period of time.

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Downtime generally would translate to lack of safety. Most times, if a ride is experiencing downtime, it wouldn't be safe to ride. Anyway, I wasn't trying to start a huge argument when I made the comment about Star Flyer's reliability, I was just explaining how safe it was to everyone who was saying that a 385ft Star Flyer with chairs held up is very scary.


I wonder when they will clear the ride. I believe the zoning board was checking out the site this morning.



If lack of downtime = level of safety...then the original X must have been the least safe coaster ever in operation!


Yeah...no. Downtime does not reflect safety. There's these things called computers. They run these rides. They are very complicated. Often times these computers make an error and have to be reset. Sometimes these errors persist and they must try to reprogram the ride. It does not mean the ride is unsafe.


Really...where did you get your facts from?

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^ Maybe we should switch the topic to: "What will they name it??"


Here's a suggestion for a name! Flight Hawk Deck Night Laser Burn Titties Force Dragon Banshee Star Hawk!!! HAAH!A!











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Just to let everyone know, Star Flyers are safer and more reliable than Windseekers.


Where are you getting these "FACTS" from?


Oh, just this little thing called the Internet. Maybe you should use it more often. Don't believe me? Look at the problems Cedar Fair has been having with them this year. The one at Cedar Point kept riders stuck for 2 hours.


You are giving one example, that is not FACT that is an unbalanced opinion.

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I hope It's exciting. I've ridden 2 star flyers (Skyscreamer at SFDK, Windseeker at Canada's Wonderland) and found both really dull. They look like major thrill rides but I'd say they're less intense than a Zamperla Balloon Race.



They're great if you want air conditioning and smoothness for 4 minutes.

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I hope It's exciting. I've ridden 2 star flyers (Skyscreamer at SFDK, Windseeker at Canada's Wonderland) and found both really dull. They look like major thrill rides but I'd say they're less intense than a Zamperla Balloon Race.



They're great if you want air conditioning and smoothness for 4 minutes.


What do you mean by air conditioning?

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