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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Made a trip to SFNE today. As most of you know, a huge storm has been battering the northeast for the past few days and will continue for a couple more. Also, 5-7 feet of snow has fallen in Vermont in the last couple weeks which is being melted quite a bit by this storm. As a result, the Connecticut River has gone way over its banks. As most of you know, Superman is located within 20 feet of the river. Today, the river had flooded out a large portion of the DC Comics area, mainly the area under Superman's second half. The water level is about up to the height of the track in the brake run, which is submerging all of the electrical components underneath it. The water has also put more than half of the queue line underwater as well as much of the access road to the ride. The Picnic Grove is also majorly flooded with, what is normally a small creek seperating the Grove from the park, now a major mess with water levels up to and almost over the bridge in some areas. The water level in the river is expected to rise a little bit through tomorrow, then recede VERY slowy through the weekend.


Superman is indefinitely closed until at least the water recedes far enough for them to access the damage (if any) done to the brake run and the electrical components underneath it. Also, the park was closed at 1:30 today due to the drains through the majority of the plug being backed up, creating massive puddles on the midways.

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This sounds like the area that is flooded. I bet the water level is really close to the entire edge of Superman.



Heres a photo that shows just how close Superman is to the water. I bet the water is very close to the tunnel:


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I kinda traced out the flooded area... the black arrows mark where the majority of the water went over the banks. It actually hasn't gone over directly next to the ride yet. The dotted area is where the water could end up if the river keeps rising.


Also, the area at the bottom of the first drop (where the land starts heading uphill) isn't flooded (yet) so therefore the only water in the tunnels should just be whatever rain fell and not river water.


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^ Not likely. Torrential rain is not all that uncommon around here this time of year, and I'm sure ANY business along the Connecticut River (including Six Flags) has some kinds of safeguards in place. The river rises dramatically fairly often, so I seriously doubt SFNE is facing any longterm problems.

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The amount of rain that actually came down was crazy. I surprised Superman was the only ride effected, I wonder how the picnic grove looks...


I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that it'll be up on Saturday when I make my first visit this year there.

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Has this happened before? Oh please not my fave coaster in the whole world doing a Six Flags New Orleans.


Yes this has happened before, I remember New England got a lot of flooding maybe a year ago, and their was similar results at the park.

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Just imagine a big splash of water as you go through the tunnel.


I realize you were joking. At least I hope you were joking.


But the train wouldn't make it past the tunnel. Hitting the water in the tunnel would bring the train to a dead stop, and cause massive damage to the trains.

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