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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Info on SWAT and Diablo Falls from Six Flags Astroworld


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Hey Guys, You've probably heard me talk about it in the chatroom about the rumors about SWAT and Diablo Falls going to SFNE from SFAW. And today it is now 100% confirmed even though SFNE hasn't released a press release. The webmaster from http://www.sfne.com went to the site too see if he could see any signs of Swat and DF and successfully, parts have begun to arrive.


Now here are the three major changes coming to SFNE for the 2006 season


1) SWAT / Rumored to be built between Cyclone and Skycoaster in the North End

2) Poland Springs Plunge / Retired, being taken down. This was our log flume in the south end infront of Colossus.

3) Diablo Falls / Rumored to be built on PSP's former site.


You can see one of the swat arms for SWAT, and the DF rafts right below it

Edited by larrygator
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Personally, I don't care that it didn't go to Great Adventure since it's not something I would have ridden (I don't go on flat rides that flip you upside down) but I think a lot of people who are Great Adventure fans are going to be dissapointed because Great Adventure is seriously lacking in flats (and losing Rodeo Stampede doesn't help either) and Swat was going to be the ride to make up for that.

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Ah-ha! I totally called it NOT going to SFGAd!


BTW, anyone else find it depressing seeing the Diablo rafts basically being used as cushions!!!!???


Hah, it fooled me the first time I saw the picture of the tractor trailer bed, Elissa. At first glance they looked like cushions for the arm, but then I asked Alex about pieces of Diablo Falls and he said they were there. So I had to read the caption to find them.


Tomorrow I'll be stopping by the park to check out and see if any new pieces came in

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Why would SFGAdv want another ride that doesn't work 3/4th of the time .. pawn it off on another park since they've been getting rid of most of their problematic flats anyway .. just hope SFNE has a decent maintenance staff because SWAT has TONS of problems, just another great prototype from S&S.


In the 15-20 times I've been to Astroworld since 2003, SWAT maybe operated twice in that span for more than 2 hours.

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