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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Hey guys

there is a very good chance that i am heading up to the park tomorrow on Columbus Day

I was wondering if anyone has ever been there on a Columbus Day before?

I have heard that Fright Fest generally does not attract that large of crowds, but because its Columbus Day, will it be more packed than any other Fright Fest Day, based on years past?


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  camthedominator said:
By the way, what is the figure on the front meant to look like?


I think it's just supposed to be a generic wind monster like the ones on old maps.


*Edit* - It might be the "North Wind" character originating in one of Aesop's Fables.

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  ZeroGravity55 said:
  Mater said:
lol, that thing's going to be such an adorable little coaster.


SFMM fanboy. That all you need to know.


lol, at least this adorable little coaster will operate the way it's supposed to after media day


Isn't SFNE also a Six Flags park? Just saying...


That said, it looks like a phenomenal ride.

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  Manic Monte said:
Isn't SFNE also a Six Flags park? Just saying...


Not only is it at a Six Flags park, but it's at one of the worst run Six Flags parks anywhere. Still... it would be very difficult to screw this up. Stacking the hell out of trains like it's an olympic sport is inevitable and dumb policies like having a rude grouper that hates their job and won't let you pick your seat is also very likely but the ride itself should still be awesome and I'm really excited about it.


PS: I don't see how they could screw the ride itself up but then again it's worth pointing out that I would have said the same thing about Superman Ride of Steel and Goliath and they managed to add awful restraints and ridiculously rattly cars to Superman and put trains that make Mind Eraser look like a butter-smooth B&M invert on Goliath so I wouldn't put anything past them.

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