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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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If we have anyone that is interested in going to the Fright Fest media event on the 27th and writing a report for TPR, please drop me a PM. Give me a little bit of information about yourself. Links to your social media pages would be helpful as well. Twitter, Instagram, FB, etc.

What media event?

Fright Fest

I know that, but Rob said media event. Is there a media day for fright Fest?

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I know this is all subjective, but I feel like Wicked Cyclone could be the best RMC to date. If anything, it looks like it will have the most air time! I wish SFNE wasnt so far away! I would love to experience WC!

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I made a trip up to SFNE yesterday. I needed to validate my 2015 Season Pass. It was a great deal- during Labor Day Weekend you could get a Gold pass with free parking at all parks for only $49.99 each. Such a deal- and I will be using it a LOT next year!


Since it was raining in the morning, I was hoping that the crowds would be non existent, and was I ever right! Everything was a walk-on, except NESS which was about 30 minutes. It was my first time riding, and I enjoyed it, although I would have preferred to circle around going forward instead of backward. The view of (Wicked) Cyclone below is amazing! Speaking of Wicked Cyclone, the lift hill and first drop look SO sexy! I can see why RMC likes to get this done right away. It really builds up excitement.

I can't wait until next Spring!


I finally rode Goliath with the new train, and I think I have a new LEAST favorite coaster. SUCH PAIN!!! And realizing that you have to go through it again backwards is pure dread. Let's hope that they modify the train somehow. I can't imagine anyone re-riding it in its current state.


Bizarro was a walk-on (!) and I rode in the very back and 2nd row. It was great, but much rougher than I remember. It feels like they should put new wheels on the trains. I never felt those vibrations before on any of the other Intamin Mega Coasters or Millennium Force. C'mon, Six Flags, show some love (and get rid of those trains with the audio not even working)!


Finished off the day getting credits on Pandemonium (not enough spinning) and Gotham City Gauntlet (surprisingly intense), and left at 5:30.

There didn't seem to be anyone coming in for Fright Fest. Speaking of which, the decor didn't look all that great to me...

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Let's hope that they modify the train somehow.


I would modify it by dumping it in the river and putting the old one back on. There isn't one thing about the new train that I like better than the old train. The ride's just as unreliable and the capacity is the same but the ride went from very smooth to arguably the roughest coaster in the park. The thing that absolutely kills me is how much extra effort they put into this new train.


They could have been lazy like they are with everything else and just left the ride alone and done nothing and it would have been great. The one time Six Flags decides that they should spend a ton of money on new trains for a coaster just because they want to improve the guest experience (not because they want to market it as something "new") it absolutely ruined the ride AND caused the newest coaster in the park to be closed for half of last season.


This may be the dumbest thing Six Flags New England ever did and that's saying something. Let's hope they do the right thing in the offseason and abandon this awful idea. Sure they sunk a lot of money into them but going forward the much better option is to put the old train back on.


That being said I have zero confidence that this will happen. It makes way too much sense for Six Flags New England to even consider it.


EDIT: This park has 2 coasters (Mind Eraser and Flashback) that could actually benefit from newer trains that already exist for each type of ride. Only Six Flags would completely ignore both of those problems and instead invest in terrible new trains for one of the best rides in the park. And they didn't just do this once... they did it with Bizarro too.

Edited by coasterbill
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Let's hope that they modify the train somehow.

They could have been lazy like they are with everything else and just left the ride alone and done nothing and it would have been great. The one time Six Flags decides that they should spend a ton of money on new trains for a coaster just because they want to improve the guest experience (not because they want to market it as something "new") it absolutely ruined the ride AND caused the newest coaster in the park to be closed for half of last season.


But isn't this whole "crappy new train problem" more Vekoma's fault than SFNE's? Or am I wrong?

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Let's hope that they modify the train somehow.

They could have been lazy like they are with everything else and just left the ride alone and done nothing and it would have been great. The one time Six Flags decides that they should spend a ton of money on new trains for a coaster just because they want to improve the guest experience (not because they want to market it as something "new") it absolutely ruined the ride AND caused the newest coaster in the park to be closed for half of last season.


But isn't this whole "crappy new train problem" more Vekoma's fault than SFNE's? Or am I wrong?


I'm not sure since I don't know who approached who with the idea but I'll never understand why SFNE wanted to change them in the first place.


By the way, before someone point this out I do realize the irony in the fact that in the Cedar Point thread I just posted that nobody should worry about the new trains being rough because the park and coaster designers know what they're doing. This seems to be exactly the opposite of what I'm saying here but there's a big difference between Cedar Point working with B&M on a B&M coaster and Six Flags New England working with Premier on a Vekoma ride. Six Flags New England has a history of horrendous decisions and cutting costs whenever possible.

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^I never experienced the old trains, as my first visit to NE was this summer, but for what it's worth, I didn't find the train on Goliath to be uncomfortable in the slighest. It's my second favourite coaster in that park.


I've noticed that there are a few seats that aren't so bad. The further you are from the catch car the better and even sitting on the inside versus the outside can make a difference. Unfortunately there's no choice of seat (obviously... it's SFNE) so it's basically just the luck of the draw. Most seats seem to be terrible though.

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^My friends and I got front row, and I sat on the outside (seat closest to the airgates) I thought it ran very smooth for being a Vekoma.


Yea I enjoyed our ride that day, but in classic GIB fashion when we went to ride it again, it was down. It was easily my second favorite coaster in the park next to Bizzaro.

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Everyone has to remember SFNE was suppose to get Deja VU from magic mountain with new trains from the beginning. But I'm pretty sure something got delayed and Goliath opened with the old trains.
Because the new trains gave problems. That's pretty much when they should have scrapped the trains.
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Everyone has to remember SFNE was suppose to get Deja VU from magic mountain with new trains from the beginning. But I'm pretty sure something got delayed and Goliath opened with the old trains.
Because the new trains gave problems. That's pretty much when they should have scrapped the trains.


The park did say during the live chat on August 28th that they will work on the trains during the off-season.

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I suppose part of the reason that my ride was SO bad was that I was in the last row, as luck would have it.

Maybe I'll try another row next season...


That's the problem though, you can't choose your seat... and the first few rows (the decent ones) always fill with Flash Pass riders so if you're in the regular line you're in for a beating.

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^^ Agreed! Out of all of the coasters I've ridden, Goliath is definitely the most painful to me. When I rode it, I hit my back against the seat so hard, I wasn't sure I was even going to be able to walk off the ride without assistance. As much as I enjoyed the ride (sans pain), I have no plans to ride it again until something is done to that train.

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I have been following the great train debacle with interest this season. It seems the main problem is with lateral movement of the frame, washboarding, that is causing discomfort? I am surprised this turned out to be such a problem. I know Premier was working on another company's steel, but they have plenty of experience. I wonder if there is anything to really do besides completely re-working them? Did the Deja Vu trains have the spring-loaded bogies that Vekoma finally started adding to SLCs? I seem to remember that little gap between wheel and track. I am also a little concerned Six Flags may not have been super careful with the old train when they got the new one working. Is it even still available to use?

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It so unfortunate because the ride looks so awesome and is almost beckoning people to come ride it. Yet, the ride is so painful that I have no intent on ever riding it again unless they do something with improving the ride experience. SFNE seemed to have been trying to improve the capacity of the ride with these trains as the main goal but ended up detracting from the ride experience. If anything they achieved their goal, because they have one less person (me) who is anxious to re-ride it.


It felt like the train was shifting left and right so rapidly... it didn't feel as if the the side wheels or the wheels that ride on the under-side were in constant contact with the track. There was some violent shifting.. absolutely jarring. The gentlemen who was a single rider who rode next to me and my group told us to keep our head forward and off the headrest and to hold onto(hug) the harness as hard as we could, if we didn't want to get beat up. I thought I was on Hades for a moment. Speaking of Hades, that is only other coaster (my last ride was in 2012) where it looks awesome, yet it was so painful.


Rides that are so appealing like Goliath and Hades are full of so much potential.... so it's disappointing when they yield as sub-par experience.


Apparently Hades 360 has been full re-tracked for this season and is doing better... hopefully, SFNE will address this issue for one of their most popular coasters.

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SFNE seemed to have been trying to improve the capacity of the ride with these trains as the main goal but ended up detracting from the ride experience.


That's what they keep saying but this train has exactly the same amount of seats as the old train. It has one less belt but does that really make that big of a difference? It doesn't seem like it when you're waiting in line for it.


hopefully, SFNE will address this issue for one of their most popular coasters.


Did you forget what park you we're talking about here?

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