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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Good Friday was a public opening day in 2014 when Banshee debuted. The lines for it were 7 hours long



I can't believe Banshee had that long of a line. When I went in the fall of 2014 the wait was never more that 4-5 trains, even for the front row.

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I have been to opening day for Firehawk, Diamondback, and Banshee. Firehawk we waited roughly 2 hours, but the ride was down for a while to start the morning. Diamondback we waited 3 hours to ride, overall everything went pretty smooth from what I remember. Banshee we waited roughly 4-5 hours to ride, there were a couple times that the ride went down while we waited, the biggest thing I remember from Banshee opening day was the weather being perfect, which I'm sure helped out with the crowds along with the new coaster. Let's hope the weather is as good this year as well, I will be there both Friday night and Saturday morning.

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I've heard stories of Millennium and Gemini having six hour waits on their opening days at Cedar Point. Wonder how far back the line went for Millie as it's about 1.5 hours if everything to the north of the queue beginning is used.


One perk of opening days: I bet the non-new coasters have shorter lines than normal for busy days

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I've heard stories of Millennium and Gemini having six hour waits on their opening days at Cedar Point. Wonder how far back the line went for Millie as it's about 1.5 hours if everything to the north of the queue beginning is used.


It was pretty impressive... this area was of course full and had a bunch of temporary rails.




And then it would often start heading down Frontier trail, often as far as the tunnel.

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MF line went well beyond the tunnels on opening day (which was technically a "preview"/special ticketed event). I was there that day and saw the line. Friends generally said it was around 4h (including breakdowns, and I seem to recall only 2 train operation). I didn't ride it though, went back later on when it wasn't so crazy.


But other than that, CP rides generally haven't gotten the 6+ hour craziness that KI always seems to, although they may have come pretty close at times. Ohio is all about their parks that's for sure. Anywhere else I've ever been for a ride premiere has been very tame in comparison.

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The only opening day I have been to for a new coaster was last year for Storm Chaser. The line was soooooo long that they made me get off the ride and walk all the way around to the entrance. The line must have been 20 people long.

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This year I will once again be participating in a fundraiser through a park. Kings Island teamed up with the Andy and Jordan Dalton foundation this time around to help raise money for kids and families around the Cincinnati and Fort Worth area get to do and participate in experiences they normally wouldn't do to various limitations.


When I did the Scream Like A Kid Again fundraising for Banshee I managed to get $1200 in donations and the experience I gained meeting with some of the people was incredible. I am hoping to do similar this time around if not more. If you would like to donate to my page head over this this link ----> https://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/lanceMarshall/mystic-timbers-first-official-rides--launch-party


you can also find more info on my page about the Andy and Jordan Dalton Foundation


If you would like to create your own page to fund raise head over to this link to get started! ----> http://www.firstgiving.com/410830/mystic-timbers-first-official-rides--launch-party



I am re posting this to let you all know that if you donate to my page you can be entered to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card. Minimum donation of $10 dollars and each $10 gains another entry into the drawing. So if you donate $30 you get 3 entries. A winner will be drawn around April 10th and I will mail you the gift card if you win.


Any questions message me thank you!

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I don't think I would get any satisfaction from waiting six hours for a new ride. I remember a woman on the boards gloating about how awesome it was to wait 6 hours for one ride on Banshee. I went a month later, snagged a FL+, and had as many walk-on rides as I wanted vs. the 30 minute wait. I'll pass on being one of the first.


I can't think of any other parks with a history of such absurd lines for new rides.

Kings Island seems to work hard at making the construction very visible during the previous season. The more striking parts of Banshee were up during their haunt event, which acts as free incredibly effective advertising.

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That video of Diamond back is crazy! I am hoping to get to KI this summer around June 8th, hoping it will have died down at that point for mystic timbers!


I was up at CP opening year of Millennium Force, I think end of May, and we waited about 3.5 hours for it, line went down past the tunnels I believe. We also waited 3.5 for Dragster opening year, but my buddy did a 6.5 hour wait for Dragster during its opening but that was with breakdowns of course. I think it's fun to do once or twice if you get to the parks often, otherwise hit it later in the season!


Still very excited seeing the progress, could be a top wooden coaster contender for sure, especially at night!

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As much as opening days for new coasters are neat and all I'd never plan to go then. Just because of that reason. The enormously long lines! You wasted most of the day waiting for 6 or so hours. Even if you have a season pass and can go to the park any time you want,it still would very extremely boring not to mention uncomfortable(such as heat, standing that long,etc). But hey if you are willing to spend a whole day just to wait in line for mostly one ride more power to you I guess. It just wouldnt be my idea of fun,lol. Opening days are nice and all I'm sure but its not like the roller coaster is going anywhere. It will be there for many days,weeks,months,years,etc to come!



...........................<------This would be some of the looks of a super long line.

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