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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Good idea in GP language-


"You should remake the son of the beast as metal and make it an anneversery"


Now that I think of it, a good layout inspired by the old ride using Iron Horse or topper track could be put there, and if it was, say, 2015, that would be the 15th anniversary of the original opening.

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Am I the only one who thinks this is sad? I feel bad for not waiting to ride it in 2009, and its been SO long. Plus, we are losing the only hyper-woodie in the WORLD! On the other hand, they've taken long enough to make a decision. Which leads to the obvious question - Will there be a Grandson of Beast ?

I bet RMC could build a much better wooden hyper than what RCCA did. With the way technology and coaster design is improving, I doubt it would be long until we get more hyper woodies.

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It would be cool to see them continue the Beast family, sort of like the way they did with Hercules and Hydra at Dorney Park but with a RMC. The world needs more what-the-hell-is-that elements like on that project at Silver Dollar City.


Though I have a hunch that they won't and they'll go with B&M. I dunno why.

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KINGS ISLAND, Ohio – After a lengthy evaluation of all alternatives, Kings Island announced today the decision has been made to remove the Son of Beast roller coaster to make room for future park expansion.


The dismantling of the ride, which last operated in 2009, will begin later this summer.


Edited by ernierocker
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Am I the only one who thinks this is sad?


Yes, this coaster sucked. And not only did it suck... but because it was over 7,000 feet long it sucked for a really long time.


It would be cool to see them continue the Beast family


I don't know, sequels usually suck. Son of Beast didn't exactly break the stereotype.


Sorry to dance on this coaster's grave but I haven't been this happy about a coaster removal since Great Adventure got rid of Viper.

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It would be cool to see them continue the Beast family


I don't know, sequels usually suck. Son of Beast didn't exactly break the stereotype.

Yeah, after thinking about it for a bit, I realize that's probably not the best idea. Being in Action Zone, the most I expect is something terribly generic.

Edited by asimowalk
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I am rather sad to say that I had never got a chance to ride. Now it's confirmed I never will. It may have gotten bad reviews, but so did the Mean Streak at Cedar Point, and I rode it once just to at least say I have before. Oh well, one less ride for the books.

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This ride was one of the worst in the world. Replacing it with a churro cart would be a major improvement.




Replacing it with an Applebee's would be an improvement. Good riddance, sez I.

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It's about damn time! Thankfully, I was able to ride it with and without the loop, and I thought it was the worst thing I'd ever ridden with and without the loop. The only good thing about it was it's looks. That's a big chunk of land that was just going to waste.

I would love to see an Intamin prefab go there, or even something crazy from RMC. I'm having trouble remembering exactly what the terrain is like around SOB, but isn't there a nice ravine type thing that Flight Deck and Adventure Express goes down in? If there's any room left in there, it would be cool to see some of that utilized, too.

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And that's about as much as I feel towards S.O.B. My only ride on it was not the best in the world, and realistically speaking, removing it should have been done years ago, and the space not wasted for so long.

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Does this officially make The Voyage the longest single lift wooden coaster in the world and also El Toro the tallest wooden coaster in the world?


It makes El Toro the tallest in the US but T Express at Everland and Colossos at Heide Park are taller (according to RCDB).

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