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Europa Park Discussion Thread

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This is it. Hands down, this has to be the best new ride of 2009. I can't believe the amount of detail going into this - it just blows my mind. We'll never get this in the states, SF and CF continue to just barf out coasters over parking lots and empty fields. It really makes me feel like I'm missing something.


To be fair SF seems to be getting better. TDK is well themed, andTerminator may have some nice theming. This ride looks great.

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.... nice to see your reactions. hopefully the dark ride part will be as good as the coaster part


.....there is no support beam between the two, but I swear it looks like in real life there should be. Am i getting confused or what is it for?


that is a riddle that is not solved yet! there is a rumor that it will be for anti noise walls (don`t know the english word for this). if the people scream to loud like they did it on the silverstar, they`ll be able to build this walls because the village next to the park worried about it when they build the new coaster!

this picture of silver star shows what i mean

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Some parks though seem to theme coasters well. And by some parks I really just mean IOA haha, but I still was impressed with rides like maverick...and manta (can I say manta without having seen the completed product?) So my grand total list of well themed coasters in the state rests at 4.


Since when did Disney remove their coasters here in Florida? You know, coasters like Expedition Everest, R 'n' RC, and Big Thunder Mountain RR.


Not to mention other coasters off the top of my head, like Mystery Mine and ROTM at both Universal Studio parks.

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As german member I am forced to upload the newest pictures of course... And that's what I do. So enjoy the pics of the new and actualized Parkmap, including three languages, and the new Island-Area with it's little village, lake, waterfall, and the new Launch coaster. The Parkmap will be available for free from Day one of the new Season of the Park.




Besides, I think this is a pretty good chance for these guys of you that never went to Europa Park before. Now you can... Not really, but I think, the drawn map is just incredibly detailed. I love it.

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I just got this off RCDB, and it appears this ride will have a "Twisted Horseshoe Roll" just like Maverick!


Judging by the photos, the ride looks a lot like Maverick, too!


Length: 3464' 7"

Height: 124' 8"

Inversions: 4

Speed: 62.1 mph

Duration: 2:30

G-Force: 3.8

Max Acceleration: 0 − 62.1 mph in 2.5 seconds

Elements: 105' tall Loop

Twisted Horseshoe Roll

In−Line Twist


Wow, up until now I thought Twisted Horseshoe Roll was a term coined by Intamin...kind of like the "Airborne Inverted S-Roll" on Fahrenheit.


Joseph "What's next, a Premier launched coaster with a Flying Snake Dive?" Frombaugh

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there are two intresting informations about the ride in one press text:


1. They were talking about an onride soundsystem.


2. they said that the restraints will have sensors to check and record your heardbeat/pulse during the ride, which will then be shown in the onride video you can buy

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