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Europa Park Discussion Thread

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I'm really looking forward to this. I've never been to Europa Park, but I'm currently living in Czech Republic, so hope to make the trip over the border to visit.

Does anyone know when it's likely to open? I'm hoping to go in April time, but will certainly delay this if it's not going to be open yet!


Many thanks!

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The park opens in the beggining of March. April is actually one of the best times to visit.



Thanks James, are they hoping to have the ride ready for the start of the season? Can't wait - Spent 2 weeks in Orlando last month, and am getting withdrawal syndrome!
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As I'm not sure the exact opening date. One thing Europa Park does incredibly well is to open the rides on time.


I would bet a Lobster Dinner that Europa Park's new coaster will be open at the beginning of the next season, if not, very shortly after.


Here is many new (And some old) facts:


Capacity: 1720 riders per hour

Length: 3464' 7"

Height: 124' 8"

Inversions: 4

Speed: 62.1 mph

Duration: 2:30

G-Force: 3.8

Max Acceleration: 0 − 62.1 mph in 2.5 seconds

Elements: 105' tall Loop

Trains: 20 passengers per train.


20 passengers per car. That is the same as the many other Intanim launching coasters with the exception of Dragster and Kingda Ka. (Which only seat 18)


So hopefully, the loading will be as fast, if not faster then Desert Race's.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got back from the park last week. I can say, this thing is WAY bigger then it looks on the pictures. From the queue of Atlantica Supersplash, the coaster literality is above all the tree tops and looks huge.



Love that art work. Thanks for showing that!



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The Blue Fire trains... with lap bars !


Mack did a good job for their first looper coaster trains. We can see that they look like a lot the Maurer Floorless trains. They also have that "bleachers" configuration like Intamin's ones.


For more informations, look at that Mack Rides pdf on page 16.


Eventually, EPfans.info did a great panorama shot of the current situation:



Blue Fire trains

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