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Six Flags Magic Mountain Tatsu Flying Coaster

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and by god, I hope CP comes up with a coaster quick to tie again with the Mountain.


Why does it matter?


I didn't realize there was an "Update competition" going on. We missed that memo.


You have a neatly organized page of the necessary shots, that is easy to navigate.


I have a messy photo album of whatever I take, and I am mooching off of a Disney-fan site.


Thats like as if you are doing it professionally, and I am still working out of my mom's basement.


No competition, if you ask me.

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^ IMO, people should be HAPPY that there is a LOT of coverage of this ride. And the fact that we support Arrowfanman's updates (we like them too!) should say something about how we run the site. I know other sites where if someone even THINKS about posting a link to their photos it gets yanked and that person's account gets deleted.


So, thanks for doing the updates AFM! Keep them coming!


--Robb "Trust me, our site is FAR from 'professional'" Alvey

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We thought about going this weekend, but never made it. Good thing we didn't go yesterday. From all the reports, it sounds like SFMM was waaayyyy crowded.


I'd like to get out there sometime after track starts going up. It would be nice if the November 17 announcement not only includes the numbers for track length, height, etc., but perhaps a clue as to the layout.



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I love all the updates, no matter how proffesional or unproffesional they are. People taking pics so I can see whats going on without having to visit the park myself is awesome. Seeing Revy's track cut out is pretty odd...


The reason I think this ride is going to be big, is because, they wouldn't be going through all the trouble of cutting out exit ramps, rail pieces, and track pieces if it wasn't worth all the work...


Absolutely amazing...I'd say perhaps one of the most anticipated coasters since X for me...

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Very Sweet Update, or vsu, as I will now refer to all of the very sweet updates as!


This is gonna be hands down the best flyer out there. Look at Riddlers, it pwned all the other standups, why, I even found mantis to be boring after it. I just know that this will top all other flyers, and will stay at the top. Though I think it is time for a new standup in the world.

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ehh... using terms like "best ever" sets oneself up for disapointment in my opinion. Sure, it looks like it will be a lot different than the other flyers and probably break all of the records, but that's not always good (Hydra was different and Dragster/Ka were a lot bigger...)


Joe says: "Hype is the evil twin of suprise"

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I was afraid that going today was going to be a waste of time because of how packed it was yesterday, but it wasn't much of a waste....my friend and I got on all of the rides except Deja Vu or Superman, but we managed to go on Scream! like 7 times in a row, being that it is never packed anyways. Not really much to update of Tatsu, everything stayed the same since yesterday....

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Our family went last Sunday (10-23) and both Ninja and Thrill Shot were both open. The Shock wave queue was also being used for Deja Vu when we went and had a good 2+ hour wait. Of course, we know how to beat that problem! Actually had a good time though it got crowded by noon-ish, like you show in your pictures. Fright Fest wasn't too bad at all. We had a good time. Thanks for the update!

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