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You might be a roller coaster fanatic if...

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I'm adding more to the list:


...you have rcdb.com as your homepage.


...you have two or more season passes.


...you have at least one season pass for an out-of-state park.


...you've been on a TPR coaster trip.


...you come back from your Paris trip. People ask if you visited the Eiffel Tower, but you said that you went to Paris only to visit Disneyland Paris.

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^ That's if you even have a girlfriend/wife.


-If you travel to a different city, the first thing on your mind is the nearby parks

-The only games you play include titles such as RCT, Thrillville, and NoLimits

-You remember your "milestone" coasters and try to make them something spectacular (or really bad)

-You've ridden one coaster...in two or more different locations (e.g. Flashback, Shockwave, Thriller)

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- You've never vacationed without riding a roller coaster

- You have a milk crate filled with amusement park brochures

- Your friends don't invite you to parks, just to make you mad

- Your only trading cards have roller coasters on them

- You find your pencil maneuvering an invisible coaster track while waiting for others to finish a test

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You know you're addicted when:

-You compare skateboards and longboards to Vekomas or B&Ms due to rough or smooth rides (I'm guilty of this)

-You have 5 variations of a single park's map, and multiple copies of each one. (I am also guilty of this...I have a stack of SFDK maps from the 2001 season)

-You stick your head out the window to get that rushing wind feeling you'd get on a coaster

-everything you do in art class relates to a coaster

-When half of your wardrobe consists of coaster-related shirts

-You buy a huge computer monitor for the purpose of No Limits and other coaster POVs. (I have a 32 incher, and works nice with POVs)

-Your PSP or iPod consists of mostly coaster videos

-When you stare at all of the mechanical parts of a coaster, things the GP could care less about. (Again, guilty of this, watching brakes move in and out, kicker wheels spin, chain lift, etc

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...the same coaster with the same name but moved to a new site is a negotiable "new" credit. (looking at you Star Liner and Dominator)


...the same coaster with a new name and/or moved to a new site is a negotiable "new" credit.


...you're willing to push the arguement for powered coasters as credits


...you give the mall kiddie coaster simulator a second look.


...certain water slides and diskos are negotiable.


...you count past romantic relationships.


...your Christmas Card list includes Intamin and Zamperla (hi Bruno!).


...you have a framed BGE map or post cards on your desk.


...$7 + for a kiddie coaster ride isn't out of the question.

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Hi all


You frequently dream about owning your own park, which is idealistic in every way: nothing breaks down, the sun always shines, and customers are always smiling...


Telling other enthusiasts about founding your own park just as soon as you collect that lottery jackpot.


Your prayers start: "Dear Lord, please make it so I scoop that jackpot, and I'll set up a park you'd approve of. Heck, I'll even give you a solid gold season pass."



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…you travel thousands of miles and spend thousands of dollars just to visit Cedar Point and ride Millennium Force once.


…you know exactly how many times you’ve rode your favorite roller coaster.


…your heroes are Walter Bolliger and Claude Mabillard.


…you wonder, “Where are the roller coasters?” when you make a trip to a city.


…you get an amusement park map and you first look at where the roller coasters are.


…you design a roller coaster in Roller Coaster Tycoon and your guests are too scared to ride it.


…you nod in agreement with some of the items on this list!


…you save your money so you can one day travel to ride every roller coaster in the U.S.


…you make a list of your favorite roller coasters, from the most favorite to the least favorite.


…you can remember the first roller coaster that turned you into a roller coaster fanatic.


…when you pass by the cameras for the on-ride photo, you do a goofy pose.


…you sincker in amusement at some of the items on this list!


…you wonder if B&M will build a roller coaster in your backyard.


… you call the coasters in Dueling Dragons by their proper names Fire and Ice, while other people call them “blue” or “red.”


…your idea of a perfect vacation is riding roller coasters all day.



All these apply to me.


at the B&M Dive Machine Track!

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