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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Screw a giga. Why does everyone feel every damn park needs a giga? Can we get over the giga mania?


THANK YOU. If Hershey added a Giga it would be too short and compact just like Skyrush, and considering they'd probably go with Intamin it would basically be Skyrush + 100 ft - wing seating. They do not need this at all.

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Where the heck could Hershey fit a new coaster anyways, short of replacing one? They did somehow fit Skyrush in, but the southern-most section of the park has coasters weaving over and under each other. HP does have some serious space issues. Would love to see Sidewinder replaced with a Sky Rocket II and Wildcat get the RMC treatment, but a new coaster is probably off the table until at least 2019/2020. A drop tower in the next few years would be a great addition.

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Since Dorney was not open today, I took the nice hour long drive to Hershey.


Just a few things from my trip:


1) they really need to add some shade in the queue lines. It was hot today and the fans didn't do anything. I can't imagine what it's like to be in Skyrush queue in the middle of July with the sun beating down on you.


2) they also really need to remove the asphalt throughout the park and replace it with concrete. I know it really wouldn't make a difference but it would a little.


3) the operations there were God awful. That's one of the main reasons why I can't like this park. Skyrush was dispatching like every 5 minutes with two trains. Coming from a company that strives for great customer service, ie the Best Day Project, i get the feeling that all the workers hate their job there. Even games associates look like they don't give a crap. If the associates were to be happier and act like they enjoy their job, I would love Hershey.


Skyrush was amazing as always. Laf trakk was pretty good as well. I'm convinced that thunder always win vs lightning. The six or seven "races" I saw, Thunder won all of them. Lines were long because there were so many schools at the park, and I don't usually wait over an hour for coasters.


Some rides were only running one train, which hurt because the amount of schools were there.

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Screw a giga. Why does everyone feel every damn park needs a giga? Can we get over the giga mania?


THANK YOU! Look, giga coasters are awesome (except for beemers) but smaller, more compact rides are just as excellent! I love me some I305 but I love me some Raven just the same! Gerstlauer has some seriously wicked designs out there. Same for Mack, Chance, S&S, etc. They don't all have to be huge to be incredible.


I don't care what people think of me. If a ride scares the bejesus out of me, I'm not getting on it. Drop rides scare the bejesus out of me, so I don't ride them.


No worries, man. Nobody here will judge you.





To your face...

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I visited yesterday as well. The presence of the school groups initially dampened my spirits when I thought I might not get to ride everything I wanted. Fortunately, the majority of the groups left the park around 5pm, freeing up the lines for every ride. That fact permitted me to complete 11 of the coasters with minimal waits. I think that's a record for me. That, plus the drop in temperature, made the last three hours of the day very pleasant. I really enjoyed Laff Trakk as well. Nice job on that one, though it could be a bit darker inside.


Skyrush was amazing as always. Laf trakk was pretty good as well. I'm convinced that thunder always win vs lightning. The six or seven "races" I saw, Thunder won all of them. Lines were long because there were so many schools at the park, and I don't usually wait over an hour for coasters.


Some rides were only running one train, which hurt because the amount of schools were there.

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For the sake of argument I believe if they wanted to build a giga coaster they could.


*Didn't they buy some big tract of land near the park that can be expanded?

*Even if they didnt Hershey Park is not again building roller coasters on top or around or through other rides or coasters. Part of what I enjoy about the park is that unlike many parks where the coaster are all in their own neat little parcels of land at Hershey they seem to almost co-mingle.


If they built a giga coaster I'd love to see what B&M would do with the space. I think I've read somewhere that Great Bear was one of their toughest B&M inverts to build. I wonder would they take on the challenge of installing a giga coaster in that park... probably not, but a coaster boy can dream.


Like I said I agree with other posters; it is time for a thrill ride and drop tower fits well.

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I agree but it is really just the soft ending that ruins it for most people. It's like a movie that is awesome but the ending sucks, that's all people remember out of it.


You're talking about Great Bear right? To me, the second half of that ride felt like someone hit "autocomplete" in Roller Coaster Tycoon and some wacky-ass filler track appeared to connect it back to the station. I'm not a huge fan of B&M inverts, but I did like that initial pre-drop spin. The second half was a bit of a head scratcher though.


I loved Fahrenheit — I think it and Lightning Racer were my two favorite rides there. I liked Comet a lot too, even though it's pretty tame.

Edited by Arthur_Seaton
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Count me in as another person who thinks a drop tower like Falcon's Fury would be the perfect addition for the next ride at Hersheypark! I also agree than an RMC of Wildcat, would be the best "addition" for their next coaster project! I love this park, definitely among my Top 5, and can't wait to make it back again!

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Am I the only one who doesn't mind Wildcat the way it currently is?


Probably not... However, I bet there were plenty of people who liked the old Texas Giant, the old Cyclone at SFNE, Roar at SFDK, and even Colossus at SFMM. Yet they were all RMC'd, and I would bet virtually all of those people prefer the new incarnation of the coaster. Just sayin'... It would essentially add a new coaster to Hersheypark, and wouldn't involve any additional space to be cleared.

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Am I the only one who doesn't mind Wildcat the way it currently is?


Wildcat is perfectly fine, its because Hershey has such a solid lineup that people complain about things like Wildcat being rough (sure its rough, but only as rough as an older woodie should be, and also people are pussies), or Great Bear having a boring ending - sure it doesn't have the grande finale feeling like Talon or Raptor do, but I think the setting over the water and that last surprise corkscrew make up for it. I like Great Bear because its completely unique because of its layout.


People just like to pick out the negatives and focus on them.

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My opinion on Wildcat is that it sucks, but it doesn't suck THAT much. It's rideable and enjoyable despite being way rougher than it should be. We usually skip it because it always has lines that are way longer than it deserves to have but I tried to get brit to ride it during Christmas Candylane (she shot me down though, she hates that ride).

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*disclaimer: as much as I defend Wildcat, if Hershey RMC'd it they'd basically have the most perfect line-up ever.


edit: Actually, maybe with an Intamin drop and a giant Screaming Swing. Perfection.


I'm having dejavu, have I posted this already? LOL

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I like the Wildcat. It's a woodie...they are supposed to be rough. I actually liked it better when they were running the old PTC trains on it (probably the only one). But maybe that is why it's aged worse than it's cousins LR? Maybe if they had their millennium flyers back then and used them over the heavier PTC trains, more people might appreciate it today? Thoughts?

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I like the Wildcat. It's a woodie...they are supposed to be rough.


I like wood coasters that run smooth but throw you around laterally by design (Twister at Knoebels for example) but wood coasters aren't supposed to feel like you're riding on a jackhammer with square wheels like Wildcat does. At least not in my opinion.

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I like the Wildcat. It's a woodie...they are supposed to be rough.


I like wood coasters that run smooth but throw you around laterally by design (Twister at Knoebels for example) but wood coasters aren't supposed to feel like you're riding on a jackhammer with square wheels like Wildcat does. At least not in my opinion.


Definitely. Anyone who thinks Wildcat is "normal rough" either hasn't been on woodies like the ones at Knoebels which are way more intense but much smoother, or is some kind of masochist. I don't mind a rough, intense ride, but Wildcat is not very intense, just rough. Jackhammering does not equal intensity. In fact, if they smoothed it out and actually fixed the problem (I don't care if they have to strip it down to the ledgers, it must be possible, I just think they don't give a sh*t) I think it would possibly run much faster and more intense, juging by what's happened to Twister in recent years. But it hasn't happened yet so I doubt it ever will. I'm guessing sooner or later its headed for the scrap heap.


The woodie that really desperately needs a refurb at Hershey is Comet. Specifically they need to remove those freakin trims. That's what I'd like to see people complain about more often, not ol' rough boring Wildcat, because those trims are seriously ruining what would otherwise be an incredible ride.

Edited by neil009
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I like the Wildcat. It's a woodie...they are supposed to be rough.


I like wood coasters that run smooth but throw you around laterally by design (Twister at Knoebels for example) but wood coasters aren't supposed to feel like you're riding on a jackhammer with square wheels like Wildcat does. At least not in my opinion.


Definitely. Anyone who thinks Wildcat is "normal rough" either hasn't been on woodies like the ones at Knoebels which are way more intense but much smoother, or is some kind of masochist. I don't mind a rough, intense ride, but Wildcat is not very intense, just rough. Jackhammering does not equal intensity. In fact, if they actually smoothed it out and actually fixed the problem (I don't care if they have to strip it down to the ledgers, it must be possible, I just think they don't give a sh*t) I think it may actually run much faster and more intense, juging by what's happened to Twister in recent years. But it hasn't happened yet so I doubt it ever will. I'm guessing sooner or later its headed for the scrap heap.



When I'm somebody who has The Voyage as his #1 Wooden Coaster, and thinks Wildcat is too rough for my tastes, that kind of says it all! There's intensity, and then there's just roughness borne out of poor design, or simply age.

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In fact, this is completely hypothetical fantasy talk, but if getting rid of Wildcat would free up the space in their maintenance budget to run Comet the way it was designed, I would totally be in favor of sacrificing one to save the other. I know that's not how it works but it sure would be great if it was.


I thought maybe it was just impossible for a big corporate park to run a classic woodie without trimming it to death... then I rode Thunderbolt at SFNE. Hershey seriously has no excuse. I'll never forget my one ride immediately after a thunderstorm when the trims were either off or not really working due to the wet track, if I closed my eyes I could have swore I was riding the Phoenix. Not exaggerating.

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I thought maybe it was just impossible for a big corporate park to run a classic woodie without trimming it to death... then I rode Thunderbolt at SFNE.


Thunderhawk says hi.

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I thought maybe it was just impossible for a big corporate park to run a classic woodie without trimming it to death... then I rode Thunderbolt at SFNE.


Thunderhawk says hi.


You mean the other eastern PA classic woodie that's trimmed to death...??

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