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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Well take this for what its worth - some kid in the Hersheypark Connoisseurs group posted he talked to a Great Bear op that said Flying Falcon was out and a drop tower was in. Could very well be a load of BS but... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by boldikus
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Well Morey's got rid of their Huss condor a couple years ago (its actually where KONG (flyers) stand now) and there was a big uproar when they announced it was being removed and they basically came out and said it was maintenance nightmare and they had no choice but to get rid of it. I like the flyers better than I used to like the condor - which I very much did as a kid.

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Imagine a Maverick clone


I do see a drop tower, and while sad to see the Falcon go, it didn't seem all that popular when I went 2 years ago... Maybe it was just a bad day for it. HUSS rides require lots of maintenance it seems... Enterprise, Falcon, Frisbees, Trabants, etc... oh well.


I'd love to see a drop tower like the one at Busch Gardens Tampa.

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Imagine a Maverick clone


I do see a drop tower, and while sad to see the Falcon go, it didn't seem all that popular when I went 2 years ago... Maybe it was just a bad day for it. HUSS rides require lots of maintenance it seems... Enterprise, Falcon, Frisbees, Trabants, etc... oh well.


I'd love to see a drop tower like the one at Busch Gardens Tampa.

They don't need a Maverick clone, since Storm Runner is kind of like a precursor to the Intamin blitz coasters so it's actually a pretty important coaster!


Flying Falcon would be missed, but I'd take a drop tower over a Condor any day. Seriously, the dropping "I", the fact that they just added Laff Trakk, the obvious need for a new flat ride...I would be really disappointed if this new addition wasn't a drop tower.


I know this wouldn't be possible, but a smaller Larson/ARM drop tower attached to Storm Runner's top hat would be really interesting.

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I'm not sure about Hershey's height limit, because I've heard reports both ways, so it might only affect certain areas of the park. Remember that Kissing Tower is 250 ft. I think that the controversy surrounding Skyrush was its proximity to Comet, and the fact that it goes over the water.


A drop tower would be perfect. People have been asking for one for years. A Sky Jump model would be enough to make me visit again (as if Skyrush already wasn't enough of a reason).

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A Sky Jump model would be enough to make me visit again (as if Skyrush, Storm Runner, Lightning Racer, chocolate, and whoopie pies already wasn't enough of a reason).



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I love how Hershey markets their new attractions! A drop tower would be great but if they took out Flying Falcon I would personally be really sad. That's my favorite flat anywhere, in part because I grew up riding it over and over and over again. It's still a really fun ride and there aren't many like it. Actually, I've never encountered another one. Are there any operating condors in the US and if so where? Anytime I take new people to HP I always take them over to Flying Falcon and they go crazy. It's such a fun little ride! Maybe they'd relocate it to wherever and whatever it is they're supposedly doing with this park expansion Or more than likely it'd end up with BBW in the lost land of awesome but no longer living rides haha.

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Falcon has such a small footprint that they may consider relocating it. The height restrictions are perfect for introducing the little ones to "grown up" rides. I would hope they could figure out how to keep it.

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It will probably be a rollercoaster. Most likely this new attraction will be going in the kissing tower hill area, and it does not make much sense to put a drop tower right next to the kissing tower, I think that would look a bit odd.


Its probably going to be a coaster because they can remove those kiddie rides and flying falcons have some of the coaster there, than run the track over to where the twin turnpikes are and by the coal cracker and even make use of the empty land behind the park that was opened up from the road realignment. The 1 in the announcement might be hinting a dive coaster or something similar. Any thoughts?

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Well Morey's got rid of their Huss condor a couple years ago (its actually where KONG (flyers) stand now) and there was a big uproar when they announced it was being removed and they basically came out and said it was maintenance nightmare and they had no choice but to get rid of it. I like the flyers better than I used to like the condor - which I very much did as a kid.


Maintenance does always seem to get mentioned when discussions of Huss Condor's occur.

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I can't see Flying Falcon going anywhere, it received all new LED lighting package this year why spend that money they replace it?


That's actually great news. I didn't know that but you're right... they wouldn't upgrade the lighting package and then remove it all in the same year.

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