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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Skyrush seriously looks awesome. Next to I305 and Shambhala, this is the ride I would kill to ride. I don't know if anyone else has said this yet, but I have a sick feeling that Hershey may tame down the ride because of the discomfort it's giving its riders. I really hope they don't, and Hershey most likely won't, because the airtime on this ride seems to be unlike anything else.

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Got to ride once today (would've been more, but my friend who was with me didn't want to go on again, meh). I'm not sure I'd rank it above I305, but it's certainly in that class. Has it beat in the airtime department for sure. A few things:


1) I don't think the person/people that green-lighted the station design thought it through as much as they should have.


2) I personally didn't experience any pain, but I did overhear a few people say something about how the ride "killed their legs". Most of them were teenage kids, so take it for what it's worth.


3) I rode in the right outside seat and absolutely loved the openness/sense of freedom. I obviously know the lap bar was sufficient, but I would be lying if I said there wasn't a brief second where I thought "wait, this is all that's keeping me in?". Glad I chose the seat that I did.

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Are operations getting any better throughout the park? I remember the seemingly endless waits for everything back in 2008, in particular Great Bear. Storm Runner's wait was just insane. If it wasn't for ERT, I'm not sure how many rides we would have enjoyed and it's the reason why I was never in any rush to get back to the park until Sky Rush came along. Would current operations be Magic Mountain-like, Mount Olympus-like or somewhere in between?


Sky Rush really does look fantastic, almost like Maverick on steroids. I really can't wait to ride, whether it uses al dente rigatoni or not. New Texas Giant gave me bruises to last a week or two but once you figure out how to brace yourself a bit, it's just insane fun. I just figure it's another reason to get back to the gym at some point to add some currently non-existent leg extensions to the non-existent cardio lol


I remember really liking Wildcat a lot.

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Operations wise, I'll take SFMM any day. But Hershey=Intamin heaven. Rode Skyrush today and the ride is terrific. Tight lap bar by the brake run, but nothing nearly as bad as some people have been saying. That twisty third hill is the best, most fearsome airtime moment I personally have experienced!

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That twisty third hill is the best, most fearsome airtime moment I personally have experienced!


Have you ridden Cyclops in the back seat? Thats *real* airtime; is it really *airtime* if you are stapled to the seat? I think it's *upward forces* - isn't that was Great Adventure used to call it?


The 2nd to last bunny hop on the new Zippin Pippin in Wisconsin has the most violent/ejector moment of air time I have ever come across. It's almost too much. It left seat belt bruises on my outer thighs. Has anyone else experienced that? The new Zippin Pippin, not the old one in Memphis (which was great too, especially with the old buzz bars.. but that 2nd to last speed bump on the new one was a *goodie* thrown in by Gravity Group I believe.)


Skyrush sounds great, cannot wait to ride. Although, from looking at the pictures, I have also wondered why the bottoms of the lap bars weren't designed with more surface area to absorb all the upward force generated (more like the B&M clamshell)... At a certain point, the negative G's surpass the point of fun, and venture into just plain discomfort. Too much of anything is not good. Especially when the damn restraint becomes tighter and tighter.


Would it be a *fair* trade off to back off the -G's just a *hair* and then supply a little more room in the seats to move up and down?

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I rode Skyrush 5 times today and I musst say YES it is one of the worldbest coasters but I experienced brutal shaking especially in the outside seats.

Some people told me they got a headache because of that.

The lapbars are not the problem as long as you know how to hold you right.

I still think Expedition Geforce or Maverick are far better coasters because they are much smoother.

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Would it be a *fair* trade off to back off the -G's just a *hair* and then supply a little more room in the seats to move up and down?

I'll keep the absolutely spectacularly excruciatingly amazing airtime exactly the way it is, please. Even though I was in fact stapled, my butt was still out of the seat going over the hills. There might have only been an un-measurable distance between my butt and the seat, but it was still out of it!

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How is Hershey's skip the line system? Similar to Fast Lane at Cedar Fair parks? I might go on Saturday, so I'll probably need it.


Also, can anyone tell me where the nearest Giant is? I'd hate to pay full price at the gate when I can just get a ticket there.

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Rode Skyrush today! I must say it is pretty awesome! It reminded me of I305 but obviously smaller. It was packed with airtime & was my 307th credit My only complaint was the restraints. They stapled me in my seat after the 2nd hill & hurt my thighs. Apart from that great ride! Kudos to the Skyrush crew for the quick operations. I timed myself & waited no longer than 23 minutes to ride it all 3x I got on it. The lines weren't bad today in general with the exception of Fahrenheit, Great Bear, & Lightning Racers but only because each side was running 1 train.

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How is Hershey's skip the line system? Similar to Fast Lane at Cedar Fair parks? I might go on Saturday, so I'll probably need it.


Also, can anyone tell me where the nearest Giant is? I'd hate to pay full price at the gate when I can just get a ticket there.


Fast Lane Pass allows you to ride each ride once (except Farenheight and Skyrush) at a pre-determined time.


The closest Giant is at the intersection of Cocoa Ave and FIshburn Road, about three miles from the park. You can also get $12 off coupons at the Dunkin Donuts near the Red Robin that is across from the park.


You can also get discounted tickets at hersheypark.com by using the following coupon codes:


16075 - $14 off each ticket in May

16076 - $12 off each ticket in June

16077 - $10 off each ticket in July

16078 - $8 off each ticket in August or September

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My boyfriend & I went there on Memorial Day. It wasn't crowded. The longest line was for Skyrush(45 min. wait). We both agree that Skyrush is an intense ride. Its like I305,but only smaller. Its our #2 Steel coaster. BTW:We got 7 rides throughout the day.

Edited by ShannonSomerville
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