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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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Alright guys I'm sorry to do this but it's time for a slight reality check. lol


Here's a video of the test run from Mako Madness.



I think we can all agree that it really gets going right after the hammerhead, That's where it seems like it sets itself apart and might deliver some airtime. So upon further inspection let's see what's placed right after the hammerhead and before the part where the ride really gets good...




Obviously the trim didn't kick on and the midcourse didn't either because it's the first test run so before we get TOO excited we should probably keep that in mind. I'm sure it'll still deliver floater air and we don't know how hard they'll trim it but I'm trying to curtail some of my enthusiasm until we find out.

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Most B&M's also test with harder wheels first that get swapped out with softer (slower) ones as the testing continues so I wouldn't expect even the pre-trim portion of the ride to run that fast in the end. Every other B&M hyper is massively trimmed so I wouldn't expect the final ride to look anything like this.

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^Fury seemed fast from the initial tests but never really slowed down, did it? It also has a trim on its largest airtime hill, but most people seem to think even that hill has a little more air than the older, traditional B&M hypers like Nitro.


It's also fascinating to look at the shaping of hear hills. The first airtime hill (with no trim) looks peaked like Diamondback's hills, but the following hill with the trim looks shallower but faster, like Fury's largest airtime hill. Curious to see how it rides in the end, but I'm cautiously optimistic.

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Man that thing is flying! Really exciting to see, I really hope they don't slow it down. That mid course has the potential to ruin the ride (the airtime trim seems acceptable, like Fury, it's maybe not a total buzz-kill). As is, it looks like a blast. I've never been to SWO, but I'll probably stop by next time I'm in Orlando.

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I'm shocked that people on here are actually thinking that they'll ever get a ride anywhere near this fast on Mako when it opens... it's a bit disingenuous for the park to even release the video of the ride w/ no trims, no MCBR, and the harder 'test' wheels that B&M uses.


I see some comments like "but Fury never slowed down!" but people are forgetting that Fury isn't a "hyper" model and doesn't have an MCBR. Either B&M finally decided that negative g's are acceptable OR, more likely, they haven't tuned this to where they want it to be.

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  thrilladdict said:
I'm shocked that people on here are actually thinking that they'll ever get a ride anywhere near this fast on Mako when it opens... it's a bit disingenuous for the park to even release the video of the ride w/ no trims, no MCBR, and the harder 'test' wheels that B&M uses.


I see some comments like "but Fury never slowed down!" but people are forgetting that Fury isn't a "hyper" model and doesn't have an MCBR. Either B&M finally decided that negative g's are acceptable OR, more likely, they haven't tuned this to where they want it to be.


First they lied about how happy their whales are, now they are lying about speed of their new coaster.





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I didn't say they were lying, but we have zero evidence to believe that B&M would let a hyper run balls out like this. It hasn't ever happened, why would this be the first time? Most of the general public will never realize that what they experience in person will not match that video but still... kinda odd to release it this way.

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There will be trim and it's very likely the MCBR will slow down the train a bit as well. There's no way B&M will design their ride to fly into the final brake, fly past the magnetic brake section when they are on and slow down/stop by the friction brake like that. During initial testing I guess they turn off all the trims to make sure the train doesn't valley.

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