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California Great America (CGA) Discussion Thread

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Between CGA and Knott's, Cedar Fair on the west coast is killing it! If anyone doubted their 20 year plan, this ride and its theming should give the naysayers something to think about. I wonder how the construction will affect Haunt, as the construction site sits right up against one of their haunted house locations.

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While I was impressed the addition of Wonder Woman at SFFT, and I still think that's a great addition for that park, and looks nice there, THIS blows it away in my opinion! For me, I'm a HUGE fan of themeing, and all the rocks, tunnels, and water surrounding this installation really add to this version's presentation! I LOVE the entire look of the coaster, and its surrounding area, and think it's a fantastic addition to the park. I've never been to CGA, but I've already told my brother who lives in LA that the next time I visit him, we're taking a Bro Road Trip up the coast to the Bay Area to hit up CGA and SFDK, and I'm definitely excited to be able to get a ride on this coaster! That back seat sure looks like the "money seat" on these Raptor coasters! Coming over that first drop especially... Woo Hoo!!! Another perfect fit for Cedar Fair!

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  chickenbowl said:
Definitely true. I feel like some enthusiasts start cheerleading certain companies (DAE RMC?!) and hating on others (Boring & Mild). I'm certainly guilty of this with my fanboyism of Intamin. But recently I feel like everyone is significantly improving their designs and that makes me super excited for the next decade. I think it's safe to say we're living in a coaster renaissance!

While your point of a coaster renaissance is very true, the DAE RMC and Boring & Mild things are just tongue-in-cheek jokes on the r/rollercoasterjerk subreddit. We're just making fun of the over the top enthusiasts out there in a nonsensical way for fun. That includes TPR as well

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Seeing what RMC is doing with Hurler really does make you wonder if Grizzly isn't beyond saving after all.


In lurk mode I read this whole thread and I saw many laugh several years ago when the possibility of RMC turning Grizzly shit into Grizzly salad was brought up. Most said just burn it to the ground which is something I pretty much agree with.


The ride is a bore. While I haven't rode every wooden coaster in the world obviously, I think it deserves its 'worst' label.


Torch it or give it a second life and let RMC get its hands all over it? I have no idea which would actually be cheaper. I assume a big part of that would depend on its potential replacement.

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  Jameslofton said:
Seeing what RMC is doing with Hurler really does make you wonder if Grizzly isn't beyond saving after all.


In lurk mode I read this whole thread and I saw many laugh several years ago when the possibility of RMC turning Grizzly shit into Grizzly salad was brought up. Most said just burn it to the ground which is something I pretty much agree with.


The ride is a bore. While I haven't rode every wooden coaster in the world obviously, I think it deserves its 'worst' label.


Torch it or give it a second life and let RMC get its hands all over it? I have no idea which would actually be cheaper. I assume a big part of that would depend on its potential replacement.

Who's the guy on here that kept trolling this and the Knott's thread about that rare intamin surf rider? Quiet now. Either way, that negative energy went to way better things. Announcements period are $. We are fortunate.

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  coasterbill said:

I mean... it fits the mold and the description from the conference call. It's also a reasonably priced coaster which is an important factor to consider when they're adding 4 coasters in one year (regardless of what the payment structure is).

Nailed it

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  Jameslofton said:
Seeing what RMC is doing with Hurler really does make you wonder if Grizzly isn't beyond saving after all.


In lurk mode I read this whole thread and I saw many laugh several years ago when the possibility of RMC turning Grizzly shit into Grizzly salad was brought up. Most said just burn it to the ground which is something I pretty much agree with.


The ride is a bore. While I haven't rode every wooden coaster in the world obviously, I think it deserves its 'worst' label.


Torch it or give it a second life and let RMC get its hands all over it? I have no idea which would actually be cheaper. I assume a big part of that would depend on its potential replacement.


It's not exciting for coaster enthusiasts, but the ride was really smooth (as of 2014). It's a great family coaster. Most of the RMC conversions are when a ride becomes painful.

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  Domm said:

Who's the guy on here that kept trolling this and the Knott's thread about that rare intamin surf rider? Quiet now. Either way, that negative energy went to way better things. Announcements period are $. We are fortunate.

I thought you were referring to westcoasterking.


Bill most certainly isn't trolling.



  coasterbill said:
Believe it or not people are often (I'd even say usually) wrong when making predictions about new rides with little information to go on. I fail to see the point of your post.
I agree and another thing...making predictions for this park is even more difficult than most. Months ago when rumors/speculation went into overdrive, no one seriously imagined CGA getting a ride of this magnitude. Other than Gold Striker, CGA had been in a sort of limbo for years.


The announcement was best case scenario.


IMO it also allows the real possibility of parks like Michigan's Adventure, Valleyfair, etc. to get some killer additions in the coming years. Some of the fans of those parks are a tad doom and gloom but there's light at the end of the tunnel even though some believed the light was turned off due to cost cutting measures.


If they're willing to make a serious investment in CGA, it'll be their turn soon.


  Canobie Coaster said:


It's not exciting for coaster enthusiasts, but the ride was really smooth (as of 2014). It's a great family coaster. Most of the RMC conversions are when a ride becomes painful.

Good points.


Unfortunately it was closed on the day I went a few months ago. I rode it in the 80s and 90s but wanted to ride it again now that it has that label attached to it. I don't remember it having that reputation back then. All I know is the fact it had/has long lines...so somebody likes it.


You're right. Its a good family coaster but at what point does it warrant removal? Its taking up valuable space back there that could easily be put to better use.

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  Jameslofton said:
All I know is the fact it had/has long lines...so somebody likes it.


You're right. Its a good family coaster but at what point does it warrant removal? Its taking up valuable space back there that could easily be put to better use.

Well yeah, it's popular with kids and those who don't want the extreme thrills, which is why it's still worth keeping I think, it's a good stepping stone or starter coaster. Its not rough at all, but there's zero thrill for any thrill ride veteran.


The reason for the long lines though is mainly because of the horrendous dispatch times. It's probably the slowest dispatching ride I've ever seen not counting VR coasters. The seats and restraints are funky and over complicated resulting in lots of rechecks and an extremely inordinate number of walks of shame. It's usually >5 minutes per train. If you walk up and see just a station wait, that's usually about a half hour. At least the station is covered.

If you want to try it without waiting, it's actually pretty easy due to the fact that Grizzly usually does not open with the park. It will usually open about 90 minutes after the park opens, so you can ride other things at park open and then walk over and ride Grizzly right when it opens to avoid the slow moving line.


Personally I'd like them to keep it around, but I wouldn't be opposed to an RMC conversion, because, I mean come on, who would turn down an RMC?

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  laqueefa said:
I feel like the Grizzly RMC talk has been done to death in this thread.

Well realistically at this point with RMC's reputation, any wooden coaster not at SFGAdv that's more than a few years old and not of historical significance is going to get the RMC discussion.

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  Jameslofton said:
In 1000+ page threads, just about every discussion has been "done to death", including one of the subjects of your last post in this thread...the twenty year plan. I just didn't have a need or see a reason to yawn over it.

Search functions, how do they work? http://themeparkreview.com/forum/search.php?keywords=Grizzly+RMC&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search

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  Jameslofton said:
Yeah... hopefully when he brings up the twenty year plan again or anything else discussed the past 10+ years he'll remember how search functions work.


Calm down, Steven Seagal.


  Tmcdllr said:
I did a Google search for the long term plan for cga... thought this was interesting..... there was more but..hmm......


Railblazer is going to be an amazing, standout ride in the park but getting a hyper in the line up will eventually be the cherry on top. Especially if it's a launched hyper! Getting back to Railblazer... If the final product features the theming in the rendering, that will make two coasters in the park with stone/rock themed tunnels, and 3 coasters total at the park with tunnels. TAKE THE TUNNEL!

Edited by laqueefa
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I assume the suspended family coaster mentioned is the Flying Ace at Carowinds or is there a new version on the horizon? Its hard to picture any of the rides mentioned fitting here...especially that hyper. Railblazer is going to take up the prime spot always imagined for any new ride. They're gonna have to get creative with whatever is next on tap.


When I read this whole thread months ago I saw they had a special event for Goldstriker before it opened where people could show up and ride it for a few hours. I hope something similar happens with Railblazer.

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  Jameslofton said:
When I read this whole thread months ago I saw they had a special event for Goldstriker before it opened where people could show up and ride it for a few hours. I hope something similar happens with Railblazer.


When the time comes for shooting commercials, keep an eye on the parks social media accounts for posts requesting volunteers. Goldstriker's shoot lasted about 3 days, and we got a massive amount of rides in.

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  laqueefa said:
When the time comes for shooting commercials, keep an eye on the parks social media accounts for posts requesting volunteers. Goldstriker's shoot lasted about 3 days, and we got a massive amount of rides in.


This is great suggestion and if you can go to the promo shoot, I'd highly recommend it. I was able to go to the Twisted Colossus shoot for two days and it was awesome. I got about 20-25 rides in each day of the shoot. They gave us free park tickets along with breakfast and lunch, so they really took care of us. Plus I got to hang out with a bunch of cool coaster enthusiasts!

Edited by VegasBaby
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  Jameslofton said:
When I read this whole thread months ago I saw they had a special event for Goldstriker before it opened where people could show up and ride it for a few hours. I hope something similar happens with Railblazer.

Yes, it was a promo shoot, that was awesome. I was there on the first day (though they did it two or three days in a row), got to be the 5th person loaded on the first ever public train, and got 8 consecutive laps that day, all before all the foam and walls were added! Wouldn't be surprised if they did the same with RailBlazer, and I'll be there if they do.

Last time they did it on what was normally a closed day for the park, and nothing else was open except one concession stand. It was nice to be able to park right at the front gate.



No fence, great photo op for trains at close range! (The employee was there to make sure people didnt stick a hand out at the train or something and lose it)


So new...no walls!

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Let's keep in mind for 2 seconds that Railblazer is still just a prototype. Do I think that it will still open for the shooting of promotional previews? Yes. I would expect a decent amount of downtime its first year. And in case the park can't get the footage it wants, Cedar Fair has had absolutely zero qualms about using stock/generic footage before.

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