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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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I'm hoping I can get some immediate advice. I live in Atlanta and I have one evening in Charlotte tonight before I have a flight tomorrow morning. What is the cheapest option to get a Scarowinds ticket for tonight. Online is $40 but it includes admission for a Sunday which I won't use. It's just me going so any advice would be appreciated.

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^That is the least expensive ticket option for tonight, save for the Season Pass Bring-A-Friend ticket.


If you were considering getting a Cedar Fair platinum pass in 2017, you could purchase that tonight at the lowest rate of the year and use your free 2016 visit for SCarowinds.


Regular SCarowinds Admission is $55, so even if you do not use the Sunday Daytime ticket it is still a great value!


Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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When I was there for SCarowinds a couple weeks ago when they were having the riots the place was an absolute ghost town. Makes sense for them to close tonight whether the weather slams them or not as the storms will certainly impact who may, and in this case may not, attend. Prozach did you get down there yet? I forget what weekend you are/were going.

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I'm glad I traveled there last weekend. It was only terribly busy Saturday night, there was a reminder of what was going on around the country with bomb dogs around the entrance. My group went Friday night and all day Saturday, we had an absolute blast! I couldn't believe how dead it was during the day Saturday! We rode Fury over dozen times I believe, I never waited more than one train to get on...I was completely stunned at the lack of people in the park.


The only bad part of the trip really was that driving from Texas meant I had 2 routes available. Driving the southern part of the country up through Atlanta, or taking a longer route across Tennessee. Alabama and Mississippi was the most boring drive ever! Georgia...including a side stop at SFoG was just awful! I'm driving the extra hour next year!

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Prozach did you get down there yet? I forget what weekend you are/were going.

Two weeks away. We'll be at Scarowinds on Friday night, 10-21. Then, we'll be at the park all day on Saturday before returning again for SCarowinds. With the riots and now the hurricane I'm not totally optimistic about the visit. However, provided there are no more disasters in the area, I secured myself an 8 hour OT gig at work tomorrow so we can buy our FP+ passes guilt free for both nights. I would imagine the remaining good weekend will be packed. I'm sure we'll wait for a few haunts, but a return trip for Fury the main purpose of the trip. I have to get Emily on this thing, since I went with a friend earlier in the year.

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Are there any insane promotions I should know about this weekend? We've got out FL+ passes ordered for Friday and Saturday night. We also snatched up funpix for Saturday night. I had a pretty top notch feeling about the trip, until I saw this post in the KI thread:




I hope there's nothing similar at Carowinds.

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That actually kind of sucks. It's a nice intermediate slide. I remember back when I met Brit and she was terrified of almost every ride that was the only slide she would ride. It was large enough that it wasn't embarassing to ride but small enough that it wasn't too scary. Barracuda Blasters is sort of the same thing but it's in the dark which which she (and others) find terrifying for some reason.


Personally this doesn't matter to me at all but it's a shame they need to be removed. I could see some kids and adults who are complete whimps being disappointed by this move.


PS: It was pink in 2015, why the hell did they repaint it for one season before removing it? I would think it's very likely that it'll end up somewhere else in the chain... if not that's pretty perplexing.

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PS: It was pink in 2015, why the hell did they repaint it for one season before removing it? I would think it's very likely that it'll end up somewhere else in the chain... if not that's pretty perplexing.



They also retracked thunder road 2 seasons before blowing it up... This one will probably be reusable, though.

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Anyone else here think Vortex might be converted into a floorless coaster in 2018 if Patriot does well?


Yes, but I'm actually not as thrilled about it as I am about the other conversions because for some reason I actually kind of like Vortex.

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