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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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I know what you were probably thinking... that video was nice, but can we get one that's a little crappier please?


Why YES! Yes you can. It shows the other camera and the rest of the course which is why I thought I'd post it.



And apparently one camera lags...

Edit: And the quality is to be expected when screen capping a webcam, I'm not hating on the people recording this.

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Makes its way out of the turnaround quite a bit quicker than the rendering made it seem. Maybe some sideways airtime, similar to Oulaw Run/New Texas Giant overbanks? Too early to say, but it looks promising.

Funny how GateKeeeper test videos made it seem very slow, but in general the ride delivers. Now with the limited views we've had of Fury testing, it seems much faster than we expected. I remember seeing a Millennium Force video from May of 2000- that train was crawling.

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^Weve known that for quite awhile, and those that have ridden generally say Leviathans trims don't affect the ride experience much, if at all. Not really ruining anybody's day- B&M trims are magnetic and only trim when necessary.

Edited by Password121
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I'm not sure if it has been discussed, but their will be a trim on the airtime hill before the helix. Sorry to ruin the day guys.


You haven't ruined anyone's day b/c that has been known for sometime now, the trims are already on the hill. By the looks of that vid and seeing the testing on cam with my own eyes it looks like the trim isn't doing a thing far as slowing the train down.


This is one of the first B&M coasters I've seen testing and go WOW!!! this thing looks absolutely incredible looks like an absolute speed monster!!! IMO it looks like every element from first drop up until the Helix looks like it will be insane with the speed they appear to taken at I truly can not wait to ride this coaster!!!

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This coaster looks really impressive. The helix seemed maybe a little sluggish, but I'm sure it will pick up a bit come summer when it's broken in a little. The first half of the layout seemed fast, and the turnaround looks impressive. The first overbank after the drop reminds me of Goliath's (Over Georgia) quasi-hammerhead, only about three times the size.


Also, something I found interesting, the rendering suggested about 1:08-1:10 from drop-brakes. The test run POV is about 1:03, which may very well drop later in the season with prime conditions. That was an educated way of saying, "This ride hauls ass."

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It goes a bit slower after the airtime hill (maybe due to the trim brake), but overall it definitely looks faster in the POV than in the animation. Hopefully they'll eventually release a smoother mounted POV.

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It goes a bit slower after the airtime hill (maybe due to the trim brake), but overall it definitely looks faster in the POV than in the animation. Hopefully they'll eventually release a smoother mounted POV.

I really don't think the trim cuts off as much speed as you think. The trim may not have even been activated on the test run. The helix comes directly after the airtime hill-- helices shave off a lot more speed than hills, combined with the fact that this helix is absolutely massive.

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