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Nürburgring launched coaster

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That's a lot of straight track. I don't know if I should go ride this coaster, I looked at the park (for how far you can call it a park) and €19,50 is a lot of money for 1 coaster (since I have no interest in the rest). If I have to pay that much I want true for my money and this ride doesn't offer much.

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Am I the only one that thinks most of this coaster looks boring as hell. The entire trip back through the building looks like a complete yawn.


No, you're not. As I said earlier, looks like it's all about the launch.

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Am I the only one that thinks most of this coaster looks boring as hell. The entire trip back through the building looks like a complete yawn.


As said before, this ride is designed for the launch. It makes more sense when you consider that this is not at an amusement park and is just an attraction for the racetrack. The coaster is interesting but the real draw to the Nurburgring is the racing, although the German Grand Prix will be held at the Hockenheimring this year as it alternates yearly between these two tracks. This is just an attraction and is not intended to be the main focus of the complex.If the US Grand Prix track had a coaster I probably wouldn't bother riding it this month while I'm there for the F1 race.

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I still wonder why they didn't just get another contractor to design the launch mechanism.


Well, I'm not a pneumatic air launch specialist, but I'm sure S&S is since they've made hundreds of launch towers and launching coasters. If they couldn't do it, I doubt anyone else could. 135 mph could've been one of those "pushing the limits of engineering" type of deals.

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I still wonder why they didn't just get another contractor to design the launch mechanism.


Well, I'm not a pneumatic air launch specialist, but I'm sure S&S is since they've made hundreds of launch towers and launching coasters. If they couldn't do it, I doubt anyone else could. 135 mph could've been one of those "pushing the limits of engineering" type of deals.


I'm sure he meant that the other manufacturer would scrap the pneumatic launch, and build their own one.




Kind of funny how the S&S guy said last IAAPA that he knew they could break the speed record.

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Am I the only one that thinks most of this coaster looks boring as hell. The entire trip back through the building looks like a complete yawn.


As said before, this ride is designed for the launch. It makes more sense when you consider that this is not at an amusement park and is just an attraction for the racetrack. The coaster is interesting but the real draw to the Nurburgring is the racing, although the German Grand Prix will be held at the Hockenheimring this year as it alternates yearly between these two tracks. This is just an attraction and is not intended to be the main focus of the complex.If the US Grand Prix track had a coaster I probably wouldn't bother riding it this month while I'm there for the F1 race.


I agree. I think people should not look at this as a traditional roller coaster and more of a simulator that happens to look like a coaster. as far as I knwe it was built to let the average person experience the power of a Formula One car accelerate.

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I think it'd be cool to see on of the two Grand Prix tracks here in the US get an attraction like this. I'll be going to the US Grand Prix is a couple weeks and am super excited. This ride makes sense for the Nurburgring as it only hosts an F1 race every other year and so they have been attempting different ways of attracting tourists on the off years.

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To clear things up a bit (This list only "works" if we assume that all of these launches accelerate in a constant manner)

(launch coasters with a run-up speed not included)


Really cool list!


The only flaw I can find is that the Intamin hydraulic launch coasters lists different launch times.


For an example Zaturn has the same launch as Stealth, only that Thorpe Park uses the time it takes for the train to reach the top speed (Which is the correct way, in my opinion) while Space World uses the time it takes for the train to clear the launch (this includes the brake run for the catch car, which is not a part of the acceleration).


Same thing for Dragsteer and Kingda Ka.


Stealth wasn't "modified" in 2007 to have a better launch, it was only the marketing team who found out that the ride only launched for the first 1,9 seconds of the launch, the rest is used to slow down the catch car, so they used it in their favor.

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This ride would have been groundbreaking before 1996. I'm sure the launch part is great and pretty intense and had this opened up before Formula Rossa, there would have been some buzz for this, but now it's like "so what". Superman the Escape was gimmicky, but at least it was the first coaster to break the 100 MPH barrier and it went 400 feet in the air. Formula Rossa is the fastest coaster in the world and has several features like curves and camel backs. Ring Racer has one of the most intense launches ever in a coaster but nothing much beyond that. It barely goes up any elevation. The only cool part after the launch is that it goes in and out of a couple of buildings and is indoors for a decent amount of time. But the potential to be part dark ride is lost. Still, I'm glad this thing finally opened up. I didn't realize it hadn't ever fully opened until a few months ago. It will be a good supplement to the Nüburgring race track. But I can only imagine how much cooler this coaster would have been if it had followed the course of the race track to deliver the true racing experience. Oh, money! Why do you have to be an object?

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The thrill is riding a very fast launch roller coaster directly next to the most famous track in the world (Even closer then the closest bleacher). I would love to get that close to the track and actually travel at velocity; you would actually feel like you were on the track!

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To clear things up a bit (This list only "works" if we assume that all of these launches accelerate in a constant manner)

(launch coasters with a run-up speed not included)


Really cool list!


The only flaw I can find is that the Intamin hydraulic launch coasters lists different launch times.


For an example Zaturn has the same launch as Stealth, only that Thorpe Park uses the time it takes for the train to reach the top speed (Which is the correct way, in my opinion) while Space World uses the time it takes for the train to clear the launch (this includes the brake run for the catch car, which is not a part of the acceleration).


Same thing for Dragsteer and Kingda Ka.


Stealth wasn't "modified" in 2007 to have a better launch, it was only the marketing team who found out that the ride only launched for the first 1,9 seconds of the launch, the rest is used to slow down the catch car, so they used it in their favor.


I think kingda ka and top thrill dragster really do have different launch times. At least I felt that KK's launch was a reasonably more intense than TTD and I rode both within a 4 day period.

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  • 4 months later...

It's now official.


Nürburgring have been sold to a private company, and parts of their plan for the future is to remove/relocate the coaster from the racetrack.

This is to make an effort to turn this place around since they want to focus on the origins of the place instead of amusement rides.

So we just have to see what this will end up now.



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A note on the chart on the last page:


I've been on both Hypersonic XLC and Stealth, and the latter was a far cry from the former in terms of launch intensity. Hypersonic was honestly the most intense of a coaster I have ever ridden, just for the launch alone. Stealth felt like a small Kingda Ka. Just my two cents, don't know how that translates onto the data.

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It's now official.


Nürburgring have been sold to a private company, and parts of their plan for the future is to remove/relocate the coaster from the racetrack.

This is to make an effort to turn this place around since they want to focus on the origins of the place instead of amusement rides.

So we just have to see what this will end up now.




It just says they are relocating it.


Where do you think it could go? On RCDB the closest major park is Phantasialand, but I don't think it will go there.

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