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Six Flags Magic Mountain Announces "X2"

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im chimming in right at the end, forgive if any noobness...


i have to say (prolly to the disapointment of some of you) that X was my favorite rollercoaster thru-out my recent trip to the states and mid-west tpr tour.


Elissa.... X 10 times... boy am i jealous. When i went to SFMM in july, we waited 2hrs to get to the front, then only to have the ride breakdown for over halfa - but maybe the wait made it more special.


that theory didnt apply to maverick at CP (still a great ride) but the 8hr wait didnt make it any better i think.


i do remember the back of my calf's really hurting after the ride thou due to some of the forceful flipping.

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The best thing they can do is tear it down and forget they even had it


your entitled to your opinion, but im sure alot of people disagree with you. I don't understand how you cannot like the ride.... like arn't rollercoasters fun because they make u scared and you get the adrenaline rush... well X did that the best to me.


maybe its more of a younger generation ride.

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I rode X, twice. More painful than the Mahattan Express. I rode the Japanese X, and it's even worse.



I admit that the ride concept is interesting, but so far the actual rides themselves are not living up to the potential.



Yeah, I know a lot of people like the ride, but think about it: if it's such a great ride, why has it not been copied many times like some of the other coasters? Why hasn't Six Flags cloned it like they did the Batman ride? That alone says something about it.

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I don't know a lot about X, so this will sound stupid to those who do. Did the old trains need to be replaced that badly? What is the whole "not knowing what to expect next" thing like? It looks pretty nauseating.

I'm sure I'd ride it, given the chance and a good tranquilizer afterwards, but I'm still not sure what a multi-dimensional ride is, I guess.

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The trains are way too heavy for the lift and the ride its self. The lift motor blew out in August of 2006 and was not fixed until February of 2007. Lighter trains will help to make sure that never happens again. I believe when the ride opened It had to go down for a couple of months, so that the structure could be reinforced. And on top of that, the ride goes through wheels very fast, due to the weight of the trains.


Overall new trains will help cut down on maintenance costs.


The ride is not nauseating by any means. The spinning is controlled, and you will have the same ride every ride. So if you look at POVs of the ride you will know what rotations are coming.

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  pagemaster_b said:
Why hasn't Six Flags cloned it like they did the Batman ride? That alone says something about it.


The ride is just too expensive for anything but the largest of amusement parks. Millenium Force is a very highly-rated ride as well, yet, no one in the entire world has ever built another intamin giga. And MF doesn't have half of the maintenance issues that X has......


IF many of maintenance concerns are worked out with this new rehab, the only parks in the U.S. that I could ever see getting an S&S/Arrow 4D would be Great Adventure or Cedar Point. I don't think it's likely though.

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  pagemaster_b said:
I rode X, twice. More painful than the Mahattan Express. I rode the Japanese X, and it's even worse.



I admit that the ride concept is interesting, but so far the actual rides themselves are not living up to the potential.



Yeah, I know a lot of people like the ride, but think about it: if it's such a great ride, why has it not been copied many times like some of the other coasters? Why hasn't Six Flags cloned it like they did the Batman ride? That alone says something about it.


Are you saying B&M should adopt the idea and fix it?

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