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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - D23 announcement roundup for DL and DCA!

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From what I've been told they can't take Maliboomer out. I don:t really understand why this is a problem, but this is what I've heard:


The foundation holds back the sand that is surrounding Screamin's footers. If they took it out the sand would spill into it's crater. The sand is apparently necessary for Screamin's structure and the process to keep the sand from caving in was too expensive, for now.


Now I don't see how the sand is necessary since the footers must go into the ground, but that's what I've heard from management.


This sounds a lot like the old rumor about how the Sub Lagoon couldn't ever be drained because the Matterhorn would sink.

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I was riding into work on the cast shuttle today and noticed both ears on the Screamin' Mickey head were completely gone. All that's left now is the main circle behind the loop. You know it won't be long before that gorgeous new sign is put in its place.


Also I'm not sure if this is old news but Mickey's Fun Wheel has an official opening date of 4/24/09 according to the cast reference guide. I miss riding the ferris wheel, can't wait to see the pier this spring with it's new updates.

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From what I've been told they can't take Maliboomer out. I don:t really understand why this is a problem, but this is what I've heard:


The foundation holds back the sand that is surrounding Screamin's footers. If they took it out the sand would spill into it's crater. The sand is apparently necessary for Screamin's structure and the process to keep the sand from caving in was too expensive, for now.


Now I don't see how the sand is necessary since the footers must go into the ground, but that's what I've heard from management.


This sounds a lot like the old rumor about how the Sub Lagoon couldn't ever be drained because the Matterhorn would sink.

Maybe...but sand can actually hold something in its place, water can't...at least not in this instance. The water in the sub lagoon would OBVIOUSLY have nothing to do with holding the Matterhorn up.


However, sand around a footer...thats a different story.

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The water in the sub lagoon would OBVIOUSLY have nothing to do with holding the Matterhorn up.

Maybe Matterhorn floats...?


I'm really liking the new look of Mickey's Wheel. It just "feels" more right than its original design. But I'm really curious to see what exactly happens with Mulholland.


And thanks to a friend hoping to go to SoCal for school in 2010/2011, I may have a legitimate reason to visit.

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well again, a lot of people may have viewed this before but i havent seen this to be posted on this thread so yeah.


this is to believe to be testing of

WORLD OF COLOR, the new nighttime extravaganza water show.



this video may be a little confusing for the fact that people wonder where the water jets are if the lagoon is just concrete so far, the only thing you may see is one big blob of white water(if you are one of those visual people who can turn objects around in your head you might be able to tell that there are more than one water jet shooting up) and some random wierd moving bright light. but hey, at least its progress.


so here you goo;;


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I don't know if this has already been mentioned or not, and I'm sorry if it has, but does anyone know when they fill the lake back up? I really like the lake and without it, the whole boardwalk doesn't feel like a boardwalk. I'm planning on going in March...but from looking at the pictures, I have a feeling it won't be filled back up by then. Also, the construction on the lake/ferris wheel etc. won't affect California Screamin', will it? (I'm sure it won't since I've seen several trip reports of the construction and it has been open, but just checking).

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I was at DCA today and the Mickey on the loop was just an ear-less circle. I believe the weather had a role in that. We also visited the park on President's Day, but due to the weather the park was empty and they closed both parks 2 hours early due to the weather.


Tonight was a great night, Fantasmic! had some technical problems but started 30 minutes late. But overall a great weekend at the DLR!



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^^According to Screamscape, the lake will be re-filled sometime in July after work on the Sunwheel (Mickey Wheel), the Orange Stinger (Silly Symphony Swings), and World of Color is completed.


Ride Rehabs - The following information is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate.

Burger Invasion – NOW CLOSED through May 2010

Sun Wheel – NOW CLOSED through 4/23/09

Boudin Bakery / Bakery Tour – 2/23/09 through Spring 2009

King Triton’s Carousel – 3/9/09 through ????

Paradise Bay – Drained and Under Construction NOW through July 2009

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^^According to Screamscape, the lake will be re-filled sometime in July after work on the Sunwheel (Mickey Wheel), the Orange Stinger (Silly Symphony Swings), and World of Color is completed.


Ride Rehabs - The following information is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate.

Burger Invasion – NOW CLOSED through May 2010

Sun Wheel – NOW CLOSED through 4/23/09

Boudin Bakery / Bakery Tour – 2/23/09 through Spring 2009

King Triton’s Carousel – 3/9/09 through ????

Paradise Bay – Drained and Under Construction NOW through July 2009


No. It won't be filled until December of next year. Or around that time. there is no exact date because it isn't really an attraction. But come July and the won't be even close to finishing the pipes and hardware for World of Color. Also, the new seating area won't open till November I believe.

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Some pics from the weekend:


The bridge between Pacific Wharf and Golden State is under wraps


Nice Construction Walls




There is a VERY narrow path between Golden State and Paradise Pier


The Bridge from the other side


Work on World of Color continues to progress



Looks like Mickey's Fun Wheel is almost done being painted. Certainly stands out more than the last color scheme


Probably not much longer before this sign is gone


The overflow queue for Toy Story Midway Mania is behind walls. Anybody have any clue why?


The holes near the Amphitheatre area have gotten bigger






We also were right in the middle of the "Incident" that happened at Disneyland yesterday:



The look from near LaBrea. We couldn't get through bag check for close to an hour.


Yet there were people in the Esplanade, just hanging out. We had some friends in the park, they had no idea what was going on, only that the park was DEAD. Of all the days we didn't get there for opening.

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^^Why would they shut the park down? None of the major attractions are closed.


They didn't shut down Disneyland when they did the 98 redo of Tomorrowland or the redo of Fantasyland back in they 80's.



Come April the whole Paradise Pier area will look better. Although the bay will not be re filled by then, Mickeys Fun wheel will be open along with the new board walk games.

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Why would they shut the park down.


They didn't shut down Disneyland when they did the 98 redo of Tomorrowland or the redo of Fantasyland back in they 80's.

Were you there for those rehabs? I was. The whole of Disneyland didn't look ANYTHING like what the whole of DCA looks like now.


The Tomorrowland re-do actually shut down very few of the rides and closed off a small part of the park.


The DCA re-do seems to have affected large sections of the park and by the looks of it nearly 50% of it has some kind of construction going on somewhere.


Seriously is the only areas not affected by this right now are the Hollywood Backlot section and Flick's Fair?


Even the Harry Potter construction doesn't look as massive as this. Seriously the park looks like it's totally under construction. And from a "show" perspective, IMO, it just looks terrible.



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^^^^I agree that the park is in shambles, but having it open does cover some costs. I think in a theme park, most costs are pretty fixed and have to be paid regardless if the park is running or not. So if DCA can bring in say x amount of people at y dollars per ticket, that is $xy money into Disney's pocket. So yes it looks ugly, but you at least get some money from some people that help cover the looming costs of renovating, operating, etc.


Is California Screamin' running during the removal of the Mickey face?

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The redo of Tomorrowland didn't have you walking through construction, did it? i think that's the problem, that you have to maneuver through ugly construction only to see that many attractions are closed.


I don't think it would have been wise to shutdown the park, it would take too long to complete. I don't think the construction is that bad, but then again I am a local that can easily come back when the park is finished.

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I agree that they'll need to keep it open to cover costs, but it really shouldn't be looking the way it does now.


But you could easily use a park like Lotte World as an example where they closed the entire park down for over 6 months to make changes and improvements to the inside area. They didn't even touch the outside park I don't think and they could have kept that open, but they chose to bring the park down to make it better instead of offering 1/2 of a park or a park under construction.


Even Cypress Gardens is currently closed to make their modifications! They could have stayed opened with some of the gardens accessible or the flying island open.



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The park does look rough right now, but I think they have done a good job at embracing all the changes. By opening the Blue Sky Cellar and decorating the walls (in some places) with information about whats coming, I think they are doing the best they can while still trying to make money off the place.


I have a feeling that if they didnt have the free bday thing, they would be offering a reduced admission to DCA during the construction. But then again, right now they do still have all the major attractions open...which says a lot for how much work they are undertaking.


As for the Tomorrowland redo, it had its fair share of construction walls as well - especially when they were building the tunnel for the Rocket Rods queue.

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