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Just came back from seeing the new Michael Moore film, "Sicko," and I must say that I am very fortunate to be living in a country where health care is much more accessible. Has anyone else seen this movie yet? What are your thoughts?

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Wow. I just got back from Transformers. It was probably the best action movie I've ever seen in my life. Better than Jurassic Park. Better than all the POTC movies. It was funny, action-packed, had a great storyline, and was totally awesome. I would recommend EVERYBODY to see this movie. Even my sister, who usually hates action movies, enjoyed this movie. Go see it.


Oh, and does anybody know what that preview with the earthquake and the meteors is for? It didn't say the movie title, just the date it comes out, I think 1-18-08. Does anybody know?

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  onewheeled999 said:
Oh, and does anybody know what that preview with the earthquake and the meteors is for? It didn't say the movie title, just the date it comes out, I think 1-18-08. Does anybody know?


Go to page 140.

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Ocean's 13




We enjoyed it, and it was certainly a nice change, this being a more 'adult' kind of film, and no pre-schoolers with parents, and "others not interested in this kind of movie".


But - we didn't think it was as busy with the "how we going to do this?" kind of stuff. Like in the first two of this (now apparent) "series".


More "posing with dialogue" going on in this script. A lot. All over the place.


But hey - it got Al Pacino into the mix, which was a great idea. And pulling back Garcia into it to help the guys along, wasn't too shabby, either.


Still. More 'comfy' to watch than wide-eyed enjoyment.

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I just saw Harry Potter(really late, I know) and I have very mixed feelings about it. I am the biggest HP fanboy and I just think that the movie didn't do the book justice. But at the same time, I thought the movie was the best ever and I want to see it over and over. I'm leaning to my second thoughts, but it left me confused about how I felt about it. I though Luna and Umbridge were great, but I especially LOVED Bellatrix! She was AMAZING! She left me so chilled it was scary!

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Saw Harry Potter last weekend. Much missing from the book, but definitely got the main points across. Umbridge was just a horrible horrible woman! I think my favorite movie so far though, but I also really liked Chamber of Secrets.


Planning on seeing Transformers this weekend, so my boyfriend's friends don't call him a loser anymore for not seeing it!

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I'm glad to inform everyone taht JOhn Travolta didn't kill this movie. Its really a great adaptation of the musical its based on (minues a couple songs).


I loved the cast. I expected to hate them because i didn't thenk they would be abele to pull off the songs, but come to think of it, tracy is the only singer that really matters in the show, and they went for a non celebrety for that role, so thats good.


So, anyway, i loved the movie. It really went by really quickly.


Wheres my damn Avenue Q Movie?

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Watched Pulp Fiction on Bravo the other day. Thats a great, great movie. It just sucks with all the stuff they have to censor on TV, though.


Best scene: "Oh man, I just shot Marvin in the face...."



Edit: Post 100! Woot!!!

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I went to see the Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer not long ago, was absolutely amazing film, can't beat it



There's one film I am dieing to see, which is Simpsons Movie, I am soo eager to see it, why can't friday come right now





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  alpengeist04 said:
FYI, rumors are floating around about a possible title for the JJ Abrams movie coming out on 1-18-08. While not confirmed, it's been suggested that the title of the movie may be Colossus.



I just read somewhere the other day that Paramount registered the domain themonstrousmovie.com. It's not up yet, but a lot of people are speculating the movie will be named monstrous.

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The Simpsons Movie


If anything should be ranked in best comedies of the decade, this movie would be one of them and its a treat for people who have only seen 5 or 10 episodes or the hardcore fan that buys all the boxsets. The audience of this film was quite awesome and literally everybody began to sing Spider Pig. Stoners down in front clapped at the near end when Otto was smoking out of a bong (not really a spoiler, we all know Otto is a pothead in the first place). While it may not be the "greatest 'episode' in the series' history," it was probably one of the funniest in the entire series. Also, this movie didn't attempt a "Family Guy" and try to be outrageous outside of broadcast TV (SPOILERS: Bart's wang, Homer doing the double deuce, Otto hitting the bong) it still remained a great movie.


One of the best movies of the summer, but not THE BEST, and probably one of the best comedies of this decade.




Favorite scene (SPOILERS): The Bart Naked scene. Ralph's quote was just memorable... "I now like men!"

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^I'm somewhat surprised. I didn't really think it would turn out all that good. We used to watch The Simpsons religiously but haven't in a long time. It just isn't that funny anymore. I'll have to check out the movie.


I watched Smokin' Aces a little bit ago. I was putting it away at work today(library) and just thought it looked good. I didn't really understand it at all. Nothing. But it was cool for the action in it. I think I'm going to watch it again so I can hopefully understand it, but either way it was still cool.





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Yea simpson's was hilarious. And it was definately great to see them use content that isn't allowed on TV. It was over used either. Funny movie, I wouldn't say funniest movie of the decade but funny movie.

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A truly anime masterpiece. Compared to Hayao Miyazaki's animation, Paprika lacks an imaginative story. But the details of the drawing and the complexity of the movie give Paprika a unique experience for an anime movie. And really, there's a FULL NUDITY scene in the movie, so it's a true "R".

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The Simpson's Movie


WOW this was a great film!!!


If you a fan of the series you are now required to see this film. I went to see this with my dad and we laughed every 30 seconds during the film. IT WAS SOOOOO FUNNY!!!! And it does have a PG-13 rating for a reason




yes, you do see bart simpsons "doodles"



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Hairspray (10/10)


I ABSOLUTELY loved it. It wasn't as good as Dreamgirls, but I was smiling throughout the entire film. I just enjoyed every minute of the movie and didn't want it to end. I was so sad when it did. I've been listening to the music everyday since.



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