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About texasgiantrules

  • Birthday 04/08/1993

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  1. ^^Repo!, although fantastic IMO, IS NOT AN OPERA!!!! Just because Sarah Brightman (ewww) is in it and sings a song in Italian DOES NOT make it an opera!!! I love it, though.
  2. I saw the Killers 2 weeks ago at Nokia in Dallas!! It was such a fun concert, and they're great live!
  3. Phantom in Vegas was SOOO much better than it is on Broadway. Knowing that show up one side and down the other, it was so refreshing to see all of the technology and special effects. I think the best part might be the chandelier coming together at the beginning. Instead of just being raised, there are different pieces of the chandelier that do a ballet with each other and come together right at the climax of the overture. And I played Richard Firmin (one of the opera managers). Actually, our high school was the first high school ever to (legally) perform the show, so it was really special. (The rites to the show aren't readily available yet). And in The Sound of Music, I'm just a random nazi with a couple of lines. The only lead role in the show for a bass is the Captain, but that role went to a senior.
  4. It could happen, I never know haha. But I've done serious thought in that area and I think I've just concluded that there are more important things than gender...if that makes sense.
  5. When I voted two or some years ago, I said I was straight. I'm bi though, just putting that out there.
  6. Oh god, reading back on my post from a year ago embarrasses me now that I actually know musicals, although Les Miz has remained my favorite. I've seen on Broadway: Mamma Mia! Legally Blonde The Little Mermaid Xanadu Spamalot Spring Awakening Phantom of the Opera (also saw it in Las Vegas) I've been in the cast of: Phantom of the Opera The Sound of Music Beauty and the Beast Into the Woods Thoroughly Modern Millie The Wizard of Oz Willy Wonka Footloose High School Musical Bat Boy (FANTASTIC show and not widely known, you should check it out)
  7. No. Have you ever worked in food service?
  8. a cucumber farm in Northern Arizona. The veranda on this prairie-style ranchouse has unparalelled views of the Grand Canyon. Just make sure you don't fall in! The last time someone fell in the grand canyon....
  9. No. Have you ever been to Latin America?
  10. Did you know: The river in the Jungle Cruise is only 3.5 feet deep? The antique mining equipment on BTMR is valued at over $300,000? While 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was in operation at both Disneyland and WDW, the Disney Company had the 5th largest submarine fleet in the world? Each car in Test Track has over 3 times the computing power than the space shuttle? The thatched roofs in the United Kingdom are made of broom bristles? During WDW's Tower of Terror construction, it was actually struck by lightning? There are exactly 101 dalmation statues at the All-Star Movies Resort?
  11. The Australian Outback. Next, he razed all the Vekoma flats and other coasters and donated their scrap metal to Intamin, which used it to build. . .
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