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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Hey guys, I'm new here. Was just wondering if any of you will visiting the park on April 26 for Preview Night. Yukon Striker is really looking like an experience though! Most excited for the drop into the tunnel. Also I always thought the name Vortex was a reference to the polar vortexes we experience here in Canada lol

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Going on Friday for the season pass preview night. I’m planning on getting there early and hoofing it to Yukon Striker as soon as they let you through.


What would be the best barricade to wait at? Was thinking the one by Wonder Mountain Guardian? Or would I better to head towards the Flight Deck area one?

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Going on Friday for the season pass preview night. I’m planning on getting there early and hoofing it to Yukon Striker as soon as they let you through.


What would be the best barricade to wait at? Was thinking the one by Wonder Mountain Guardian? Or would I better to head towards the Flight Deck area one?


I will also be attending Season Pass Sneak Preview Night on Friday. I was debating about which rope drop point to go to as well. I honestly think the one next to Wonder Mountain's Guardian may be busier, so it may be best to go to the one near Flight Deck. But we'll just have to wait and see which rope drop point is busier.

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If they use the usual rope off points near Flight Deck and Guardian, I think the usual rope off point by Striker will be better... As the crow flies, they're both close to the same distance from where you'd hit the bridge to YS, but the path from Guardian curves around, whereas the one from Flight Deck is pretty much a straight shot.

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What is everyone's opinion on Rmcing Minebuster, but instead of making it a hybrid, they give it the Lightning Rod treatment.


1) RMC has learned a lot from their prototype

2) Minebuster is around the same length, so just make it a double launch and obviously taller

3)It would be unique to the area and a first out and back double launched woodie

4)It would make a great top 5 coaster

5)Call it Northern Lights

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What is everyone's opinion on Rmcing Minebuster, but instead of making it a hybrid, they give it the Lightning Rod treatment.


1) RMC has learned a lot from their prototype

2) Minebuster is around the same length, so just make it a double launch and obviously taller

3)It would be unique to the area and a first out and back double launched woodie

4)It would make a great top 5 coaster

5)Call it Northern Lights


Great. Thanks for sharing.

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Also going to sneak preview night on Friday (our first).


For those with experience at these events, would you say they are "busy", or in this case likely to busy because of a certain new coaster that has been built.

Just looking at the timeframe for the evening and trying to figure out whether to arrive for 530pm (yay traffic on the 400!) or a bit later.


Do they do Fastlane at these preview nights?

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Also going to sneak preview night on Friday (our first).


For those with experience at these events, would you say they are "busy", or in this case likely to busy because of a certain new coaster that has been built.

Just looking at the timeframe for the evening and trying to figure out whether to arrive for 530pm (yay traffic on the 400!) or a bit later.


Do they do Fastlane at these preview nights?

My only similar experience is with KI's passholder preview night in 2017 (when Mystic Timbers opened). That night was crazy. People were waiting 3-4 hours for the ride. Food lines weren't even worth waiting in. The next day (actual GP opening day) seemed less crazy than the preview night. Of course, if you didn't care about riding MT on preview night, you pretty much had walk-ons on everything else.


I do remember seeing people using the FLP line on MT that night though.


YMMV, of course.

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Passholder prieview night tends to be a bit of a shitshow.

In past years even without any new coasters it was really packed with new staff not up to full speed and running out of all food.


Apart from that it is great!


I will probably go and check the place out and maybe do a few rides. I will watch ‘striker go around the track but dont like lining up for hours for anything. In a few weeks i will skip off work on an early weekday where i can walk on.

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It seems like there are only a couple moments where the train slowed. As much as enthusiasts bitched and moaned about the portion over the MCBR I see nothing wrong with the decently tall dive, what appears to be a pop of air time, and a nice tight helix. Just another Valravn clone...

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Looks fun. I look forward to riding it whenever I make a trip to Toronto. I like how Canada's Wonderlands top 3 is basically "3 giant B&Ms" then there's like 50 crazy flats.


Yukon Striker really does round out the big coaster lineup nicely. Great assortment of flats, but don't forget coasters like Vortex and Backlot. They're not top tier, but they are plenty of fun.


Vortex is great because even when the queue is completely full on a busy day, it's less than an hour wait. Also it's fast-paced throughout.

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It seems like there are only a couple moments where the train slowed. As much as enthusiasts bitched and moaned about the portion over the MCBR I see nothing wrong with the decently tall dive, what appears to be a pop of air time, and a nice tight helix.


I agree and I also expect the ride to run a bit faster and better than it does in this POV. They filmed it on a dreary and probably cold day where it stopped completely in the midcourse for some reason where the train was likely empty. I'm assuming that it doesn't paint the ride in the best light.

Edited by coasterbill
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They filmed it on a dreary and probably cold day


We are still waiting for spring here in Toronto....it has been a long winter...Easter Monday was the warmest day we have had in a while (18C) and then back to the dreary again. With the amount of rain we have had recently...they probably didn't even have to fill the lake back up after it was drained.


Pretty sure come the summer it is going to run pretty quickly (if Leviathan and Behemoth are any indicator). It did seem to slow down a bit on the MCBR but I am not overly worried.

Nice video though....and there is a lot of "notice' being taken of the ride in Toronto, both on social media and with the GP.

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