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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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I'm not impressed by this at all. I just looks very pedestrian and far to similar to Behemoth.

How could you compare this to Behemoth?! Sure they're both B&M's and have the "out and back" layout but Levi is MUCH longer and looks like it provides some more airtime, and try comparing a 200+ Footer to a 300+ Footer. Have you even ridden Levi? Ride it at least once and then tell us your opinion again. I'm not trying to be rude, but I don't think you should criticize a ride that you probably don't have any experience on... But this is just my opinion....



"Levi" is only 168' longer than Behemoth. The height of the lift is the difference????


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^Yeah the track lengths are very similar. Leviathan is actually the perfect length for the experience. And when you consider it already cost 28 million dollars, adding another 1500 or more feet would be insane. That is an awesome shirt!


The exact same turn is on another B&M right across the park!


You couldn't be further away from the truth on this statement. The hammerhead on Leviathan is far more over banked then the one on Behemoth. Pictures and videos really do not do this ride justice. Get your butt up to Wonderland, ride it, then critique.


Robb, I am with you, I am also an airtime type of guy however I find love in all elements. I've been battling over and over in my head which is better between the two and I've yet to come to a conclusive choice. What I have come to realize though is that Wonderland now has 2 World class B&M's in their park, and that, is nothing but good!



THIS! I personally like Leviathan better because it's smoother and is just a much more unique experience where as Behemoth is basically your standard B&M floater, albeit one of the better ones. Leviathan is not by any means Behemoth 2.0. It's a completely different experience and I am very happy to have 2 awesome B&M's at CW.

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Long-time reader, first time poster.


A quick note about the extended break run: from the design of it, it seems that (aside from keeping the pricetag lower), they were trying to avoid too much interaction with Dragon Fire's structure. On top of that, the particular part of the park is also home to Loss Prevention, Maintenance, Human Resources, and the like, and they probably didn't want to have to disturb the pre-existing park structures in building the ride.

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^not to worry, the ride does not come close to any buildings and there is still lots of room in that area.


Consider this--if you were to take Behemoth's brake run and straighten out the entire section from the start of the brake section into the station, it would probably be as long or longer than Leviathan's brake section, even if lower to the ground.


Plus, even in cold weather, Leviathan's trains are flying into the brake run at a much faster speed than other coasters.


Lots of variables to think about so the only way to explain it is that each coaster's break run is a necessity for its design. It sure does stand out though

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First I want to say, Congrats CW fans. Leviathan surely looks great and I for what is worth, an awesome addition to the park. Sometimes you have to let go of the Enthusiast Perspective (all the manufactuer debating and length/element comparisons) and just appreicate what you have before you. The worlds tallest B&M and 4th giga. I am definitely going ot make it up to CW (all the way from Mississippi) as soon as I can.


I appreciate both speed and airtime... if the ride has intensity then I am all for it.... I don't care much for Morgan Hypers because I find them weak, just my thing. Intimin always brings the intesity for me but I've had my share of B&Ms (I.e. Batman Clones which I find to be some of the most intense rides still to this day). MF seems like th Mother of Gigas as it gave birth to the giga craze in North America. Next came Intimidator 305 which seems like some Bad A$$ Demonic Possessed Child of the gigas. And now we have Leviathan which is like the Father who is on a Maury Show claiming to be of no relation.


(Leviathan - "I am a B&M, how dare you compare me to an Intamin, I am clearly of no relation. I305 is not my child. "

MF - "Yes he is Maury... I am 100% sure"

I305 - " "

Maury - "Leviathan ..... in the case of juvenile deliquent I305 who needs an excorcism.... you are not the father!

MF - (cries in embarrasment)

Maverick - (giggles with a guilty grin) "


LMAO - enough of my CF soap opera!


As Far as What's Next... I could see the next coaster at the park being called Ziz or some variation on the spelling. (from Wikepedia) "In Jewish aprocrypha and pseudepigrapha such as the 2nd century BCE Book of Enoch, Behemoth is the primal unconquerable monster of the land, as Leviathan is the primal monster of the waters of the sea and Ziz the primordial monster of the sky."


So basically you have the monster of Land, Behemoth, Monster of the sea, Leviathan, and now all that is leftis the monster of the sky. I'm inclinded to think CF would attempt to go with Intamin Strata hydraulic launch and break anothe record. But There's no need when you already dominate Canada and you'd only be beating your own record. Canada's Wonderland could use a launch coaster to compliment it's lineup (more intense than Backlot). I could also see them going back to B&M and getting a hefty Wing Rider to compliment the bird like characteristics of Ziz..... Or even a flying coaster and get ride of that Tomb Raider flyer they have. Just wishful thinking/ food for though.

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The only thing I could see done differently with Leviathan's ending would be something similar to Intimidator: After the high brake run, have a dip, an inclined helix, and another dip onto the final brakes. However, given that the park already spent $28 million on a 5,400 ft ride over 300 ft tall, they figured they already had enough to it and didn't want to spend another million or two for a short additional segment. Either that, or B&M didn't want to chance anything going wrong (this is their largest coaster to date, after all), and designed a simple ending.



Not a big fan of how some of these newer B&M megacoasters fizzle out. Earlier designs had a legitimate second half after the MCBR. Diamondback was the last of them to do anything worth mentioning. With Leviathan, I wonder if the brakes are the way they are in order to help cool off the wheels. The last 300+ foot coaster CF installed seem to have some issues with that.

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When all three trains are on the track and two are stacked behind the station, does the third train stop on the inclined brakes or at the top in the flat area?


During passholder night, they typically had one in the station, one on the course and one going up the lift. If they were stacking, the train would typically stop on the inclined portion of the brakes.

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^ Thanks, I was just curious.

No worries. The crew was doing a good job and the only times trains were stacked was during the odd "technical difficulty". I was on the last train of the night and they had us stacked on the inclined brake run while they put the train in the station in the storage barn. I found it odd that they would do that with people still on the track, but it was interesting to watch.

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As Far as What's Next... I could see the next coaster at the park being called Ziz or some variation on the spelling. (from Wikepedia) "In Jewish aprocrypha and pseudepigrapha such as the 2nd century BCE Book of Enoch, Behemoth is the primal unconquerable monster of the land, as Leviathan is the primal monster of the waters of the sea and Ziz the primordial monster of the sky."


If a future coaster in CW would be called Ziz, I would jump off Wonder Mountain.

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^LMAO @ 400ft flying coaster...Literally has to dominiate the sky as the monster of the sky so possibilities ... 400 Sky coaster!!!!! or a Dive Coaster with the most inversions! Intamin Hydraulic lauch stata coaster. Wing Rider so some large proportion. Or even taking down drop tower and putting a 450ft drop tower.


The Ziz....

Edited by vacoaster09
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^ That could make for potentially the greatest and most bad-a$$ ride sign ever!!


As for Leviathan, color me stoked to ride this beast at some point (hopefully sooner rather than later!) Robb said it best, different strokes for different folks.....and for me, this coaster looks right up my alley! I love airtime, but right behind that for me is the sensation of speed - I absolutely love that! And watching the POV from the excellent coverage of media day (thanks guys!), it looks like that is one thing Leviathan does really well. The speed looks relentless as it navigates the course. I'm also loving that it's just a loooong chain lift - talk about building up the anticipation!! Cool ride sign too with the glowing lights. Now I just need to get to Canada.....

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I made this in photoshop. How the ride should have ended. It would have costed very little in comparison to the rest of the coaster to do this as it doesn't require much extra track.


Edited by b&mforever
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^^ I believe you forgot that Dragon fire is under near the lift around that area along with stores and such.


Looking forward to seeing pictures of the tunnel!


It was just a quick idea of what they could have done. I don't get b&M lately. They put mid course brakes on their hypers and then put garbage after them. The early Hypers like Nitro and Apollos Chariot had great second halfs. Behemoth and Intimidator have terrible after brake sections and Leviathons is the biggest joke of all. Its obivous that they originally had designed a different ending at some point. The entrance to the final brakes was once an MCBR in the design process.


On a separate note, riding one of their rides like Kumba and then riding one of their new wingriders is depressing. Kumba is so intense and fast paced. I love it. The wingriders are lame in my opinion. Even riding on of the newer floorlesses is tame compared to Kumba. They made much more intense loopers in the 90's. Chang/Green Lantern is one of the last ones before they started stretching out transitions between elements and making them even more oversized. I am actually glad my home park got a used older B&M instead of the new one.

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I made this in photoshop. How the ride should have ended. It would have costed very little to do this as it doesn't require much extra track.


Very interesting! Approximately how much more would it cost them to do this? How little is "very little"?


And the return on this investment would be what?

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Its obivous that they originally had designed a different ending at some point. The entrance to the final brakes was once an MCBR in the design process.


Says the armchair engineer who obviously sat in on the design meetings between CW and B&M.....


Seriously though, they designed a freaking giga for the space that was picked out for it. Yes it has an elevated brake run. So what? I dunno, maybe it's just because I love the sensation of speed, but I prefer just going balls out until you hit the brakes. That's a main reason Intimidator 305 is my #1 steel. In fact, 4 of my top 5 coasters are ones without any MCBR and "second half". Could they have put in another hill or two? Maybe, but who really knows with the other buildings (and coaster!) in that area? I just don't see how you can guarantee that it wasn't in fact CW's decision to end the ride this way. Just my 2 cents.

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