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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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The comment might have been ill judged, but chill out a bit with the flaming.


I'm sorry. I really don't mean to flame, trust me. There have just been so many pages above this brake run, it's like there's not an entire 300-foot roller coaster to talk about or something! Isn't there like, a new tunnel being added to talk about?

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I am gonna go out on a limb and say they are far from done with the tunnel.


I think that's a fairly safe assumption.



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I know this/I'm isn't Disney, but the theming for that tunnel is 0


Although MF has a near identical tunnels, I just really thinks its an eyesore more than anything. Unless they use gravel to fill in the "hole" around it to make it look more like Goliath at SFMM or Raging Bull at SFGA. I think the whole" into the earth" thing looks cooler.

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I think it looks fine. It certainly doesn't take up a huge amount of space like an elaborately-themed one would.

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Yeah I'm surprised anybody thinks that's finished. There are still pieces on the ground...and it kind of looks like a sewer pipe.


Future Ninja Turtles re-theme


Ya, saving judgement as well till it's done. I can't see Cedar Fair installing it just like that with such great landscaping and care all around the rest of the ride.

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Ugh - this whole break run thingy conversation is making my eyes bleed!!! It is an amazing looking coaster and I look forward to riding it!!


I'm glad it's in "good Canada ."




Oh what part is bad? I wonder


This thread can be annoying to read when you want to find out actual information. I'm sure the thread would lose 50 pages if "brake run talk" was removed.

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Anyone know how the restraints on Lev are? Are they similar to say Nitro and Behemoth? Taking a friend up to Wonderland for opening weekend and he is on the big boned side and just wondering if you think he would fit. He weighs about 220 and wears size 42 pants.

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Anyone know how the restraints on Lev are? Are they similar to say Nitro and Behemoth? Taking a friend up to Wonderland for opening weekend and he is on the big boned side and just wondering if you think he would fit. He weighs about 220 and wears size 42 pants.


The restraints are exactly the same as every B&M Hyper.

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