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Looks like a Mack watercoaster will be opening in Australia next year!


In an interview with German business magazine insideB, managing director of Mack Rides, Christian von Elverfeldt has revealed the sale of one of their water coasters to an Australian park for 2013.

Details are limited at this stage, but the revelation looks set to continue a period of relativey high investment at Australian theme parks, and will bring a style of coaster currently seen throughout the US and Europe, yet ideally suited to the Australian climate.


Asked by insideB Magazine in a recent interview about ongoing projects for Mack, von Elverfeldt commented amongst other projects that, "With Australia, I have just negotiated a water roller coaster for next year."



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  theonetheonlyJT said:
I feel like talking about some six flags rumors right now. First the rumor of Bizzaro at SFAdv, if they were to remove it I believe it would go to SFOT for they have had the rumor about making D.C. universe and that would fit in. I see Bizzaro being replaced by a wing coaster of maybe a B&M 4D coaster that they have been working on. I do see flashback leaving for next year and probably sold or moved to SFStL. Since we heard that two skyscreamers are to be built for next year one to SFNE (maybe) and the other probably to SFOG or maybe to SFOT where flashback is now. What do you think?

I could see a Sky Screamer at SFOG. SFOG has Acrophobia as its only tower while SFOT has Superman: Tower of Power, Texas Chute Out and Oil Derrick as its towers.

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  deathbydinn said:
Looks like a Mack watercoaster will be opening in Australia next year!


In an interview with German business magazine insideB, managing director of Mack Rides, Christian von Elverfeldt has revealed the sale of one of their water coasters to an Australian park for 2013.

Details are limited at this stage, but the revelation looks set to continue a period of relativey high investment at Australian theme parks, and will bring a style of coaster currently seen throughout the US and Europe, yet ideally suited to the Australian climate.


Asked by insideB Magazine in a recent interview about ongoing projects for Mack, von Elverfeldt commented amongst other projects that, "With Australia, I have just negotiated a water roller coaster for next year."




Since Movie World is getting a dark ride this year and got a coaster last year & Dreamworld just got a coaster, I would guess it is going to Sea World.

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  XYZ said:
  deathbydinn said:
Looks like a Mack watercoaster will be opening in Australia next year!


In an interview with German business magazine insideB, managing director of Mack Rides, Christian von Elverfeldt has revealed the sale of one of their water coasters to an Australian park for 2013.

Details are limited at this stage, but the revelation looks set to continue a period of relativey high investment at Australian theme parks, and will bring a style of coaster currently seen throughout the US and Europe, yet ideally suited to the Australian climate.


Asked by insideB Magazine in a recent interview about ongoing projects for Mack, von Elverfeldt commented amongst other projects that, "With Australia, I have just negotiated a water roller coaster for next year."




Since Movie World is getting a dark ride this year and got a coaster last year & Dreamworld just got a coaster, I would guess it is going to Sea World.


  australianalex said:
Looks like it's pretty much been confirmed after Sea World Australia posted this on their Facebook page where the 2013 water coaster will be going!


Can we actually have a new thread created to discuss this ride and Sea World Australia, because I don't think one exists for it yet, or does someone with more knowledge know of one on here?!?!


Nonetheless this is going to be awesome ride I reckon, a water coaster with a storm theme should be a pretty good combo and separates itself from the US Sea World parks. Its pretty clear know its also going to replace Bermuda Triangle since an application has been placed to have it demolished!


Also, don't know if its been mentioned here yet, but according to Screamscape Village Roadshow Theme Parks are looking at extending their Wet'n'Wild brand into Las Vegas. This would also come into line with another article about the company going Las Vegas, as well as other regions including Asia. The company currently has Wet'n'Wild on the Gold Coast, Australia (with what looks to a new slide about to be built), Wet'n'Wild Sydney which has just been given the green light, Wet'n'Wild Hawaii and Wet'n'Wild Phoenix.

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I've always wondered this ever since Formula Rossa was built, and maybe someone can figure it out and answer it. This is a theoretical and hypothetical question, never mind about feasibility, cost, space required, etc. Say FR kept the current launch, but the rest of the layout was a TTD/KK clone. What would be the theoretical height of the tophat in which FR, traveling at 149 MPH, could clear? Is that speed enough for 500+ feet, or would it need to go faster?

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  original said:


Can we actually have a new thread created to discuss this ride and Sea World Australia, because I don't think one exists for it yet, or does someone with more knowledge know of one on here?!?!



Once a ride is announced and the news warrants it, a new dedicated park thread will be a possibility.

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So I'm sure we are far off from another coaster at Dollywood but an idea has popped into my head.


What do you guys think of a verbolten style coaster in the 50's area? Multiple launch cars with a rock and roll theme?

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  Bobby2889 said:
So I'm sure we are far off from another coaster at Dollywood but an idea has popped into my head.


What do you guys think of a verbolten style coaster in the 50's area? Multiple launch cars with a rock and roll theme?

just like Xcelerator!

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  JonnyRCT3 said:
  Bobby2889 said:
So I'm sure we are far off from another coaster at Dollywood but an idea has popped into my head.


What do you guys think of a verbolten style coaster in the 50's area? Multiple launch cars with a rock and roll theme?

just like Xcelerator!


Nah, that's too much for dollywood in my opinion. I'm thinking something on a shorter scale with both indoor and outdoor sections. Maybe with inboard audio, definitely with heavy theming something that could bring some excitement over to that area of the park!

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For those that want Intamin to build another coaster like El Toro I wanted to ask what if RMC where to build a coaster just like El Toro with the same layout and everything how much cheaper would it cost. I know that El Toro had a cost around $30million and NTAG was around $11million(I think). My question is would it be cheaper and also when was the last Intamin wooden coaster built.

Edited by theonetheonlyJT
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