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Mantis Man rides Xcelerator 20,000 times since 2002

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It's all about Mantis Woman! Seriously, she was awesome. When riding with her though, she made me hold on when we hit the brakes. And she seemed to keep wanting me to ride. She would get off and then go grab an empty seat. I asked her if Xcelerator was her favorite coaster and she said no - Silver Bullet was.


HAHA!! Wow, she looks familliar.. Is she famous or something?

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There were a couple of scary people at Cedar Point who just rode Dragster and Millennium Force over and over again, the ride ops used to say over the loudspeaker "how many times have you ridden today" can't remember the name.


Yeah, that's really scary. I'll remember to go away from all the enthusiasts at the park. Thanks for reminding me.


I can't believe all this stuff is from enthusiasts that go on kiddie coasters just for the credit. They don't even hope that the kiddie coaster might be fun. They might hate the SLC's, but every park they go to, they have to go on them because it has a new name, and it's a new credit. Is X-Flight a new credit because it's moving to a new park?


People can do what the heck they want as long as they aren't endangering other people. If this guy wants to ride that many rides, let him be.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 years later...
Although it might sound creepy to ride a coaster so many times, it beats the hell out of playing cribbage with other people his age.


Hey, I like cribbage!


Yes, it would beat playing Bingo all day or watching daytime TV.

Edited by cfc
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Although it might sound creepy to ride a coaster so many times, it beats the hell out of playing cribbage with other people his age.

I dunno, I kind of think everything needs a balance. It's one thing of he frequented the park often, like once or twice a week. But constantly being there and 30,000 rides? That's flat out nuts.


I'm sure this guy is also annoying for the ride ops, too, since he's allowed to use the exit platform as a single rider line. Why does he get special privileges just because he's crazy? I remember when I worked at Disneyland, there was an old man named Arthur that used to come to the park every day and he thought he was part of lost and found and he would come up to us give us random things that he found which required us to stop our normal work and then have to deal with whatever it was he was handing to me. And then he would try to talk to me for like 15 minutes.


Nice guy and all, but annoying when it becomes a distraction for the job you're supposed to be doing.

Edited by robbalvey
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This annoys me because the media (and park) are really just encouraging a form of obsessive compulsive behaviour. I doubt very much that he actually enjoys riding the coaster.


Also I'm annoyed because I went to Knott's last year and the ride was closed - so I haven't been on it once!!

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Although it might sound creepy to ride a coaster so many times, it beats the hell out of playing cribbage with other people his age.

I dunno, I kind of think everything needs a balance. It's one thing of he frequented the park often, like once or twice a week. But constantly being there and 30,000 rides? That's flat out nuts.


I'm sure this guy is also annoying for the ride ops, too, since he's allowed to use the exit platform as a single rider line. Why does he get special privileges just because he's crazy? I remember when I worked at Disneyland, there was an old man named Arthur that used to come to the park every day and he thought he was part of lost and found and he would come up to us give us random things that he found which required us to stop our normal work and then have to deal with whatever it was he was handing to me. And then he would try to talk to me for like 15 minutes.


Nice guy and all, but annoying when it becomes a distraction for the job you're supposed to be doing.


I was 1 of the operators he annoyed. He started getting REALLY bad where he started climbing over other guests to get to empty seats and myself and a few of the other leads told him he is NOT allowed to climb over anyone to get into a seat and if he continued he would have to wait in the normal queue like everyone else. I personally didn't have an issue with him taking an empty seat here or there as most every train had at least 1 empty seat but myself and the rest of the leads did NOT allow him to cause guest concerns or interrupt the ride operators from doing their job.

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Although it might sound creepy to ride a coaster so many times, it beats the hell out of playing cribbage with other people his age.

I dunno, I kind of think everything needs a balance. It's one thing of he frequented the park often, like once or twice a week. But constantly being there and 30,000 rides? That's flat out nuts.


I'm sure this guy is also annoying for the ride ops, too, since he's allowed to use the exit platform as a single rider line. Why does he get special privileges just because he's crazy? I remember when I worked at Disneyland, there was an old man named Arthur that used to come to the park every day and he thought he was part of lost and found and he would come up to us give us random things that he found which required us to stop our normal work and then have to deal with whatever it was he was handing to me. And then he would try to talk to me for like 15 minutes.


Nice guy and all, but annoying when it becomes a distraction for the job you're supposed to be doing.


I was 1 of the operators he annoyed. He started getting REALLY bad where he started climbing over other guests to get to empty seats and myself and a few of the other leads told him he is NOT allowed to climb over anyone to get into a seat and if he continued he would have to wait in the normal queue like everyone else. I personally didn't have an issue with him taking an empty seat here or there as most every train had at least 1 empty seat but myself and the rest of the leads did NOT allow him to cause guest concerns or interrupt the ride operators from doing their job.


Agreed if he is breaking rules and acting entitled, that's an issue.


I'm saying I have no problem with himhaving a non-balanced life as long as he is not hurting anybody.

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