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Guess I'll put in my two cents as well...


My name is Frank, and I am a moderator at another site which I will not mention here (not yet at this time!) I've been admiring Robb and Elissa's for some time now, and wanted to sign up and start posting here as well. They have a great forum going on here!


I am a coaster fanatic as all of you are, with an emphasis on all things Disney. There is not a coaster that I will not go on, if I happen to be at a park that has one. Even though I live in Oceanside, I have not been to Magic Mountain in about 8 years. The most up to date ride that they had was Batman, and they were about a week from opening Superman, the escape. I know...I know... shame on me for not making the trip up there.


I did have the opportunity to go on what I thought was the most outrageous coaster ever 2 years ago at Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, Il... Superman, Ultimate Flight. Found out the hard way that to maintain a Superman pose (arms thrusted forward) throughout the ride was probably not the best thing to do, partivcularly if you wanted to breath during the ride! Really wanted to head over to Cedar Point... but the family was out for a wedding that trip, and we didn;t have the time to make it over.


My avatar?... well it is a pic of my favorite attraction in all of Disney, Soarin' over California. My sig?...It's what Patrick Warburton say in the loading queue safety film.


Once again, Robb and Elissa...great site!

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Hello. I'm Scott Kucharski. I've also been looking at this site for quite a while. It looks like a great place to discuss coasters!


Here's a little background information about myself... I've been on 179 coasters. I enjoy visiting amusement parks all over the United States. I live in a small town up in the mountains of colorado (I'm about 50 miles away from denver) My home park SFEG has no good coasters, so I end up traveling quite a bit. Keep up the good work robb and elisa!

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Hey Every1!


How Y'all doin?


My name is Chrissie, im 18 n Im from Edinburgh in Scotland. I came across this site as I was doing sum research, as In a couple of weeks, I am applying to be a WDW Castmember for the Summer.


I'll admit now, No way am I a coaster fanatic... I must confess the most hardcore ride I have ever been on is The Rockin' Rollercoaster @ MGM! Lol!! but as a Disney gal, Ive been 2 Disney and the Orlando Parks 3 times. I dnt like riding by myself and since my sister is young and small, I missed out on some of the bigger coasters -ie Duelling Dragons,Hulk but watching the videos and looking at the all the amazing photgraphs, has really inspired me to just go for it if I get into Disney nxt year. Im hoping to travel during my stay and would love to visit all these US Parks - Americans certainly know how to do it! and who knows, I may turn myself from Disney Geek - To Coaster fanatic! Lol


To Robb And Elissa - Thanks for having such an amazing site. You guys really have made me wanna go travel round all the parks and especially Disneyland Tokyo! After looking at the beautiful pics of ur wedding, My Mum n Dad have decided they are going to renew their vows in WDW for their 25th Wedding Anniversary in a few years time.


Anyway, Ive rabbited on for a bit, I hope to stick around and get 2 know u all, I may not be able to join in on the coaster chat but Im up for sum random discussion in the Random threads! Lol


Thnx for Reading<

Love Chrissie X

P.S I LOVE Donkeys - My Mum adopted me one for my Christmas- His name is Jack hehe

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Hello everyone,


My name is Don, Im 25 from Orlando Florida.


Ive been a coaster fanatic for probably about 2 years now. Im not only into coasters, but the technology behind them. I guess that certifies me for geek status. Anyway, In the past 2 years weve been to the Fl parks countless times, SFOG, Cedar Point, Some parks in Pa, Va and Nj (Trip report currently being written here. Luckily, I have a love of my life who is also into coasters .


A little more about me. I guess you can say Im a drumming fanatic as well! Im in a band called Holotype, a 'heavy metal' band (our songs have singing as well as screaming) based here in Orlando. Ill post more info for those that may be interested. You can hear some of our songs on our site (highest quality), but we also have a MySpace where you can stream songs. If you want to see what some people have to say about us, check out some reviews on our Garageband page.

Wish us luck, we are working our butts off to become national!


Id also like to say thank you TPR!! If it wasnt for this site, I wouldnt have even thought about going on one of the most fun vacations Ive ever had a few weeks ago. Its evident that the work Robb and Elissa have done over the years to make this site what it is has been anything BUT easy. I appriciate it!


hoping to make some new friends,


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Hello everyone,


My name is Karl from Harbor City, California.


Some of you might know me as a regular for years on Westcoaster. I've been visiting TPR since I've first gotten into coasters and have been a member of the forums since its induction, I just never got around to posting.


I remember way back in the day I used to play Yahoo Graffiti with Robb and Elissa. Good times.

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Hey. My name is Zack Burns, and I'm from Pennsylvania. I'm usually over on the RCPro forums, but I need something to keep me busy untill the forums are back. Now that I'm here though, I plan to stick around. My coaster count is much lower than most (I think in the low 80s) but that just makes my few coasters a year that much more fun. I am a distance runner for my school by the Delaware River, and to improve I must run anywhere from 7-12 miles a day, which gets rather annoying, but it needs to be done. Anyway, this is a great site and I'm happy to be here.

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Guten tag.... I'm Dennis aka Finding_Denno. I started to like coasters when I was about 4 years old and as for a favorite coaster, I dont have one . Im pretty shy, but if you get the time to know me im pretty normal . I live in So. Cal. and well all my home parks are SFMM, Disney, Knotts, etc. I love playing Warcraft III The Frozen Throne on my free time and I hate school! Its torture!!!

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Guten tag.... I'm Dennis aka Finding_Denno. I started to like coasters when I was about 4 years old and as for a favorite coaster, I dont have one . Im pretty shy, but if you get the time to know me im pretty normal . I live in So. Cal. and well all my home parks are SFMM, Disney, Knotts, etc. I love playing Warcraft III The Frozen Throne on my free time and I hate school! Its torture!!!

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^ Hooray Double Posts! Hehe


Anyways, even though this isn't my first post :? I'll still introduce myself correctly, haha.


I'm Mikol (Michael) ... I live in Winter Park, Florida (Right outside of orlando), I'm a Senior in High School, I'm 17 (18 on Sept 5th! w00t) and I love roller coasters? Yeah, I think I covered it all...


I've been coming to this site forever, but have just recently signed up (I dunno why it took me so long... so hush). So you'll probably be seeing me more around here.


That's all...



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Hi I'm Matt. I've been looking at the site for a while and I think it's the best themepark site ever! Keep up the good work!


I love roller coasters but I am also a dark ride nut. My favorite ride is The Amazing Adventures Of Spider-man at IOA. I go to as many parks as I can every year.


I look forward to enjoy posting on the forums and getting to know everyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone. My name is Justin Saxe. I am 30 and have been a theme park lover ever sense my first trip to Disneyland when I was 5. I have known about this site for a while now but have to admit I was a little intimidated by the volume of members using the site. I am not the most skilled computer user to say the least but I am getting better.


I live in Portland OR and have ridden 65 coasters, all but 4 on the west coast. My other passion is drag racing my 65 Skylark during the summer.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Brad from Tampa. 32 years old. I work at the Tampa Bay Brewing Company in Ybor City. Grew up in New Jersey, close to Philly and SFGAd. Moved to Tampa in 1996. Worked at Disney Reservations for 2 years. Travel as much as I can. Try to get to WDW or UO at least once a month.



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Hi I'm Dan. I live about five minutes away from my work, which happens to be SFMM. I used to hate working in food service, so I switched to ride opts and now it's not all that bad. I love coasters, but my real passion is racing radio control cars. I've got 6 or 7 (it's so hard to remember these days!), but here's my favorite:




Oh, and did I mention that I love In-N-Out Burger?

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Hi! I'm Clarence!


I have been reading these updates and posts since the 02' season. I am currently in college and am a Home Theatre Specialist at Best Buy here in So. Cal. My love or obsessed with coasters started since I was young. I am a film, Buisness and Psyc major. Well can never get enough of RC's and so I finally realized that I had never joined this great group. I was at CB and WC for a while, but school consumed me. So I am getting back into the forum swing. I have had mad respect for this site for being informative and fun. I look forward at many fun filled events to come and getting to know everyone.



Clarence "Finally joined" Perry

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  • 3 months later...

Hey everyone...


I've been around here for a while now reading the updates and stuff, but only recently joined. I'm in a few places around the internet, mainly rct sites like New Element and rct2.com. All under CedarPoint6. I'm also a moderator/photographer/site team editor/news person on www.coasterforce.com, so you'll see me there daily.


As for my coaster stuff, my home park is SFOG (I live 2 hours away in Athens). I've been on 100 different coasters from a small one in Canada to BGT down south. Hopefully I'll be catching Goliath on opening day or some kinda media day before it.


So that's me... see you round the forums.

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Hi. I'm Dainan Rafferty. Iv'e always loved coasters. The Coney Island Cyclone is my favorite coaster. Iv'e been on 82. I'm 15 and I joined ACE at 9 years old and I was the youngest member in ACE history (think I still am holding that record) to join ACE on his own. No family membership. Just me. My twin joined when he was 13. And my 10 year old sister wants to join. We all love coasters and we have our own site.




Iv'e been posting here for a while now. I read more than post. I think that's about it.

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Hello everyone, I joined about a week ago, and I've been browsing around the site to get the hang of it, and I like it so I decided to stay. Here are a couple things about me:


I love music, I love it so much I'm a member of the best band in the land the HSHS Mighty Marching Battalion. I play trombone, and I love it. I also love coasters duh....


There a couple things about me.


I'm also a member at coasterforce. And I moderate Marching Center

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My name is Danny, I'm 23. I'm a drummer in a band called Neurotic Regression. It's a heavy metal band. We're just about finished with our new CD. I also sang and played keyboards on it. I haven't really been on a whole lot of roller coasters, but I am a coaster nut. I'm constantly surfing different coaster sites and happened to come across this one and it is now my favorite place to be. My first roller coaster was Shockwave at Six Flags Over Texas. I believe I was about 5 at the time.


Roller Coaster track record:


Shockwave - SFOT

Judge Roy Scream - SFOT

Orange Blossom? - Frontier City

Silver Bullet - Frontier City

Super Wirbel? - Holiday Park

Wild Thing - SFEP in WA

Timberhawk - SFEP

Timber Terror - Silverwood

Tremors - Silverwood

Corkscrew - Silverwood

All of the roller coasters at SFOG with, of course, the exception of Goliath.


So as you can see, not many rides on my part. Just don't have the funds to travel, but it's great to see others having fun and taking pictures and video so that we can experience it with you.

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What's up everybody, You may know me as Yanks2Jets14 from GADVsource, Six Flags Guide and also GADV Updates so you can take a guess at what my home park is . You can call me Rob or Yanks, feel free to AIM me if you wanna talk!


I have been on about 36 coasters with more coming this year!

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Hey everyone! My name is Robby and I've been on these boards for a while. I read more than I post and I don't think I ever formally introduced myself. Well I live in Northern Alabama....boo. I live near The Space and Rocket Center (It has an S&S but that gets old after your 100th + time) and a Centrifuge (blah). My home park is Visionland but that's not that great of a park so I guess my real big home park would be SFOG, which is a little under 4 hours away. I am 16 and a junior in High School...hmm what else? I guess that's all.



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