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If you could modify one part of any ride...

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^I would just change the restraints. Or is that what you are referring to?

I would also add a nitro-style 540 degrees helix after shambhala's mid course and, if I had the chance, I would make the lift a few feet taller and keep the rest of the layout exactly the same as some extra seep wouldn't harm it at all.

Add a second corkscrew and a helix (before the end) to great bear.

Remove Kinga Ka's trims.

I could go on and on forever....

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Add a LIM lifthill on Superman the Escape that brings you up to the top of the tower.


I've always been saying this! Tower of Terror II at Dreamworld in particular needs this as the shuttle car barely gets passed halfway up the tower. Something like on Mr Freeze would be great! Perhaps would even add a little more hangtime...

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Take out the MCBR on Ghostrider. Holy s**t that thing would ROAR.


Add theming on Scream.


Make the tabletop turnaround on Iron Rattler happen first on the ride. That way it has more speed going into the second half of the ride.


Replace half of the MCBRs on Rip Ride Rockit with inverted camelbacks. That, or make the first drop beyond vertical and add a speed hill before the non-inverted loop.


Make the first drop steeper and sharper on Silver Bullet. That, or take out the turnaround after the roll. That thing protrudes too far into Ghost Town.


Add something interesting between the overbanks on Xcelerator like a heartline roll. That ride gets boring after the top hat.


Add a helix on Pony Express.

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I agree with what some others have said--put lap bars back on Revolution and get rid of those wretched OTSRs. I'd get rid of the shoulder straps on DisneySea's Tower of Terror, too, and use just the lap belts.

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Remove the trim of Titan SFOT and Goliath SFMM. But I might die for the positive G's.


Put the heartline roll back into Maverick.


This killed Goliath for me. Although you're probably right about the G's.

I first rode Maverick back in '07 but do not remember the heartline. I wish I could go back in time and do it again

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Put the heartline at the top of the hill after Maverick's second launch, kind of like the "flying snake dive" on Storm Runner after the dive loop and then drop down towards the water.



Really great idea! IT would be a great improvement on maverick, but they would have to slow the launch down to about 50-65MPH.

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Put the heartline at the top of the hill after Maverick's second launch, kind of like the "flying snake dive" on Storm Runner after the dive loop and then drop down towards the water.



Really great idea! IT would be a great improvement on maverick, but they would have to slow the launch down to about 50-65MPH.

Or they can trim it down a bit. Plus, slowing down the launch a little bit can let those who complain about the restraint make less negative comments.
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-I'd change that one part on T2 that's after the lift hill, but before the brake run. You know, that part that sucks.



I'd love to ride Skyrush with the Millennium Force trains and I'd love to ride Revolution with lap bars. I'll go with those two.

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I long for the day The Beast can run trimless or at least a reduction in trims. If this requires running 2-bench trains instead of three and a reduction of capacity from 36 to 28 riders per train, I'm okay with that. Even just tweaking some of the banking and profiling to handle more stress would be appreciated. The Beast could be right back in the discussion as one of the very top wooden coasters once again without those trims.


As for Maverick, all I ask is that the reduce the second launch speed just slightly so they do not have to trim it on the hill following the launch. Feeling a slowdown like that just after a launch is kind of a buzzkill. Other than that, Maverick is virtually a perfect coaster in my opinion.

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