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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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It's a shame these parks keep thinking they have to do something "never done" before. This looks awful with spinning cars for various reasons. It would have been a great ride with Blue Fire trains. This definitely looks like a great formula for injuries. There is no way that these inversions are designed to be taken at every possible angle......

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  super7 said:
...This definitely looks like a great formula for injuries. There is no way that these inversions are designed to be taken at every possible angle......


You know, I bet you anything that the park and Mack both know what they are doing. They aren't going to be building a ride that is a "great formula for injuries."

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^ Blue Fire presumably wasn't designed for a spinning car initially yet they hooked the spinning car up a few years later and I remember seeing a rider video and they looked like they were enjoying it. This ride is being designed for spinning from the beginning so I imagine it will be comfortable.

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  super7 said:
It's a shame these parks keep thinking they have to do something "never done" before. This looks awful with spinning cars for various reasons. It would have been a great ride with Blue Fire trains. This definitely looks like a great formula for injuries. There is no way that these inversions are designed to be taken at every possible angle......

"Never been done" and records are what draw people to parks. As much as I would have liked for this to be a traditional steel launched coaster like Blue Fire or Helix, thank God parks continue to try new things and push the envelope. It's mutually beneficial, since it caters to the parks' marketing strategies, which leads to profit, and it allows park goers to have new experiences. Without parks and ride manufacturers striving for 'never been done,' we wouldn't have launches, dive coasters, inversions, drop tracks, spinning, etc. Riding wooden cyclone clones throughout the world would get pretty boring.


As far as injuries go, I have to believe Mack has this dialed in. I believe Blue Fire is faster and more intense than Time Traveler, with the test car allowing faster spinning. I would imagine if any injury or potential for injury were observed during the prototype phase, we wouldn't be seeing this coaster.

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  super7 said:
This definitely looks like a great formula for injuries. There is no way that these inversions are designed to be taken at every possible angle......


I'm sorry but are you seriously commenting on this forum suggesting that the manufacturers don't know what they're doing and the ride looks unsafe? Shouldn't you be on facebook?

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As long as the inversions aren't being taken at hyper speed I don't see why it would be an issue, if the train didn't spin, it would take slow, and if it was 90* perpendicular to the track, it would be front/backflipping around a roll, anything in between should be fine. As long as it's not whipping around the track

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  prozach626 said:
  super7 said:
It's a shame these parks keep thinking they have to do something "never done" before. This looks awful with spinning cars for various reasons. It would have been a great ride with Blue Fire trains. This definitely looks like a great formula for injuries. There is no way that these inversions are designed to be taken at every possible angle......

"Never been done" and records are what draw people to parks. As much as I would have liked for this to be a traditional steel launched coaster like Blue Fire or Helix, thank God parks continue to try new things and push the envelope. It's mutually beneficial, since it caters to the parks' marketing strategies, which leads to profit, and it allows park goers to have new experiences. Without parks and ride manufacturers striving for 'never been done,' we wouldn't have launches, dive coasters, inversions, drop tracks, spinning, etc. Riding wooden cyclone clones throughout the world would get pretty boring.


I like your point. If it was up to me would I have picked this over a Helix or lost gravity version? Uhh, no. But maybe we were just getting our hopes up a little too much. Taken for what it is this certainly does push the innovation envelope. I would argue that this qualifies as a 4D coaster more than the so-called "4D" free fly coasters. Will it be a home run like Outlaw run was? Maybe not. But they could have bought something a whole lot less intriguing.

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Anyways, even though this is a bit redundant, here was my footage from the announcement ceremony:



For those concerned about the spinning, I was one of the most vocal ones about being against the concept, but I am giving it a chance and I feel optimistic that they will fine tune this ride before, during, and after it opens for the best rider experience. If you fast forward 21 minutes into my video Brad is speaking to Dennis, one of the Mack Rides engineers behind this ride's development. During this conversation Brad was talking about how the test car that was used on Blue Fire at Europa Park was actually too intense for him and said that the only way this could work at SDC is for them to engineer a system to help keep the spinning under control with a braking system. It is essentially described as a magnetic clutch that will interact with a steel fin mounted on the gondola if the spinning attempts to get too violent. This will slow the rotation thus providing a controlled spin. It was definitely a topic of concern for people if we were to expect the same level of spinning as seen in the simulation, however it was also mentioned when I overheard a conversation that the spinning animations are likely exaggerated. You may simply experience a slower turning effect where you may turn and swoop into an inversion sideways instead of feeling like your are being tossed like your laundry in a washing machine.


Also I know many were excited for this as I certainly was, but here is the exclusive construction site tour I got of the coaster under construction:

They were actively hanging several pieces of track and supports for the vertical loop while I was down in the valley. It was pretty neat to actually stand next to and touch the actual track and supports. haha

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  Shavethewhales said:
It was bad enough when they had a few backwards seats on Thunderation - that confused the heck out of a lot of people that had never been there before and weren't familiar with roller coasters. Now imagine touting this record smashing SPINNING coaster and then throwing different options into the mix in the station. You'd have to carve out different lines, have attendants to explain where to go for what, deal with crowds wanting to do one thing or the other... etc.


Piggybacking off this for a second, take a look at this sign:powertower10.thumb.JPG.abbb61f594931e03417d060fed401810.JPG

That sign's for the S&S Tower I've worked for the past three years. Our three towers are color-coded with the sign. 2 reds and a blue. The sign is above a fork in the queue, with a path leading to the red towers, and a path to the blue. It's astounding how many people don't know the difference, even when they're on the ride! Or how many don't realize that there are 2 separate queues for the two ride programs.

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Just a FYI for the Europeans on the board WOW Air announced service to St. Louis starting next year. They announced Cleveland and Cincinnati as well when Norwegian starts getting the A321LR, expect even more TATL service to midsized cities like Kansas City and Memphis in 2020.


Come see Dixie Stampede before the PC Police kills it.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Track is about done, at least as far as you can tell from the park. The ACE coaster christmas event will provide another opportunity to look at it up close, but Im not sure there will be much to say until then. Its all out there now, only thing left that could surprise us is if they end up enclosing one of the launches. Doesnt seem possible though.

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  DoinItForTheFame said:
If you go to SDC's Facebook they have put up a 360 degree POV of Time Traveler!!! (Forgive me for not knowing how to link it!)


I just watched it. I dunno if it's the video resolution or what, but that even made me dizzy LOL. I dunno about this one....

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Minor construction update on Time Traveler. Track work is pretty much complete save for the transfer track section. Been told testing will begin in November possibly in time for the Coaster Christmas event that will be held at the park.


Interestingly enough the final inversion actually leans over a bit into the helix on ThuNderaTion. Maybe its an optical illusion but it seemed so to me. It also almost feels like you can reach out and touch the track from the queue, yes its that close.









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I'm really loving how the ride will interact with Thunderation. I love the contrast of old and new. I'm quite interested to see how this addition will liven up that part of the park too. Hopefully it will bring some more riders to the surrounding rides like TNT and Flooded Mine. It will also be interesting to see what they do for this ride's plaza. Has anything been mentioned?


Also, its possibly too outlandish. But i was thinking, since LSM launches can count as a block section, could that mean two trains could be out on the circuit at once leaving the possibility for dueling? I know that word has caused a firestorm in other threads. I don't think its likely unless dispatches are crazy fast. I just think it would be cool to see two trains going through the circuit at once.

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  Imagineer Josh said:
Sorry for the bump, but does anyone think the coaster will be kinda forceless, knowing other Mack coasters?


Well, I don't think this coaster was designed to be a "rip your face off forceful coaster." . . . So theres that.

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  Imagineer Josh said:
Sorry for the bump, but does anyone think the coaster will be kinda forceless, knowing other Mack coasters?

Yeah, totally forceless. It's gonna be awful. All you enthusiasts should probably just not bother to ride this one. Definitely don't go to Silver Dollar City and be near me and complain about a really great ride because it doesn't live up to what you dreamed in your head. Just go to Cedar Point, a great park with a new ride that is about 800 miles away from me. Go there. You'll love it.

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  ytterbiumanalyst said:

Yeah, totally forceless. It's gonna be awful. All you enthusiasts should probably just not bother to ride this one. Definitely don't go to Silver Dollar City and be near me and complain about a really great ride because it doesn't live up to what you dreamed in your head. Just go to Cedar Point, a great park with a new ride that is about 800 miles away from me. Go there. You'll love it.

I don't usually do this, but...

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  ytterbiumanalyst said:
Yeah, totally forceless. It's gonna be awful. All you enthusiasts should probably just not bother to ride this one. Definitely don't go to Silver Dollar City and be near me and complain about a really great ride because it doesn't live up to what you dreamed in your head. Just go to Cedar Point, a great park with a new ride that is about 800 miles away from me. Go there. You'll love it.


I mean... tell us how you really feel.


But really though:

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^ & ^^


I aim to please.


Seriously, though, every time I hear that word "forceless" I want to punch something.


I'm looking forward to Time Traveler with some reservations, as I don't normally like spinners. I loved Sierra Sidewinder and Laff Track, though, so it's possible I could really love Time Traveler. I have the utmost confidence in the Herschends to pull this off and make it a great attraction, and I'm just excited to see how they do it.

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