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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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The Bug i bet are starting to get bad for the next few weeks, mid june is when they get really bad. You will only see them around the lights On rides at night you may hit them. Can't tell you how many times i have seem people in the bathroom by MF cleaning there face off after a front row ride. If your not in the front you should be ok just keep your mouth shut. You may get a few on your arm or shirt but not anything to kill your mod.

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Some woman was freaking out on Iron Dragon Saturday night, she couldn't wait to get off after she encountered some bugs and she did the dance on the platform like she was trying to shake off millions of them...it was pretty funny, even the ride ops couldn't help but laugh a bit.


I encountered a few on Millennium Force once it got dark and cooled off, granted this was a ride right at the stroke of midnight, but the bugs were making their appearance. I won't forget last year in September when I made my first visit to CP. My first rides on everything had to be the front...I got a good bugging on TTD

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I'm not sure why, but Cedar Point seems to be plagued with ride issues today. Raptor was down until around noon, Wicked Twister is still testing, Top Thrill Dragster has sent 3 trains all day so far, Rougarou broke down while I was waiting in line two separate times and is currently not running, Gemeni is running only the red side though both sides were racing yesterday, Millenium Force was down for a bit, and Windseeker also closed after being open for a while. I missed Kingda Ka at SFGAdv last year due to Zumanjaro construction so I really hope TTD opens today.

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I'm looking for advice from some of our larger members. One of my friends wants to hit Cedar Point next week but he is on the larger side. I know Millennium and Dragster are out of the question but any advice on what he might fit on? He managed to fit on everything at Universal last week if that helps.

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I was at the park this weekend as well. A few highlights:

-Rain on Friday night right after close was kind of crazy. Driving across the causeway became quite interesting.

-Saturday morning's drizzle caused a bunch of issues, but everything was good about 1:00.

-I was incredibly impressed by Rougarou. I couldn't believe how much of a difference the new trains made. It was amazing!

-Mean Streak was riding smoother than I've ever seen it. I rode in the front seat, and it didn't hurt at all. There were even a few great airtime moments!


Now for the inevitable. As some on this board know, I have NEVER been a fan of Maverick. I've rode it in practically every row on every visit since it opened. Ever since I rode I-305, I wanted to see Maverick get those new restraints, and I was SO excited to try it out this weekend. I am sorry to tell you all that I am still not a fan of this ride. I will admit, the ride is better to me now, but I still can't enjoy those crazy turns that everyone seems to love. I was particularly not a fan of having my neck SLAMMED into the restraint during the turn after the second launch. I might ride it once if someone I'm at the park with wants to ride, but I've officially given up trying to like Maverick.

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I'm not sure why


Allow me to speculate as to why



Raptor was down until around noon


Strange, but it's open now so I'm glad they got it fixed.


Wicked Twister is still testing


It's probably not approved by the state yet as it has not yet opened for the season.


Top Thrill Dragster


... say no more. It's Dragster, what did you expect? lol


Rougarou broke down while I was waiting in line two separate times and is currently not running


It's new, it has all news sensors and a new mechanism so that's to be expected.


Gemeni is running only the red side though both sides were racing yesterday


Staffing, yesterday was a weekend. Today is a weekday before the start of summer.


Millenium Force was down for a bit


It drizzled for a bit. I'm going to go with that, and no it doesn't actually have to be raining for Cedar Point to randomly close things... it just has to kind of sort of maybe look like it might rain or someone might have said the word "rain" too loudly.


Windseeker also closed after being open for a while.


Be careful what you seek, you might find it... it's probably down for winds. Sky Ride is down on webcams. Once it gets over 15 MPH with gusts around 20 Cedar Point's operations team crawls into the fetal position and panics because when building a brand new ride a few years ago they couldn't have possibly anticipated mild winds when building a ride on the beach on a peninsula in one of the largest lakes in America.

Edited by coasterbill
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I'm looking for advice from some of our larger members. One of my friends wants to hit Cedar Point next week but he is on the larger side. I know Millennium and Dragster are out of the question but any advice on what he might fit on? He managed to fit on everything at Universal last week if that helps.


Coasterwise that's probably it, new restraints on Maverick so we don't know for sure but the OTSR's are usually more forgiving. Maybe Wicked Twister? Just have them try the test seats and if they're close and won't be embarrassed they can try the real ride as they can be a bit different. They may have some issues on the flat rides like MaxAir.

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I'm looking for advice from some of our larger members. One of my friends wants to hit Cedar Point next week but he is on the larger side. I know Millennium and Dragster are out of the question but any advice on what he might fit on? He managed to fit on everything at Universal last week if that helps.



When i visited Cedar Point last season i was 260 at 5'11 and a 40 inch waist. I fit on everything except Wicked Twister.


Wicked Twister and Drop Tower at Kings Island were the only rides i did not fit. I visited four different parks.

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I'm looking for advice from some of our larger members. One of my friends wants to hit Cedar Point next week but he is on the larger side. I know Millennium and Dragster are out of the question but any advice on what he might fit on? He managed to fit on everything at Universal last week if that helps.



When i visited Cedar Point last season i was 260 at 5'11 and a 40 inch waist. I fit on everything except Wicked Twister.


Wicked Twister and Drop Tower at Kings Island were the only rides i did not fit. I visited four different parks.


Ditto. I think Wicked Twister is the least forgiving roller coaster there. I was the same dimensions as above when I went in 2013 and fit on everything comfortably except Wicked Twister. It wasn't even close - I pulled down the restraint and basically was like "Yea, looks like this'll be a big bag of nope for me".

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Went to the Point today for the first time in a couple of years.

Rougarou is now in my top 5 coasters at Cedar Point. It was an absolute blast! It's really amazing the difference the floorless trains make for the ride. I rode in the front row, then the back row. My head hit the restraint just one time on my first ride, and not at all the second time. If you know the layout well, you can avoid head banging by leaning into all the snappy turns like Maverick.

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Went to the Point today for the first time in a couple of years.

Rougarou is now in my top 5 coasters at Cedar Point. It was an absolute blast! It's really amazing the difference the floorless trains make for the ride. I rode in the front row, then the back row. My head hit the restraint just one time on my first ride, and not at all the second time. If you know the layout well, you can avoid head banging by leaning into all the snappy turns like Maverick.


I agree on this, I found at least for me that if I lean a bit forward, then almost any sort of side to side movement stopped for me. I got head banged once heading in the corkscrew, but with the 7 rides I took, that was the only time. The important number is the number of re-rides I took and saw the general public also jumping back in line during my visit last week; even though the line was over an hour long! So it seems Cedar Point made a great decision here, it really was fun to always hop in the line every time I was headed towards MF or Maverick, instead of passing it up like in the past.


Great blog post on Thunderbird by the way!

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I'm looking for advice from some of our larger members. One of my friends wants to hit Cedar Point next week but he is on the larger side. I know Millennium and Dragster are out of the question but any advice on what he might fit on? He managed to fit on everything at Universal last week if that helps.



When i visited Cedar Point last season i was 260 at 5'11 and a 40 inch waist. I fit on everything except Wicked Twister.


Wicked Twister and Drop Tower at Kings Island were the only rides i did not fit. I visited four different parks.


Ditto. I think Wicked Twister is the least forgiving roller coaster there. I was the same dimensions as above when I went in 2013 and fit on everything comfortably except Wicked Twister. It wasn't even close - I pulled down the restraint and basically was like "Yea, looks like this'll be a big bag of nope for me".



Have you been to Kings Dominion? I am worried about Volcano since i did not fit on Wicked Twister or Kings Islands Drop Tower last season.

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I'm looking for advice from some of our larger members. One of my friends wants to hit Cedar Point next week but he is on the larger side. I know Millennium and Dragster are out of the question but any advice on what he might fit on? He managed to fit on everything at Universal last week if that helps.



When i visited Cedar Point last season i was 260 at 5'11 and a 40 inch waist. I fit on everything except Wicked Twister.


Wicked Twister and Drop Tower at Kings Island were the only rides i did not fit. I visited four different parks.

Yes, he may be able to fit on TTD and MF. They aren't Completley out of the question. I think the biggest problem he'll have on those rides is buckling his belt. Wicked Twister is probably out though, it's not all that fun though. It's literally maybe 40 seconds. Not worth a 10 minute wait IMO.

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At 44 inches, my father didn't fit on Millennium Force or Top Thrill Dragster... but he DID fit on Wicked Twister. Comfortably too, apparently, because it was his favorite ride there at the time.


He's lost some weight since then, and I think he was around 40 inches when we went back to the park. He could fit on everything that time, no problem.

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Have you been to Kings Dominion? I am worried about Volcano since i did not fit on Wicked Twister or Kings Islands Drop Tower last season.



I fit on Volcano fine as the belts are in the front, not the side like Wicked Twister. I also fit fine on the drop tower at KD but not KI because of the pads that they put on the top of the restraints.


No problem for me on MF or TTD.

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^Thank you! Makes me happy to see people reading my blog! It JUST went live like 2 days ago haha.


Can't send you a PM - but wanted to say I like your blog


Back on topic - Wicked Twister is definitely the LEAST larger guest friendly I've seen.

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Have you been to Kings Dominion? I am worried about Volcano since i did not fit on Wicked Twister or Kings Islands Drop Tower last season.



I fit on Volcano fine as the belts are in the front, not the side like Wicked Twister. I also fit fine on the drop tower at KD but not KI because of the pads that they put on the top of the restraints.


No problem for me on MF or TTD.



Thank you very much sir.

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I'm trying to make a trip to Cedar Point before the weather gets too hot but due to my work schedule, it's looking like it may have to be a dreaded Saturday that I make the trip. Not wanting to spend the entire day waiting in line, I'm thinking of going with the fastlane pass. On a typical busy Saturday, does the fastlane pass still take upwards of an hour in line? Just trying to gauge if it's worth the extra money to get the fast lane pass or if I should just wait until the summer when I can book a Wednesday or something off work.

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I've been wondering about something and hopefully you guys can help me out. I recently bought a Platinum Pass off of Kings Island's website, however I will be attending Cedar Point before I can get my pass processed. Can I still get my platinum pass processed at Cedar Point or do I have to get it processed at KI since I bought it from there?


Also any idea of the size of crowds on June 1st? It's a Monday so I know those are usually less busy, however a lot of schools are starting to let out.



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I'm trying to make a trip to Cedar Point before the weather gets too hot but due to my work schedule, it's looking like it may have to be a dreaded Saturday that I make the trip. Not wanting to spend the entire day waiting in line, I'm thinking of going with the fastlane pass. On a typical busy Saturday, does the fastlane pass still take upwards of an hour in line? Just trying to gauge if it's worth the extra money to get the fast lane pass or if I should just wait until the summer when I can book a Wednesday or something off work.



We got Fast Lane plus the last Saturday of May last season. Most lines were over an hour for the normal queue. We pretty much walked on everything except MF because the FL merges where the ramp starts. some people have complained about waiting a long time in mavericks FL but when we went we were able to walk on three times in a row with the normal line being well over an hour.

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