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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I apologize for for taking this thread back a bit, but I was talking to one of my buddies that works at CP today and he shared some info that I hadn't heard before. I did a search to see if anything had been posted about it and didn't find anything. I haven't really been keeping up on this thread, so I'm sorry if this has already been talked about.


I also haven't been to CP yet this season, so I have no idea if this is even happening.

I was told that during "employee ride night" for Shoot the Rapids, basically "STR test night" from what I hear, that the boats were sinking when full of people. So I guess they have to leave the back seats of each boat empty to prevent them from sinking. Does anyone know if this is true?

Sounds a bit fishy to me, seeing as how half a boat of big people could weigh the same as a full boat of small people. Unless they are keeping track of how much the boats weigh before sending them out. I don't know. Just thought I'd throw it out there to see if anyone else knows anything.

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^Yes, at least one boat did sink on the employee ride night they had, I've been told that by more than one person that works there. However, they've solved the sinking problem, and apparently it's having electrical issues now. They were leaving the middle row of each boat empty when I was there this week, so I'm not sure what the reasoning was behind that. Hope that helps.

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^ Well that's good to know that they got the sinking problem fixed. Now, if they can only get this electrical thing worked out. I have no idea what the electrical problem is, but I can't imagine electrical problems and water going together very well. Kind of weird that they would leave the middle row open for an electrical problem, if that is the reason.

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When I was riding STR today, I noticed a boat with 8 very heavy people and my first thought was that boat looks like it's going to sink when it was entering the station. I'm not surprised that a full boat would sink. Hopefully they can get they can get that fixed over the winter.


As for the reason of the middle row now closed, I was told that was done because it better balances out the boats than keeping the back row closed. It also keeps the wall of water that hits the front row a little smaller.

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^ Well that's good to know that they got the sinking problem fixed. Now, if they can only get this electrical thing worked out. I have no idea what the electrical problem is, but I can't imagine electrical problems and water going together very well. Kind of weird that they would leave the middle row open for an electrical problem, if that is the reason.

Probably something to do with controls and/or censors. Sometimes Intamin can "over complicate" their rides to the point where they are too "smart" for their own good. They're probably just having to work out glitches in the ride program.

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Keeping a row empty to make the wall of water that hits it smaller seems odd as this is a water ride and water will get in the boat, shouldn't matter how much. I'm sure they are designed to handle and drain out the water otherwise that would be really silly.

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Going off topic s bit.


Yesterday Dragster was closed down midday. When I was walking to Magnum we saw a lot of work in the launching mechanism room thing (don't know what it is called). They had a forklift in there and everything. Anyone know what the problem was?

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That happens every once in awhile, there was a fault within the hydraulics room. It'll probably be back up fairly quickly, no worries. Last year when I was working they had forklifts and things in there all the time, beats me what they're doing.

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Was just at the park today for a great day at the park. It was very hot though with temperatures hitting the mid 90's in August, which is a rarity in late August in Ohio. My biggest complaint about the park is the food: 1. It's way too expensive, $3.51 for a gatorade today which thankfully was good for refilling with water later in the day, 2. Instead of taking another order after one has been taken, they have to complete that order before taking the next, which makes food lines incredibly long even on small days. I ran into many guests who waited 10min just to get a little shot glass of water, this was most evident at The Dragon's Inn and El Gato Cafe. Got in all the coasters besides the kiddie ones, with Maverick being the longest at 45min. And here are coaster reviews :


Blue Streak : For being the oldest coaster in the park it delivers a great ride. Front seat on this baby is smooth and delivers on the air time, one of the best kept secrets of the park. It's a must ride in the front seat, besides that it's your average wooden coaster, little bumpy but still nice.


Mean Streak : This is another fun front seat ride, but front seat only. Living so close to the park all I hear from people in the area is how horrible the ride is when really the front seat is quite enjoyable with some nice lateral G forces. The wait for the front is worth it, anything else... yea, don't bother. P.S : In the Mean Streak "junkyard" the Big Dipper trains from Geauga Lake are being stored and a few Double Loop cars.


Cedar Creek Mine Ride : I personally do not like this coaster at all, no leg room, horrible transitions, and just lingers around the course. Worst coaster at the park.


Maverick : Amazing ride, would be even better with the I305 straps. Would rank alot higher for me if I wasn't getting karate chopped in the neck for half the ride. Still a must ride regardless.


Gemini : Fun, smooth and easily reridable ride throughout the whole day with some very nice airtime in the back seat.


Magnum XL 200 : Favorite ride at the park hands down. Amazing airtime the entire ride with a fairly smooth ride. Ejector seat truly lives to it's name.


Corkscrew : Yup... self explanatory, some head banging but a good first looping coaster for any kid.


Top Thrill Dragster : I like the ride but will not wait more than 45min for it, it's just way too quick. Don't get me wrong its the biggest adrenaline rush you could want and is a great ride. The ride did break down for 15min while waiting for it, it was opening and closing throughout the day.


Wicked Twister : Rode in the middle, enjoyable ride. Hardly has a line which is a good thing now.


Disaster Transport : A typical "meh" ride not good or bad.... UNTIL THE DOMO AT THE END OF THE RIDE!!!


Raptor : Very fun and intense ride, it would be so much better without the head banging at the cobra roll. The back seat is great, especially the airtime you get right before the final corkscrew and helix.


Iron Dragon : Typical family ride that is executed much better than CCMR. The mist at the ending helix was very appreciated.


Wildcat : Always has a wait, no matter how dead the park is this ride always has an annoying wait. Nothing wrong with the ride but it's not worth the wait it usually has.


Mantis : Most improved ride of the year since they took that trim break off. This ride was flying today and is incredibly forceful. My friend blacked out for the entire first half of the ride and is easily one of the best rides at the park now. Hardly any head banging and I do not understand how this ride is so poorly rated.


Millennium Force : The ride is pure bliss. I agree/disagree on the forceless nickname. There are many heavy positive G's on the first drop and turnaround, but I would like more airtime on the hills. that's what they are there for. There is airtime, but there should be so much more.


I realize this post is really long, but this is my first full review, and after going to the park a good 25 times this summer, my thoughts haven't changed on any of the rides.

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Can someone please explain this to me!?!? Have they put in some sort of stuffed domo at the end of the ride?!?! I mean, I didn't really think that ride could get any more amazing, but a domo could do it.



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Can someone please explain this to me!?!? Have they put in some sort of stuffed domo at the end of the ride?!?! I mean, I didn't really think that ride could get any more amazing, but a domo could do it.


I don't think I could get a picture of the ride because of Cedar Fair's policy of no cameras on ride... -.-


But the last room before the break run where you are apparently back in Alaska, and there are rock structures? Whatever they are there is a domo in the middle of the scene and its the best part of the ride, I always scream DOMO!! at the top of my lungs.

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I rode DT on Thursday and also saw this at the end of the ride. Though other than everyone TPR being obsessed with it I have no clue who this character is! lol


As for the Maverick head banging stuff, I had that happen the first time or two I rode it but never since. Then again, I do hang on the whole ride and naturally lean into turns and stuff (meaning I don't have to think about it I just happen to do it). I wish everyone knew how to do this, they would like a lot more rides!

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