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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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4 hours ago, CaptainUnknown said:

As long as it's not run like the Arrow mice in the chain, the park'll be fine.

Or the mice at KD or Carowinds.  One car out on the track at a time?  No thank you.

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t was small enough to fit the area, is decidedly a family coaster, and meshes well with the "boardwalk" theme.  It was also likely substantially cheaper than any of the options you mentioned, none of which would fit in the defined area*.   They have plenty of non-spinning moderate coasters for people to ride (CCMR, Blue Streak, Gemini, Corkscrew, the kiddie coasters).

They're also likely spending goo-gobs of money on whatever is happening with Dragster, so there's that too.

Don't forget, they still had a portable "carnival" coaster in their lineup 11 years after Millennium Force opened.  This is totally on brand.

*Except the "dark-ride-in-the-first-floor-of-the-ballroom" idea, which I absolutely love, but that still would have left a gaping opening in the new Boardwalk area.


Any ride can be made to fit any theme. Yes this option is cheaper than what I brought up. But this is CP. They shouldn't be doing anything on the cheap. If the goal is to draw more families then you gotta give them a reason to come. Does this ride do that? I don't see it. 


They don't have plenty of non spinning moderate coasters. The coasters you named have a height restriction of 48". They needed something that smaller kids could ride. But at the same time they should have went with something with a much better capacity. Again this is CP, low capacity rides don't work here.


The dark ride in the ballroom could have an outside section too. It could have started on the boardwalk, entered the ballroom for the indoor section, and then ended on the boardwalk. 



Dang. I generally agree with you to an extent about park food, but have you had a chance to try any of the new offerings?

Agreed a large portion of the decision was probably made with cost as a factor. I'm not really a fan of wild mouse coasters. I don't think most of us are. I would say I generally think they look terrible, but until I see how it fits in the area in person I might as well reserve my judgement.



I don't have the dining plan. I pack my own meals in a cooler and leave the park to eat. So no I haven't tried anything new.  



The park has a crap ton of coasters and this is the first spinning coaster. I don’t get how it doesn’t fit in. 

Capacity sucks and it's not unique. 

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1 hour ago, AndrewA86 said:

I don't have the dining plan. I pack my own meals in a cooler and leave the park to eat. So no I haven't tried anything new.

Um. So how can you call it dog food?

I'd sure like to know what's so special about the food in your cooler. Must be fancy.

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I like this design of a Mad/Wild Mouse spinning coaster. It definitely has a different layout than I've seen in "off the shelf mouse spinners," etc.

So that alone, makes it unique to me for CP. I just hope the dispatch times are "mouse size," to make the whole attraction come alive, with those mice chasing that cheese! 🧀

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8 hours ago, prozach626 said:

Um. So how can you call it dog food?

I'd sure like to know what's so special about the food in your cooler. Must be fancy.

It's worth the price I paid for it. Just trying to make light of the fact that their food isn't the highest quality while charging premium prices for it. If you want to buy me a $20 meal I'll gladly eat it.

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7 hours ago, Nrthwnd said:

I like this design of a Mad/Wild Mouse spinning coaster. It definitely has a different layout than I've seen in "off the shelf mouse spinners," etc.

So that alone, makes it unique to me for CP. 

To you, yes. But is that going to attract more families to CP? 

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The Boardwalk is the selling point. It's new its fresh brings energy to that part of the park. If it brings joy  then that's why they built it, and that is what brings family's to the park. You need to look at the big picture. 


As for the food it has came a long way from frozen burgers from many years ago. Your at a theme park its going to cost a little more. I mean Taco bell is almost $15 dollars to feed me now. SO you don't really have a point. 

The target market for parks is not the coaster fan who doesn't spend money in the park buy packing food. 

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11 hours ago, AndrewA86 said:

It's worth the price I paid for it. Just trying to make light of the fact that their food isn't the highest quality while charging premium prices for it. If you want to buy me a $20 meal I'll gladly eat it.

I have to agree with everyone here that you can't really judge if you haven't tried it in however many years, and if Prozach and I are agreeing you are probably on the wrong side of opinion here 😉 The homemade cooler lunch will be cheaper sure, but is it a better value in terms of quality and/or time? Leaving the park to eat is a time consuming hassle. I would say no, the new Farmhouse restaurant back by SV has some legit good stuff to eat and I don't mean just compared to other theme park food; but the point is you need to try it before you make a judgement or you're just assuming and you know what they say about that.


11 hours ago, AndrewA86 said:

To you, yes. But is that going to attract more families to CP? 

For many families no specific ride matters more than another. Mom/Dad/Grandma/Grandpa may or may not want to or be able to ride much BUT if there are other things to do.......like a beach, bars, live music, cool places to eat and hang out, an old style beach pavilion with several of those things, etc, etc. then yes, it will attract families. You need to look at the boardwalk area as a whole not just how attractive one particular ride is. Families pay the high price for the Breakers not just for the convenience but also because some family members can enjoy the day doing things other than rides while other family members can stay at the park all day and no one is "stuck" waiting somewhere they don't want to be. 

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18 hours ago, AndrewA86 said:

It's worth the price I paid for it.

Totally valid, but all I'm saying is you don't know for sure the new food is garbage. You probably have a better chance at being right than wrong... but still. Occasionally food will surprise you. Also keep in mind, to some people convenience is worth the cost.


18 hours ago, AndrewA86 said:

To you, yes. But is that going to attract more families to CP? 

I'm not so sure the ride will attract families as much as it may leave them with a more fulfilling experience that may bring them back.

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The Boardwalk is the selling point. It's new its fresh brings energy to that part of the park. If it brings joy  then that's why they built it, and that is what brings family's to the park. You need to look at the big picture. 

I don't know about that. Does the average person even know about it? I think the average person would say "this is cool" after seeing it. But I don't think the new boardwalk area in general is going to be a selling point that attracts people.



 have to agree with everyone here that you can't really judge if you haven't tried it in however many years, and if Prozach and I are agreeing you are probably on the wrong side of opinion here  The homemade cooler lunch will be cheaper sure, but is it a better value in terms of quality and/or time? Leaving the park to eat is a time consuming hassle. I would say no, the new Farmhouse restaurant back by SV has some legit good stuff to eat and I don't mean just compared to other theme park food; but the point is you need to try it before you make a judgement or you're just assuming and you know what they say about that.


Last year was the first year I didn't add on the dining plan. I did try the steak and chicken from the farmhouse last year. It was OK. When I was asked if I tried the new offerings I thought it meant new for this year.



Totally valid, but all I'm saying is you don't know for sure the new food is garbage. You probably have a better chance at being right than wrong... but still. Occasionally food will surprise you. Also keep in mind, to some people convenience is worth the cost.


You're right. I don't know about the food in the grand pavilion until I try it. But the years of dissappointment have added up. For someone like me who visits the park 15+ times per year, the dining plan add on should be worth the cost. 



I'm not so sure the ride will attract families as much as it may leave them with a more fulfilling experience that may bring them back.


Fair enough. But maybe a better/ higher capacity ride would leave them more fulfilled. AND possibly even attract more families who wouldn't otherwise visit.

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^ my best friend and his son - both of whom are NOT thrill ride people (they go with me to SWSA & SFFT, and the most extreme thing we ride is the Carousel, or sometimes Texas Stingray - which I'd compare to Gemini in size) sent me links to the media from CP Boardwalk launch.


and asked me if we should plan a trip for August.



so there you go.   the Boardwalk area attracted a non-CP park goer
(tho I can't claim it was the wild mouse - it was probably just as much the flats over there, and the pavillion overlooking the great lake).

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6 hours ago, AndrewA86 said:

I don't know about that. Does the average person even know about it? I think the average person would say "this is cool" after seeing it. But I don't think the new boardwalk area in general is going to be a selling point that attracts people.

Maybe, maybe not; BUT I can tell you whenever we talk to non enthusiasts about belonging to a "roller coaster club" the layman's term I usually use and traveling around to numerous theme parks, they almost always say something like "oh, have you ever heard of a place called CedarPoint", lol. I mean it's become a family inside joke. CP is definitely on the radar of the gp.

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7 hours ago, AndrewA86 said:

For someone like me who visits the park 15+ times per year,

You've spoiled yourself, bro. Your expectations are too high. You're numb to the experience. Cedar Point wants to maintain its reputation as a destination. All of the things you aren't happy with will contribute to guests leaving more satisfied from a well rounded experience.


Or, the park is trash. It's just fucking garbage. These additions are the worst ever. Close the park. Tear it down. 

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1 hour ago, teacherkim said:

Maybe, maybe not; BUT I can tell you whenever we talk to non enthusiasts about belonging to a "roller coaster club" the layman's term I usually use and traveling around to numerous theme parks, they almost always say something like "oh, have you ever heard of a place called CedarPoint", lol. I mean it's become a family inside joke. CP is definitely on the radar of the gp.

It definitely is. I had a friend that was stationed at Pearl Harbor in the 90s and he said the #1 question he got asked when people found out he was from Ohio was if he had been to Cedar Point. 

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On 5/8/2023 at 7:35 PM, AndrewA86 said:

Any ride can be made to fit any theme. Yes this option is cheaper than what I brought up. But this is CP. They shouldn't be doing anything on the cheap. If the goal is to draw more families then you gotta give them a reason to come. Does this ride do that? I don't see it. 


They don't have plenty of non spinning moderate coasters. The coasters you named have a height restriction of 48". They needed something that smaller kids could ride. But at the same time they should have went with something with a much better capacity. Again this is CP, low capacity rides don't work here.


The dark ride in the ballroom could have an outside section too. It could have started on the boardwalk, entered the ballroom for the indoor section, and then ended on the boardwalk. 


I don't have the dining plan. I pack my own meals in a cooler and leave the park to eat. So no I haven't tried anything new.  


Capacity sucks and it's not unique. 

Dude. Expand your horizons a bit. Some of the food the park has put in the lady few years has been fabulous. The steak and potatoes at Farmhouse is better than a lot of the stuff even Dollywood and Busch Gardens offer. 

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You've spoiled yourself, bro. Your expectations are too high. You're numb to the experience. Cedar Point wants to maintain its reputation as a destination. All of the things you aren't happy with will contribute to guests leaving more satisfied from a well rounded experience.


Or, the park is trash. It's just fucking garbage. These additions are the worst ever. Close the park. Tear it down. 


LOL, wow. I think you're blowing this completely out of proportion. What exactly are all the things I'm not happy with? Did you not read the part where I said I LIKE Wild Mouse. I think it's a GOOD ride. I LOVE the boardwalk. However, I think a coaster with higher capacity would have made more sense. And I'm kind of dumbfounded that they would put such a low capacity ride in a busy park like CP. 




Dude. Expand your horizons a bit. Some of the food the park has put in the lady few years has been fabulous. The steak and potatoes at Farmhouse is better than a lot of the stuff even Dollywood and Busch Gardens offer. 

Now I'm definitely a food snob. I cook for myself and very rarely go out. So with that said I would respectfully disagree that anything CP has is fabulous. And aside from the cinnamon bread I wasn't impressed with anything at Dollywood or Busch Gardens. Now be fair I haven't come close to trying everything at those parks as I've only been to Dollywood once, BGW once, and BGT twice. Any recommendations would be appreciated :-)



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On 5/8/2023 at 12:13 AM, AndrewA86 said:

The park needed a family coaster, no doubt about it. But why pick THAT family coaster? It's a low capacity ride that couldn't be less unique. And it will turn a lot of people off because of the fact that it spins. A lot of people skip those rides.

I'd put my money on BUDGET.  They wanted a new coaster.  It's been a few years since their last one and this fit a category and a friendly price while also investing money elsewhere and in other projects.  That and the money being spent on the Dragster refresh is probably coming from this years budget and 2024.  

It's hard to imagine but the park is a business and doesn't have unlimited funds to just drop in whatever thoosies want.  Decisions have to be made that are best and check off numerous boxes, including cost.  

Family coasters aren't meant for people who post on forums,  You're not their targeted audience.  

Spinning mice are extremely fun and it was something the park needed.  I really miss Wildcat and while this isn't that, it'll do the job.  The park survived just fine with Wildcat in their line up for decades.  

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I'd put my money on BUDGET.  They wanted a new coaster.  It's been a few years since their last one and this fit a category and a friendly price while also investing money elsewhere and in other projects.  That and the money being spent on the Dragster refresh is probably coming from this years budget and 2024.  

So a steel spinning coaster is cheaper than a wood family coaster of the same scope? 



It's hard to imagine but the park is a business and doesn't have unlimited funds to just drop in whatever thoosies want.  Decisions have to be made that are best and check off numerous boxes, including cost.  

Family coasters aren't meant for people who post on forums,  You're not their targeted audience.  


Apparently it's harder to imagine that you would actually read what I wrote. I didn't suggest they build the coaster to the clouds that stretches across Lake Erie to Vermilion and back. I suggested a family dark ride. Which ok, fair enough, would have been a lot more expensive. (Although CP has never been a park to skimp out) But the family wooden option is not more expensive and also checks off numerous other boxes. 



Spinning mice are extremely fun and it was something the park needed.  I really miss Wildcat and while this isn't that, it'll do the job.  The park survived just fine with Wildcat in their line up for decades.  


It is fun. I LIKE the coaster. I also like how that area is the only area on early entry. So I will ride it every time I go without having to wait. But for most others that will not be the case. The vast majority will wait a very long time, and that is NOT fun. Which is why I think a family coaster with better capacity would have been a better fit. 

One thing they could do now is add a single rider line. But I don't remember the park ever having a single rider line for anything.

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4 hours ago, AndrewA86 said:

So a steel spinning coaster is cheaper than a wood family coaster of the same scope?

Please identify a single wooden coaster of the same "scope" that would fit in roughly the same footprint as Wild Mouse.  The smallest one I could think of is Mine Blower which is at least twice the length of the Wild Mouse footprint, or maybe Roar-a-Saurus, the latter of which I waited 28 minutes for at a park with 1/100th of Cedar Point's attendance.  Not exactly "high capacity."  If they run Wild Mouse with multiple cars on the circuit at a time, they could easily exceed that.

"Well, they could've just not built that new restaurant which serves dog food." :roll:

4 hours ago, AndrewA86 said:

One thing they could do now is add a single rider line. But I don't remember the park ever having a single rider line for anything.

How would a single rider line in any way help a family coaster?  This is not for the single-rider enthusiast.

Just accept that you do not agree with the direction the park took with this area and call it a day.  Continuing to argue about it is getting no one anywhere.

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Big crane showed up at Cedar Point last night. Parked at Top Thrill and is being erected today. Seems many believe they will be working on the top hat very soon.  Some rumors say new track on the structure. I'm excited to see some work happening and enjoy following along.

Those things aren't cheap. It's going to be doing something soon. 

Update to add: hydraulic system is now being removed and can be seen on site.

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Please identify a single wooden coaster of the same "scope" that would fit in roughly the same footprint as Wild Mouse. 

Bordwalk Bullett would fit. So my thought was a family Boardwalk Bullett. 



How would a single rider line in any way help a family coaster? 

Because they slow down operations looking for single riders. If they have a Family/ group of 3 they will spend time looking for single riders to fill the car. 

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4 hours ago, AndrewA86 said:

Bordwalk Bullett would fit. So my thought was a family Boardwalk Bullett. 


Because they slow down operations looking for single riders. If they have a Family/ group of 3 they will spend time looking for single riders to fill the car. 

Boardwalk Bullet is a bigger footprint than Wild Mouse, but sure....that gets really damned close.

Really?  Will they?  Personally I wouldn't be trying to squeeze some random Typical-Coaster-Enthuiast in with a single mom and her two kids.  I have never seen coaster operations at any CF park get held up from the grouper asking for singles.

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Boardwalk Bullett is 97 yards by 83 yards. The space CP had in that area is 95 yards by 95 yards. A family Boardwalk Bullett could easily have fit there. And yes they were asking for single riders. LOL so because you have never seen something means it never happens?

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40 minutes ago, AndrewA86 said:

Boardwalk Bullett is 97 yards by 83 yards. The space CP had in that area is 95 yards by 95 yards. A family Boardwalk Bullett could easily have fit there. And yes they were asking for single riders. LOL so because you have never seen something means it never happens?

We weren't talking about "available space," we were talking about the actual footprint of Wild Mouse, which is smaller than BB.

More importantly - "Asking for single riders" does not equal "impeding operations to fill every seat."

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