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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^Thats a lot to know.


FeeltheForce-To my understanding, and I could be wrong, I do not know of any new drop towers being built. I was thinkin' though, and posted this in the random thread, but what if they replaced the cables that are all too finicky, and replaced them with LSM's? How awesome would that be?


The would be pretty cool, and probably almost completely failsafe, but imagine the cost of running magnets up a tower 250-300 feet tall...yikes.

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^And much easier to install so all the fanboys don't complain when it opens late (i.e. Maverick...again).


Back on topic, the Wikipedia page is probably all BS, I REALLY don't see Cedar Point leaking information on Wikipedia. My guess is that it was some bored fanboy trying to stir up some drama on the internet.

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Idiotic how? Given the fact that CP just seems to be playing mind games with their so called "clues", there are a lot of different possibilities for what this is going to be. What's wrong with speculating and guessing what it could be?

Mostly in the way that people keep saying they bet it's a GCI or Gravity Group or any number of things the park has said it's not getting.

Maybe they meant drenched? I've ridden a number of log rides that only give you a slight spray and don't really get you all that wet.

You're giving Cedar Point too much credit.


Dude really?


You're knocking everyone else's ideas but have yet to offer anything up of your own.

I'm not really knocking anyone. But the park specifically said it's not a Gravity Group or a GCI, yet people keep saying, "I bet it's a GCI!" And he really is giving the park too much credit. Saying the ride won't get you wet but saying "maybe they meant drenched" is a little ridiculous.


For my own ideas, why should I offer any? I don't know what it is. I'm waiting for the announcement. No biggie.

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If you actually go to the Wikipedia Website the top half of the page is all disclaimers saying that this "posting" cites no references etc. etc.


I was just reposting it because no one else had.


I'd love a GCI in that area (and I believe it could be done) but CP says NO, so I guess we gotta go with that.


I'd love a flyer foremost, but no B&Ms either (again, so they say)


I think the 2010 project WILL involve H20 in some way, and I can believe the fact that they said "You will not get wet" may actually read "Because You will get Drenched"


I think the new project does indeed involve "dual" something or other because of the "Strikes Twice" tagline.


Whether it's a dual coaster (which unless it's a small spinning ride- I don't think it's gonna be a coaster- getting a little late for no obvious construction ((tho Evel Kenieval was a relative 'Quickie')).


I can "Kinda" believe the Wiki Post, but I can kinda see how someone not affiliated with CP might've just put that out there to stir up the pot.


In any case we'll know soon, and I'm just glad there's a Real Project going on for 2010.


I didn't get to CP this year, BUT I WILL be there to ride whatever the heck it is they build for next year.

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The Reversing Boat Ride is a new concept incorporating the airtime thrill of a coaster with those of a water ride. Using a new design of boat seating 8 passengers that can go either forwards or backwards, the ride is designed to give guests the familiar and exciting sensation of a typical wooden roller coaster as the vehicles go over the ups and downs in the hills and valleys before a flume-type splashdown.


When finished, Whyte Lightning will be the first reversing boat ride in the world, making it the world's tallest, fastest and steepest.


Um, last time I checked, Typhoon Seacoaster at SFA was a reversing boat ride that has two backward flume hills when it opened in 1997.


Therefore, if this post is accurate, Cedar Point would not be installing the first ride of this kind, it'll just be the only one that has the turntables to make it go backwards.


This is dated technology.


Thanks Cedar Point.

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We were at Cedar Point on Wednesday and there was a group riding Gemini constantly all day for charity. Whilst we were queuing the chap loading with the microphone was explaining about the group and said that they were super excited especially as they had just found out about a new coaster.

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We were at Cedar Point on Wednesday and there was a group riding Gemini constantly all day for charity. Whilst we were queuing the chap loading with the microphone was explaining about the group and said that they were super excited especially as they had just found out about a new coaster.

Maybe that had just found out about intimidator at carowinds...

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What if it's just a new alcoholic beverage?


I'll bet it's a Whyte Lightnin' spinning coaster where you have to see if you can hold a beer or cup of moonshine through the entire ride without spilling any. No height limit, but you do have to be 21 or older to ride.

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I'll bet it's a Whyte Lightnin' spinning coaster where you have to see if you can hold a beer or cup of moonshine through the entire ride without spilling any. No height limit, but you do have to be 21 or older to ride.


YES!! My kind of ride.

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I'll bet it's a Whyte Lightnin' spinning coaster where you have to see if you can hold a beer or cup of moonshine through the entire ride without spilling any. No height limit, but you do have to be 21 or older to ride.


Awww, 3 and a half years to go. Time to break out the fake I.D. lol

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The "whyte lightning" in this case refers to the fluid used in the flume. Instead of water it is a specially brewed liquid that has higher density than water yet lower viscosity, while remaining close to non-toxic. This will allow the ride to reach much faster speeds than similar rides that use fresh or salt walter.


...or is it a liquid with a stronger surface tension so that the beyond-90 degree drop will be achieved without using rails?

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