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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Blue train was great as ever, but something about the front of one of the other two trains was just awful. It really sucks that my brother who we brought to the Point for the first time this trip left with a tainted experience of Millennium Force; he only rode it that first time with us.

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  RollerManic said:


Also, that “legendary” Millennium force re-entry gate was open Thursday, but we had just gotten off our first rode in 10 years, and it was awful.


Maybe the trains need a little more extensive refurbishment.


Out of the 20 or so rides I've had in the last few years only only a couple were pretty bumpy. We found out our favorite seat is the 2nd to last. It's pretty smooth and it's a lower seat, which I feel are less rattly. It's also in the back car but it doesn't hold that 2-3 extra train wait that the back row can sometimes hold. I recommend this seat.

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  RollerManic said:
I always think about writing trip reports while I visit parks and what all I would write, but I’ve never actually have gotten to it. However, this trip went so incredibly well that I think for once I’m actually going to complete a wordy, multiple-part photo TR for this in a couple days, so look forward to it.


Its no secret I've written tons of reports so at this point it probably seems like old hat but believe me every time its totally daunting before I start and then once its done I swear them off for good. Then I go to a park and take a bunch of photos for the next report that I don't want to write.


Easiest way to just get it done? Go through your photos, pick the ones you want (because trip reports where the posters posts every single stupid picture they took are f*cking dumb) and then just start to tell us the story that goes along with the photos. You don't have to get super in depth like some of us do, just tell us about your day. Helps if you make if funny or otherwise entertaining but after doing a few dozen of them thats the easiest way for me to make it happen.

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  Stealth1 said:
You said give up and go to Applebees and I said what if you don't like Applebees?


I am supposed to bother trying to look for anything else then?


Unless I'm in a major city I really never expect much after 10pm. You're in middle-of-nowhere, Ohio. A chain restaurant, a diner (if you're in the place that has actual diners and not places that just use the term "Diner" interchangeably with "Restaurant" and aren't open 24 hours), Fast food or a bar that's not running a crappy late-night menu is the best you can really hope for.


Whenever I try to go to Thristy Pony it's closed super early. You could try it but have a backup plan because their hours on Facebook and Tripadvisor don't match the hours that pop up on Google and it seems like they pretty much just close whenever they want.


Dianna's Deli & Restaurant says it's a Deli but it looks like a diner to me. We've never been because it's always slammed after the park closes but it exists.


Honestly there's just not much to pick from...

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I had a chance to experience Steel Vengeance over the last 5 days.


Can anybody tell me why the pullout after the first drop is slightly shifted to the right before the speed bump? Is that on purpose or did it have to be like that to allign with the 2nd big hill?

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Had a great day Sunday at CP. Beautiful weather and FL+ allowed us to ride, ride, ride. We got Steel Vengeance three times in about 30 minutes at one point. My daughter said no to anything Arrow or wooden after getting beat up by woodies at HW and doing Vortex at KI. So we rode Steel Vengeance, Maverick, and Millennium Force a lot. With a sprinkling of TTD, Raptor, Gatekeeper, and Rougarou. I talked her in to riding Magnum by the end of the day, but it was about a 30 minute wait, so we bailed. Back Beat Que is a nice addition to the food lineup. Basically the same stuff as Miss Keat's Smokehouse, but with the addition of fish and shrimp.


I always ask my daughter at the end of a trip:


Favorite park: Cedar Point

Favorite coaster: Mystic Timbers

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My family had just purchased tickets for tomorrow (Wednesday) for a visit. I checked the tickets after they printed to verify everything was correct, and found the tickets were addressed for today rather than tomorrow (but seriously more like ). We need to either purchase new tickets and (hopefully) get some sort of a refund for the wrong tickets, or need to show up tomorrow with the wrong tickets to get them switched (but we don't even know if that's a thing).


Guest services is closed, so no contacting them tonight. Couldn't find anything about the problem on the website or online. If you could point us in the right direction we'd really appreciate it.

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  coasterbill said:
  Stealth1 said:
You said give up and go to Applebees and I said what if you don't like Applebees?


I am supposed to bother trying to look for anything else then?


Unless I'm in a major city I really never expect much after 10pm. You're in middle-of-nowhere, Ohio. A chain restaurant, a diner (if you're in the place that has actual diners and not places that just use the term "Diner" interchangeably with "Restaurant" and aren't open 24 hours), Fast food or a bar that's not running a crappy late-night menu is the best you can really hope for.


Whenever I try to go to Thristy Pony it's closed super early. You could try it but have a backup plan because their hours on Facebook and Tripadvisor don't match the hours that pop up on Google and it seems like they pretty much just close whenever they want.


Dianna's Deli & Restaurant says it's a Deli but it looks like a diner to me. We've never been because it's always slammed after the park closes but it exists.


Honestly there's just not much to pick from...

This is accurate. Sandusky is Lake Erie's Branson, so it shuts down early. I got lucky on my trip there last year and Thirsty Pony was still open after CP's 10PM closing time. They stayed open for about an hour and were pretty full too, not many open tables. But it's a crap shoot; on my previous visit Thirsty Pony closed at the same time as Cedar Point (makes no sense to me, but that's how it is).


Good luck!

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  boldikus said:
  RollerManic said:
I always think about writing trip reports while I visit parks and what all I would write, but I’ve never actually have gotten to it. However, this trip went so incredibly well that I think for once I’m actually going to complete a wordy, multiple-part photo TR for this in a couple days, so look forward to it.


Its no secret I've written tons of reports so at this point it probably seems like old hat but believe me every time its totally daunting before I start and then once its done I swear them off for good. Then I go to a park and take a bunch of photos for the next report that I don't want to write.


Easiest way to just get it done? Go through your photos, pick the ones you want (because trip reports where the posters posts every single stupid picture they took are f*cking dumb) and then just start to tell us the story that goes along with the photos. You don't have to get super in depth like some of us do, just tell us about your day. Helps if you make if funny or otherwise entertaining but after doing a few dozen of them thats the easiest way for me to make it happen.


Same . . but LOL, believe it or not, I edit the heck out of pics before I post. Sometimes only a 3rd of the pics I take make it into a TR


sometimes, there's just a lot you wanna share!


but agree with everything you say, it's always daunting (especially for those of us who sometimes get too detailed). . but go for it RM, love seeing TRs.

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So I took my first trip to cedar point during the past few days. After years of waiting I finally made the trip. Unfortunately my anxiety disorder has been acting up really bad recently and made for me to be rather sick the whole trip so I only got on a few rides and unfortunately had to put Steel Vengeance off til the next trip. Some quick thoughts though. Millennium force is fun, but was a let down for me and I find Intimidator 305 to be way more fun. Magnum on the other hand exceeded my expectations. I made sure to ride car 1 row 3 as I've read over the years and it honestly stands as my favorite hyper now even though my thighs are a bit bruised. Hopefully I'll be back and feeling better in a couple months for steel vengeance.

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