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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Hi All,


I'm planning to go to Cedar Point this May (after our first ever visit last year -- such a great park!) and wondering if anyone knows of upcoming ticket deals. I can buy single day tickets online for $40 (and that's how I got them last year). I also realize I missed the President's Day buy-one-get-one-free deal back in February. We'll be going during the week before schools let out, so don't want any of the FastLane stuff. Does Cedar Point ever offer any two day deals or another day for cheap online purchase?


I know there aren't any guarantees -- just wondering if any of you remember anything better than $40/day being offered between now and mid-May in past years. I'm considering the Coaster Combo deal for $65 that includes admission to Cedar Point on one day and King's Island on another, although I'd rather just get two days at Cedar Point! (Maybe the wording on that ticket is off and you can actually choose which of the two parks to attend on each of the two days? -- probably just wishful thinking on my part. )


Thanks for any tips!


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I'm planning to go to Cedar Point this May (after our first ever visit last year -- such a great park!) and wondering if anyone knows of upcoming ticket deals. I can buy single day tickets online for $40 (and that's how I got them last year). I also realize I missed the President's Day buy-one-get-one-free deal back in February. We'll be going during the week before schools let out, so don't want any of the FastLane stuff. Does Cedar Point ever offer any two day deals or another day for cheap online purchase?


I think the $40 ticket on Cedar Point's website is about the lowest you are going to find tickets. Meijer sells Cedar Point tickets, but they are $49.99 each, so no real savings there.


I'm considering the Coaster Combo deal for $65 that includes admission to Cedar Point on one day and King's Island on another, although I'd rather just get two days at Cedar Point! (Maybe the wording on that ticket is off and you can actually choose which of the two parks to attend on each of the two days? -- (probably just wishful thinking on my part.)


If you are thinking about visiting both parks I would suggest doing the $65 ticket to Cedar Point, and Kings Island. Both parks are awesome parks, and $65 for both parks is a good deal. If you're visiting early season before school gets out and you don't need Fast Lane then you could easily do all of Cedar Point in one day, and then do Kings Island the next day.


Also, it's just wishful thinking on your part. . . You can't use the CP/KI ticket for one park twice. It's for each park once.


Good luck on your trip! Hope you have fun!

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When I went on my trip with my 4 friends last year we got the combo tickets and it worked out well. If you are waiting for cheaper tickets the christmas in July sale on July 25 single days are $30. We also bought them for a second day at the point.

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So this may come off as a really stupid question, but in the valravn blog, the project manager said "As is the case with all B&M rides, track piece #84 slid right into place with no issue."


So does he mean that all 100 b&ms that are out there all have 84 track pieces?

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So this may come off as a really stupid question, but in the valravn blog, the project manager said "As is the case with all B&M rides, track piece #84 slid right into place with no issue."


So does he mean that all 100 b&ms that are out there all have 84 track pieces?


Think he means that B&M coasters are essentially perfectly engineered, with 0 post-production obstacles during construction.

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From Screamscape


According to the local news Cedar Point is still keeping one last secret about Valravn under wraps. All we know so far is that it will involve something new and unique in the queue that has never been done at Cedar Point before. The key there may be that is hasn't been done at CP before... not that it isn't something we may have seen at another park elsewhere. However, I am curious about just what it could be that it would be worth teasing about to the local news. Anyone know more?


I'm guessing some sort of pre-show since I can't think of any rides at CP that have had a pre-show before, but I don't really know about some of the rides that are no longer there.

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From Screamscape


According to the local news Cedar Point is still keeping one last secret about Valravn under wraps. All we know so far is that it will involve something new and unique in the queue that has never been done at Cedar Point before. The key there may be that is hasn't been done at CP before... not that it isn't something we may have seen at another park elsewhere. However, I am curious about just what it could be that it would be worth teasing about to the local news. Anyone know more?


I'm guessing some sort of pre-show since I can't think of any rides at CP that have had a pre-show before, but I don't really know about some of the rides that are no longer there.


This was already posted, and discussed... 4 pages back.




“We’re working on something very special for the queue line that’s never been done at Cedar Point before,” park spokesperson Tony Clark tells WKYC exclusively. “It will make your wait for Valravn a little more entertaining.”
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Bacon > Strippers


I've seen where too many strippers come from, being that their homes are always piles of filth and dirty burnt spoons next to hypodermic needles are always nearby. The magic has been forever ruined for me.


On a side note... Valravn looks decent.

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Bacon > Strippers


I've seen where too many strippers come from, being that their homes are always piles of filth and dirty burnt spoons next to hypodermic needles are always nearby. The magic has been forever ruined for me.


In your line of work I can only imagine!

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