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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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Wonderful, the forecast says rain for the whole week and I'm going back for the first time in 6 years on Thursday. Already bought tickets, fast lane, and booked a hotel too. Rain seems to follow me wherever I go


The forecast says "Chance of a Thunderstorm" all week, not rain. That usually means sunny almost all day with one passing storm during the day, and probably lower crowd levels and shorter lines. Low winds too... looks like great weather to me.


I can only hope. But it's looking worse than just one passing mild storm at this point. Then again it's 5 days out. Weather always worries me when I go on trips, it's a disease

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And Maverick steals the heart of yet another fellow coaster enthusiast. Speaking of hearts and Maverick, I still wish they would have figured out a way to keep the heartline roll.



They had already tried to compensate by launching the coaster pretty much directly into trim brakes. Still, someone's math wasn't very good.

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Wonderful, the forecast says rain for the whole week and I'm going back for the first time in 6 years on Thursday. Already bought tickets, fast lane, and booked a hotel too. Rain seems to follow me wherever I go


The forecast says "Chance of a Thunderstorm" all week, not rain. That usually means sunny almost all day with one passing storm during the day, and probably lower crowd levels and shorter lines. Low winds too... looks like great weather to me.


I can only hope. But it's looking worse than just one passing mild storm at this point. Then again it's 5 days out. Weather always worries me when I go on trips, it's a disease


You can't trust the Sandusky weather at all, since Cedar Point is pretty far away from the main land the the city of Sandusky and the peninsula will get different weather. Like today, weather said 70% chance of rain all day and while we did get one downpour for about 20 minutes the rest of the day has been clear. While looking across the bay we could see rain clouds over the main land.

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so what kind of wind speeds actually shut down rides... like 20+ mph?


I think I've asked an op before, and they said 35+ (or maybe 45) mph at the top of the tower. Which at that height, isn't that uncommon.

Most of the "larger" attractions IE: TTD, Raptor, Windseeker and MF will shut down when winds at the top of the ride hit 25 mph. I believe Sky Ride shuts down in 20 mph winds.
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so what kind of wind speeds actually shut down rides... like 20+ mph?


I think I've asked an op before, and they said 35+ (or maybe 45) mph at the top of the tower. Which at that height, isn't that uncommon.

Most of the "larger" attractions IE: TTD, Raptor, Windseeker and MF will shut down when winds at the top of the ride hit 25 mph. I believe Sky Ride shuts down in 20 mph winds.


Interesting. But at those heights, wouldn't those kinds of wind speeds be very common?

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In all honesty despite the park's windy location, it's generally only Windseeker and the Sky Ride that go down for wind all that often. If any other rides go down it's usually Gatekeeper, Raptor and Dragster for a portion of the day but to see them down for a full day due to wind is very rare.


If it's windy enough they close basically ever coaster with a few exceptions (I don't know if they ever close Rougarou, Maverick, Corkscrew or Iron Dragon for wind) but those days are few and far between.

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I know I've said this before but my life will be complete when they put up Gatekeeper and when one week later enthusiasts are salivating and freaking out over the impending announcement they slap Pipe Scream on the wall and make them wait another week.


This only works if they put Rougarou up for 1996 though which they probably won't.

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I know I've said this before but my life will be complete when they put up Gatekeeper and when one week later enthusiasts are salivating and freaking out over the impending announcement they slap Pipe Scream on the wall and make them wait another week.


This only works if they put Rougarou up for 1996 though which they probably won't.

^LOL My thoughts exactly...

Even better if "Pipe Scream 2.0" is the new announcement, aka adding another Disko to that portion of the park.

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In all seriousness, however, if Cedar Point intends to continue to add one per week, you can expect an announcement (or an announcement about an announcement) on the sign on or around August 11 if Pipe Scream is not counted as a coaster, and on or around August 18 if it is.


Did anyone ever say there would be an announcement at the end? Did I miss something or is this just a speculation?

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I think it's logical and reasonable to assume the "end" of the sign will pertain to an announcement. Otherwise, why wait and build anticipation over the following additions to the sign for nothing?


...also, the sign does say "this legacy will continue here at the roller coaster capital of the world." Meaning, "in this inconspicuous, fenced off construction zone that we refuse to say why we removed/relocated multiple rides for no apparent reason at all."

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It looks like the last two coasters will be added mid July and Cedar Point usually announces new additions in August or September. I think the sign added after the last two coasters will be a teaser with an announcement date.

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Did anyone ever say there would be an announcement at the end? Did I miss something or is this just a speculation?


I remember reading that there would be an announcement in August. And then this timeline appeared and it looks like they'll do this leading up to an announcement, which would make sense if they're announcing a new coaster.


^^ Did that link actually work at one time? What did it have?

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