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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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I just booked my first trip to Cedar Point for Monday, May 20!

I'm debating whether or not to buy Fast Lane.

I don't mind spending the extra cash, but I figured since its a Monday early in the season it might not be necessary.


I need some expert advice! Thanks!



No you won't need it at all. All local schools are still in session. It'll be pretty dead most of the day.

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I just booked my first trip to Cedar Point for Monday, May 20!

I'm debating whether or not to buy Fast Lane.

I don't mind spending the extra cash, but I figured since its a Monday early in the season it might not be necessary.


I need some expert advice! Thanks!



If you're looking for someone to hang with, hit me up! I'm free the 20th and have a plat pass

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^Sounds like you go every year a big coaster is added! Maverick in '07 and now GateKeeper in '13. Good luck on Memorial Day, though. I'm sure it will be crowded.


But, it looks like the concrete around the entrance and station are being poured. It's looking more and more complete as the days go on.

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^I know, I'm sure it will be pretty crowded. Anyone ever gone on memorial day?

But like i said, i will be there for a couple days, so i should get to everything and yes its a coincidence the 2 times i went, its when the new coaster opens

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^ The holiday itself is usually not too crowded it is more so that Saturday and Sunday that see the crowds (I used to go every year but haven't been in a few so things may have shifted slightly).


While we are talking crowds at the park one of my favorite tips for those who can only go on weekends... Sundays in June (with exception of Father's Day) are some of the best days to go during the busy summer season. People have graduations parties and most of the the big Detroit auto plants don't go on their 1-2 week shutdowns until after the 4th leaving the Sundays to be on the lighter side (compared to other weekends later in the summer).

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^^ Thursday afternoon around 4pm, there was something happening (hard to see) on the turn out of the station before the lift hill. It almost looked like a train, with people around it. I couldn't zoom the image to see more. It then advanced to the base of the hill behind the station so I couldn't see more.


I'm sure testing is getting close!!!

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This is a great podcast interview of Matt Ouimet. A lot of information of his background at Disney and what he plans to do with Cedar Fair and Cedar Point.


One key thing that stuck out for me was that they are looking into a dark ride with three companies right now. It will probably be slated for Cedar Point first, if it happens, and will extend into the other parks. And if you listen to the interview, they go into Cedar Fair and Cedar Point development around 20:00.

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^ If the dark ride gig is rumored to happen and spread across the chain, with CP slated to be the first park in the chain to get it, I wouldn't think it's far off to say Knott's would be after CP in the chain receiving the dark ride, considering all the rumors and what not floating around.

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I would bet that the past few days they have been testing clearance around the station and brake run to make sure proxys/breaks/harness release switches/etc.. are all in the right place and won't get ripped out by the train when they start full circuits. It's easier to do that with 2 cars. I also bet the people were the mechanics pushing the cars along the track, and managers as well..

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It there was indeed a train on the turn to the lift, one of 2 things may have happened.


1.All the people were there to push the train back into the station, (not likely due to the down hill grade from the station to the lift.)

2.They cycled said train to get it back to the service area.

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It there was indeed a train on the turn to the lift, one of 2 things may have happened.


1.All the people were there to push the train back into the station, (not likely due to the down hill grade from the station to the lift.)

2.They cycled said train to get it back to the service area.

It wasn't a train, it was only 2 cars. If it was at the lift, they pushed it back.

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